Looking at the boy's embarrassment, he must have been working as a soldier with those two soldiers and put on a stinking airs. That's why he was beaten. Chuyang pretends not to know Ma Jianxing, who is sitting on the ground in a mess, and turns around.

"Auntie fan, these soldiers beat people. Ouch, it's killing me." After Ma Jian was mixed up by Fan Jing, he pointed to the two people at the door and cried, "if you have seed, don't go!"

"Go?" At this time, the two young men in military uniform came in. One of them looked at Fan Jing with a sneer and said, "don't worry. If you don't break your leg today, you ask us to go, we won't go."

It's strange. How do cattle people like to break other people's legs now? Chai Murong is such a person. Now the two soldiers who jumped out of the army say the same thing... But you don't have to be as brave as Chai Murong. They say that whoever breaks his leg will break his leg. That's all you have to say. Chuyang disdained smile, and lit a cigarette.

"Don't talk about it yet." Fanjing saw that Ma Jian regarded her as a support, shook his head and took a step forward. Looking up and down at the two men in uniform who came in, they frowned and said, "two major, don't you know that officers in active service are not allowed to wear military uniforms in such occasions? Can't we fight against the common people as soldiers? "

"Hum, we..." the shorter major on the left just wanted to say something, but he was stopped by his companion: "sorry. Who is calling, please

"I'm the mayor of Jinan City. Are you from the local army?" After pondering for a while, Fan Jing thinks it's better to say his position.

"Oh, so you are the mayor of Jinan City." The major didn't look surprised just because Fan Jing was the mayor. Instead, he said, "Comrade mayor, we're not from the local army. We're from the Jinghua garrison. One of our leaders was eating in this hotel when her companion was insulted by this man. After we got the news outside, we came in wearing military uniform... Comrade mayor, what's the relationship between him and you? "

"What? Are you from the Jinghua garrison? " After listening to the history of the two soldiers in the newspaper, Fanjing was surprised.

Grass, Ma Jian, Ma Jian, your life is so good! Fan Jing is surprised, but Chu Yang is more happy, looking at the horse sword humming on the ground: Yo Yo, look at you again crazy, think I'm the vice mayor can walk horizontally? Did you have a hard problem? Well, how did I learn to gloat? Sin, sin, Amitabha.

The garrison guard regiment is the military organization of Huaxia, which is responsible for the guard and garrison of the capital. It is an absolute regular army.

Although this unit is subordinate to the Jinghua military region, which is one of the seven major military regions in China, the garrison regiment is directly under the command of the Central Military Commission and is not restricted by the Jinghua military region at all.

Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, the garrison guard regiment is the most mysterious force in the Chinese army. They are directly responsible for the security of the Party Central Committee.

In fact, today's Jinghua garrison guard regiment is actually the imperial army of the Forbidden City, the most powerful gathering place of special forces in China. There are a lot of outstanding people who come from here.

Although the rank of the garrison guard regiment is the same as that of the ordinary troops, their officers will be three grades higher when they go to other armies or places. This is similar to the third grade official of the ancient prime minister's porter. There's no way. Who is the closest person to the Chinese Center?

Now, Ma Jian, the second generation of officials who thought that he was swaying around in Southern Hebei Province, has offended the people of the garrison guard group, and seems to be insulting some leader of others. Even if Fanjing's family has some energy in China, she can't be careless.

"Ma Jian. What's going on? " When he heard that he was a soldier of the garrison guard regiment, Fanjing's mayor immediately withdrew his airs and gave him a wink when he turned to ask Ma Jian, which means that he's a big motherfucker. Our girls are not in the same level as others. If you really offend others, you'd better pretend to be crazy and say something wrong, So as not to cause unnecessary trouble for your father!

Although the horse sword is an embroidered pillow, it is not the kind of goods with bare stomach, otherwise Fanjing would not want to marry his daughter to him. At this time, after hearing that they were kicking others with big feet, they became flustered. In addition, seeing Fan Jing winking at him, he quickly said with an aggrieved face: "I, I just played a little joke with that girl. Who knows she is so quiet."

(it's a local dialect in Southern Hebei, which means you don't know how to joke.) Should not be joking, but to see people beautiful, take out your little airs, frivolous people, the result let people around to kick. After hearing Ma Jian say so. Chuyang curled his mouth.

Chu Yang thought so in his heart. In fact, Fan Jing thought so in his heart. She wanted to ignore it, but because of Vice Mayor Ma's face, she had to turn to the two officers and smile: "ha ha, comrade. My nephew also said that he just wanted to play a joke with your leaders. In fact, he didn't have any other ideas. If not, I'll let him give it to your... "

"How to speak?" Without waiting for Fan Jing to finish, the short officer interrupted her with a sneer: "hum. Do you Jinan people like to stretch out your hands and feet to lesbians when they are joking?

If that's true... "He looked up at Zhou Shuhan, who was standing beside him. Suddenly he stepped over and reached for her chest.

"Ah Zhou Shuhan didn't expect that. The man suddenly reached out to himself when he was talking, and immediately backed away with a scream.

In fact, the short officer didn't really want to touch Zhou Shuhan. He was just angry after hearing Fan Jing's intercession for Ma Jian. Simply use body movements to explain how Ma Jian joked with his female leader just now.

But Zhou Shuhan didn't know his real intention, so he screamed immediately.

"Presumptuous!" Fanjing saw that this man dared to tease his daughter in full view of the public. No matter what guard group he was, he immediately yelled in front of her: "go and find your leader for me!"

"What do you want from my leader? I'm just joking with her... "The short major just said that. All of a sudden, he felt that someone had grabbed his left shoulder.

Since the short major can be one of the most powerful forces in China, besides his background, his own ability is also very good. Now after being caught on the shoulder, he is almost subconscious, and his left shoulder sinks down. The body half turns to lift the right hand to push out. But as soon as his right hand was pushed out, he heard "pa!" in his ear A crisp sound, and then the body hit several turns in situ, and then squatted on the ground, there are blood stains on the corner of the mouth.

"Ah This time it was a scream. It's the short guy.

Fan Jing, Zhou Shuhan and Ma Jian may not know the strength of a short officer, but this tall major officer knows his strength very well. At this time, seeing that he didn't have time to resist, he was slapped and bleeding by the young man sitting there, and was stunned there. How can Xue Zihao be slapped like this?

After the short officer squatted on the ground, everyone's eyes looked at the creator, Chu Yang. The tall officer was incredulous. Fan Jing and Ma Jian were surprised. Only Zhou Shuhan was frightened with joy.

Seeing Chu Yang chasing a thief on the street and being hit by Ferrari, Zhou Shuhan had nothing to do with it. He thought that he was a man who could do two things.

Chuyang, with a cigarette in his mouth, shook his hand as if nothing had happened. He looked askance at the short officer with white eyes sitting on the ground and said, "what's the son of a guard regiment? I'll come out later. Don't wear this uniform again. Don't say you are a soldier, or you will lose face to the Chinese soldiers! "

If that short soldier doesn't provoke Zhou Shuhan, even if he beats Ma Jian to be disabled, Chu Yang won't do it without money.

Strictly speaking, Chu Yang is not willing to have any relationship with Zhou Shuhan. But when he saw that someone was guarding him and insulting her, a kind of anger that his relatives were insulted made him abandon all his worries in an instant. He got up and pulled over the short officer. Raising his hand was a hard slap in the face.

"Chu, Chu Yang. You, you beat the guards. " Seeing that Chu Yang slapped the short officer, Fan Jing was grateful to him, but also worried about him: what should I do? Should I call my father and uncle immediately?

When people of the Jinghua garrison guard regiment are beaten up in the local area, their influence is by no means settled by paying for a table to explain a misunderstanding. It's about the face of some groups. Money doesn't play a big role in this group, only power: if your relationship is harder than the one you offend, you'll beat it up for nothing. On the contrary, you have to wait for bad luck. Those imperial guards in history have never suffered from this kind of unclear loss, even if they did something wrong!

"If he offends Tangtang again, I'll break his neck." He glanced at the officer who was being whipped. Chu Yang didn't care. After a sneer, he reached out and took Zhou Shuhan's hand and said faintly, "sugar, don't be afraid. I'm here. No one dares to move your finger."

"Chuyang." See Chu Yang for himself. Even after the officers of the garrison guard regiment who were afraid of her mother were all smoked, the image of Chu Yang in Zhou Shuhan's heart was magnified several times by her, and the unhappiness between the two disappeared immediately, a huge sense of happiness and security. In an instant, as Chu Yang holds her hand, he floats from the bottom of his heart and naturally takes his arm. He looks happy and sweet.

After all, Tangtang has fallen down again... But it's not important, it's important how to deal with the current affairs. Fan silently looked at his daughter and took a deep breath. As soon as he wanted to say something, he heard a very arrogant, beautiful and surprised female voice at the door: "Xue Zihao, what's the matter with you?"

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