There is a voice, it can let people look forward to a lifetime in the heart, this is the voice of first love.

Although Chu's first love was dedicated as early as in high school, it was the owner of the voice that really haunted him. He didn't have to look up at the door to know that this person was the Qin Dynasty. He didn't hesitate to leave the Qin Dynasty that chaimurong was looking for. Only her voice can make him dial the deepest chord in his heart.

The girl is so beautiful, but she looks too proud. After Zhou Shuhan looked at the door, he took his eyes back. Now, there is only chuyang in her heart, and this is the only one who stands up to protect her when she is threatened.

Why is she here? The tone of her voice seemed to be along with the two officers. Chu Yang turns around slowly, pressing the huge excitement in his heart. Look at the door.

At the door stood a girl. The hairstyle is shorter than Qier's short hair, which brings a kind of feminine beauty including masculinity. It looks like Chunge, but it's ten thousand times more salubrious than her. White face, because there is a pair of bright eyes full of pride. So that people ignore her straight nose, straight mouth. The towering chest and slim body are wrapped by a sky blue shirt on the upper body and a grass green trousers on the lower body, which exudes incomparable charm.

Especially when she looks at people with her arms and chin, it's easy to think of a legendary character: Princess.

She is more beautiful than seven years ago, but why is she so proud? Yeah. She should be proud. Who made her the Qin Dynasty. Staring at the Qin Dynasty, Chu Yang felt that his voice was dry. He raised his hand to say hello to her, but he didn't have the strength to raise his hand.

"Chuyang, what's the matter with you?" Although the Qin Dynasty was beautiful, Zhou Shuhan didn't care about it. She was just a little flustered when she saw that Chu Yang seemed to be suddenly stunned.

"Oh, nothing." After swallowing and spitting, Chu Yang looked away at the eyes of the Qin Dynasty and bowed his head to smile at Zhou Shuhan: "this woman is probably the leader of these two soldiers."

"Well, no wonder Ma Jian went to a disrespectful family. It turns out that even her leader is so beautiful."

"Ha ha, in fact, you are not inferior to her at all. She just has the masculine beauty developed in the army." I fainted. I didn't expect that my dream lover would appear in this situation. God, do you want to play with me? Chu Yang felt sad and patted Zhou Shuhan on the shoulder. Then he broke her arm and thought about how to "reminisce" with the Qin Dynasty

When Chu Yang and Zhou Shuhan whispered to each other, the tall officer had whispered the story to the Qin Dynasty.

oh How could Xue Zihao be slapped like this? The Qin Dynasty looked up at Chu Yang, who was looking at her, and suddenly sneered, "did you hit Xue Zihao?"

Why don't you say, "are you chuyang?" After hearing what the Qin Dynasty asked him, Chu Yang was so disappointed that he didn't know what to say.

Well, now you know fear? But don't be afraid, I'm here! Chu Yang didn't answer the question of Qin Dynasty in time. Fanjing mistook him for knowing that he was afraid, so he took a step forward and said, "are you the leader of these two major comrades?"

"This is the mayor of Jinan City." Seeing Fan Jing's appearance, the tall major whispered a word, which was an introduction to the Qin Dynasty.

"What happened to the mayor?" Qin Dynasty glanced at Fan Jing lightly, and didn't answer her question just now. He just frowned and said to Xue Zihao who was sitting on the ground, "Xue Zihao, you stand up for me. You are slapped like this. It's a shame for the guard group!"

"Yes, I lost face with the guards." Until now, the roaring Xue Zihao was not in his mind. His voice was hoarse. With the help of the tall officer, he staggered to his feet. Under the gaze of the Qin Dynasty, he did not dare to reach out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, so he let the blood drip on his military uniform.

"Let me ask again, did you hit Xue Zihao?" After a cold glance at Xue Zihao, the Qin Dynasty took a few steps toward Chu Yang, still holding his arm, and his posture was cool and frightening.

Jinan City is the capital city of Qilu province. The mayor of Jinan City is a deputy provincial cadre himself. If he puts on official airs, he is quite qualified. But Fanjing didn't expect that she took the initiative to talk to this cool and indescribable beauty. She was ignored!

It's said that the sedan chair carries people, especially in officialdom and shopping malls. Even if the background of this beautiful woman has something to do with her, she shouldn't be so proud after knowing that Fan Jing is the mayor

Therefore, all the quiet fire also came up, without waiting for Chu Yang to answer the Qin Dynasty, she also took a step forward. Also holding his arm, he said, "this beaten major is your subordinate?"

"Not bad." Qin Dynasty didn't ignore Fan Jing this time and nodded to reply.

"Hum," fan jingleng snorted. She was not an official 25 years ago. He was stirred up by the Qin Dynasty: "no wonder he dares to tease good women in broad daylight. It turns out that it is because of such a defiant leader as you."

"What did you say?" Qin Dynasty obviously a Leng, Dai Mei frown: "you say Xue Zihao molesting good family women?"

"Didn't your other subordinate just tell you?"

"I didn't ask just now. You wait. I'll ask." The Qin Dynasty was stunned. He turned to ask the tall officer named Qiu Qingxiu, "Qiu Qingxiu, what's the matter?"

"Just now, just now..." Qiu Qingxiu looked at Xue Zihao with some embarrassment: brother, I will tell the truth to Princess Qin, if I help you to keep it from you again. She got angry and had to skin me.

"Well, why don't you have the face to say that? Let me speak for you Fan jingleng snorted, using her tongue tempered in the officialdom, intentionally took a few words about Ma Jian. However, Xue Zihao deliberately enlarged her desire to insult Zhou Shuhan, which provoked her daughter's boyfriend to anger him and made him do it. After a detailed account, she finally said, "this is the way things are, leading comrade. I don't know if this major should be punished according to the commandments of the army? "

"Oh, so it is." The Qin Dynasty nodded and asked Xue Zihao, "is she right?"

"Yes, it is. But it's exaggeration. I only wanted to scare the girl in anger, but I never really wanted to insult her, let alone meet her. " Xue Zihao was not only hot on his face, but also blushed at his neck. In his capacity as an elite guard. However, he was mistakenly regarded as a frivolous woman in the local area, and his mouth was bleeding. He really didn't have the face to mix with the army in the future.

"In any case, you did it wrong." The Qin Dynasty said faintly: "Xue Zihao, as for how to deal with it after returning to the army, it's a matter of the future. Now? You immediately apologize to that girl and ask her to forgive you. "

"Yes Xue Zihao agreed in a loud voice, wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth with his backhand, strode to Zhou Shuhan and bowed deeply: "girl, I was wrong just now, please forgive me!"

Wrong is wrong, right is right. Soldiers are not ambiguous in principle, and they are worthy of being part of the garrison guard regiment. Xue Zihao bowed to his daughter without frowning. In my heart, I began to praise others for their high quality. I winked at my daughter: quick, accept his apology. It's almost over.

After getting the mother's hint, Zhou Shuhan stretched out his hand timidly and made an unimportant gesture: "it's OK. I don't blame you. It's just a misunderstanding. "

"Thank you." After saying thanks again, Xue Zihao straightened up, turned and walked to the back of the Qin Dynasty, and stood side by side with Qiu Qingxiu.

"Comrade mayor. I don't know if you are satisfied with how I deal with Xue Zihao's insulting this girl? " The Qin Dynasty asked Fan Jing.

"Satisfied, satisfied. If you know what's wrong, you'll be able to correct it. The consciousness of the soldiers is still very high." When Fan Jing talks, he brings out his official voice.

"Just be satisfied." The Qin Dynasty took a look at the horse sword, which was a little relieved at this time. Slightly turned his head: "Qiu Qingxiu, you two take away the person who is not polite to my little sister, and the one who beat me."

what? Fan Jing was stunned: "comrade, the matter has been dealt with. Why do you want to take people away? And take two. "

"Your business is finished, but my business needs an explanation." Qin Dynasty pointed to the sword: "this person in the hotel hall in the insult my younger sister, they should be taken away." Then he pointed to Chu Yang, who also understood the incident at this time: "this man started to fight my soldiers, so he should take them away."

"Aunt fan..." Ma Jian didn't expect to poke such a big hornet's nest today. If he had known that, he would not have taken advantage of other people's identity just because they were beautiful.

Now seeing that people didn't intend to let him go, he quickly asked Fan Jing for help again.

Xue Zihao, who had been smoked because of him, had already itched his teeth. As soon as the voice of the Qin Dynasty came down, he came over and took him by the collar and dragged him out.

Take me away, as long as I can see you. Whether it is to take me to the ends of the earth, I will not frown. Chu Yang and Ma Jian have different mentality. When Qiu Qingxiu comes to "invite" him to leave, he is not afraid, but secretly happy in his heart.

"You have to come with me, sir." In addition to their own elders and leaders. Qiu Qingxiu has never been so polite when talking to people.

Just now, when Chu Yang slapped Xue Zihao, he could see clearly beside him, and even made a comparison secretly: if he was replaced by Xue Zihao, he would still be whipped like that by Chu Yang!

Therefore, when Qiu Qingxiu was ordered by the Qin Dynasty to "take away" Chu Yang, he spoke politely and was ready to start.

"Good." However, to Qiu Qingxiu's surprise, Chu Yang seemed very obedient. Not only did not have a little meaning of resistance, but also between the eyebrows with some "cheap" joy. This made him start to wonder: is he playing any conspiracy?

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