<Infinite Dendrogram>

Episode 49 VS “Immortality” Igoronac Middle Edition

■ [Assault Gunner] Large

On the night of my transfer to the Empire several days later, I was walking through the lent workshop of the Triangle of Wisdom.

There is no particular reason to walk. I just couldn't sleep.

After the accident we had, we spent time in the dark, day and night.

Because of this, sometimes I don't feel like sleeping at night.

The anxiety of never waking up again can cause a sickle neck.

Little... sometimes my sister does, but she usually rolls into me or Hikaru's place.

But I can't do the same with my brother.

Smoking anywhere is the best thing to do at this time.


Sometimes I think that I can smoke.

In this world... it seems that in games alcohol and tobacco refer to the laws of the real-world country.

That's why we spent so much time asleep when we could smoke.

They haven't noticed, and Hikaru hasn't noticed... at least eight years. Or more.

With us sleeping like that, it may be difficult to wake up in reality after this.

Then we will have to make this game a reality and live.

At least we have everything we need here.... I also have friends.

Honestly, I don't want to participate in this Tri Flags thing.

We've had enough. If you try to get more, you can even see that the risk outweighs the risk.

However, the situation becomes worse depending on how the other person turns it down.

That's why Hikaru had to take it.

And if Hikaru received it, there is no difference.

I'm sure we're alive right now...

"... hmm?

I noticed a light in the corner of the lighted workshop.

When I got closer, I didn't want to work there... no, it was Melo.

"What's the matter, Melo? We're all supposed to do the maintenance on the Red Crystal tomorrow, right?

"Ah, Grandpa."

Be careful not to make me feel the dark things I've been thinking about, and I'll talk to Melo.

As I approached, I realized that Melo's work was not about [red crystal].

"Is this... [muffled]? You've made enough already.

[Igoronac IX type].

A plane that becomes the main unit of Igoronac in the “Immortal” to operate in combination with Hikaru's magic, Vito's remote control, and Mero's Repair Grant.

We already have quite a few of them, including spares. There shouldn't be any more to make.

"Uh-huh. That's why this is... a little different."

…… ... oh, definitely not. This guy..... "

Observing and understanding.

The fuselage in front of me is almost identical in appearance to IX , but the contents are different.

This is....

"Manned aircraft (...)... powered suit."

[Marshall]... the same mechanical armor used in the Empire as its first generation.

"Uh-huh. I thought I'd make it for you...."

"Ha ha ha, hello. From our combat style, there's no place to use it, right?


When I say that and laugh, she shuts up a little bit... and returns the answer.

"What if Hikaru can't move?


"If Hikaru isn't here, or if it's too painful and helpless....."

She looked me straight in the eye....

"Grandma... you can't stay here like that... either, can you?


I don't have a word to return.

I would do that, and so would my best friend, whose name was given to me.

If they and the young ones are in trouble compared to us, and if they can't fight the way they used to, Vito and I will try to do something about it ourselves.

That's why I'm taking combat jobs.

Even if we're relying on Hikaru, we can protect them.

That's... what Melo knew.

"That's why I'm making these kids for you. I think it's safer than jumping out alive."

"... I see."

Just as we tried to protect them, so did Mero.

I knew we were friends... I wouldn't say anything... but I thought we were strong.

"Can I help you?

"... um... I'm sleepy, so I want to drink coffee."

"Ok, I'm going to brew a delicious guy."

So, the night I couldn't sleep... became the night I didn't want to sleep with my friends.

And then the war started.

Melo disappeared.

We are... fighting with her legacy.

◆ ◇ ◆

□ ■ Northwest Kingdom of Alter · Forest

Luke and his crew, Igoronac the “Immortal” has launched an operation to intercept the Death Period.

Eliminate the target, Kasumi, and possibly Luke, the enemy.

Vito and Large were in charge of the first phase of the simultaneous shooting operation.

Vito himself and Igoronac who moves his body simultaneously.

And Large volunteered herself that she couldn't do anything even if she was in the [Red Crystal] because the [Embryo] was unusable.

They continue to carry out simultaneous sniping from three points with two [mounted type] and Igoronac that they move.

(... it's been a long time, but I feel scarier than before)

Large sweats cold in the Attachment Type IX .

Recently, Gorin's Bazooka landed a short distance from his plane.

Whatever the repairable fuselage was, he would have been dusty inside.

Rather, the bones are stiff even with the detonation pressure at a distance.

Still, the aircraft did not let go of the rifle it had acquired, and continued shooting at Death Period while changing its position.

(Can you handle three simultaneous hypersonic snipers without dropping one? I knew they were bad guys.)

With his tongue wrapped around his heart, Large continued to pull the iron.

(... well, if it's not bad, then so are we.)

Large will be somewhere in this forest remembering Vito's tricks.

He is now shooting in his power suit while also shooting in his mind manipulation by Igoronak.

Normally, Igoronac is moving past Mitsu-chi's Mokmokuren, and now he is moving in his own vision.

It is a separation of physical and remotely operated sniping, but "it is far easier to do without random blur in the vision" is the valve of the person. Large said to himself, "Did my best friend become a psychic while he was asleep? I couldn't help but think. '

"I can't hear you, Vito, Large."

A communication device mounted on the aircraft conveys Hikaru's voice.

I want you to keep shooting and keep suppressing the enemy's vigilance. But don't push it. If the opponent comes after you, leave immediately. If you strip one or two of them of their vigilance, that's enough. "

Roger that.

"Roger... but it's Hikaru. Can't you use him?

Both of them followed Hikaru's instructions, but Vito asked with a mixed voice.

He... is the duel weapon they lent to the King, [Beldrion F].

Insufficient magic filling. As it stands, it won't move for 60 seconds. If we stop, the defense mechanism (Delvaster) will disappear and be destroyed. "

I'll be able to kill you in a minute......!

"... that's impossible, Vito."

One hand that will definitely break Death Period, even if you keep shooting.

Vito was irritated not to use it, but Large was embarrassed.

"There's a super killer over there. If we're on the lookout, he'll disappear from this world for up to 60 seconds. With less than 60 seconds of operation, we'll definitely miss it."

Information conveyed by the Emperor in the meaning of [shadow of the shadow], "Consumption".

Because of that, Large and Hikaru understood that their last cards could not be used here now.


With the sound of biting my teeth, I can't communicate with Vito.

The reason for his frustration is still Melo.

(Vito's frustration with herself for failing to protect Melo may not disappear until she takes down the [Demon King] of her enemies. Just....)

I don't know if my heart clears when I have a vengeance.

But now that I don't know what else to do... Large understands.

"... Large"

"Oh, I know. I'll help you. Besides, this time, Vito knows that the target is the worst."

"Please, this is... about a minute."

In this way, communication with Hikaru can be cut off.

Then, we connect the communication from Large. The opponent is a cockpit from underground... [Red Crystal].

"Mitch. What's going on inside that enclosure?

The contents of the inquiry were enclosed inside the [Balloon Golem Troops].

We don't know where the interior of the enclosure is, even if we're shooting at a target.

Even though I missed the whole thing in the first place, I didn't hit the target or anyone else.

Unknown. My eyes are closed. So now I'm checking out the outside of the enclosure. "

"Open your eyes?

Maybe you're getting ready for something in that state.


If you're not a target, you're a magical user of land attributes. It is also a type that can activate multiple magic in parallel with Embryo. Perhaps you can combine magic by yourself. I don't think I'm closing my eyes because my vision has nothing to do with chanting. "

Combination Magic.

Exercised by [Sage] 's apprentices on the former Kremyl defense line, he demonstrated enough power to restrain [Gloria].

If you can perform that level of magic on your own, and you're still a terrestrial class wizard...

…… You're pulling [Red Crystal (Rose)] out of the ground!?

It's possible. So if you can shoot me, I want you to shoot me from the other side. "

Suddenly, the aim of Death Period was clear.

He hides the Kasumi, which he perceived to be his target, inside the defense team of his members and Summon Monsters.

But Kasumi herself is also the guardian of Fujino.

[Red Crystal] lurking in the basement... and the one responsible for dragging the small to the ground...

"Leave it to me, I won't let you do it!

I'll leave it to you. Ah, and from the small.... "


The communication destination switches, and the sister, Small, goes out to the communication.


"Oniichan... good luck...!

The small voice was trembling.

She knows she is the target of the enemy.

That's why I was scared, but I believed in my brother and his friends.

But at the same time, I was worried about sending them out to the danger zone.

I remember the loss of Melo, which hasn't happened yet, and I wonder if it will happen again...

"Oh, don't worry. We will win, we will protect, and all three will return safely."

That's why Large responded forcefully to wipe out her anxiety.

The end result is...

◇ ◆

"Um, except for us, there are two V's down there... on the ground... two VI's and one V's... away and one VII's."

"What is the position of VII?

Further north, I guess... Around the hill. "

"I see. Thank you, Kasumi."

Luke, do you know anything...?

"The other person's hands are generally..."

Luke, in a short report from Kasumi, figured out Igoronak's “immortal” movements.

The information Tykioks gave us is the current location of the enemy, Embryo.

(Total for 6 people. But Taikyokus also searches the < Embryo > machine and counts. If that remote control was a sub, there would still be five of them. Or does anyone have that ring? Either way, this battlefield still has no enemies other than Igoronak.)

Or someone like Marie and Gabela, who specializes in covert abilities, but if someone like that is helping, someone should have been dropped at the moment.

(There are two powered suits with contents, and one is remotely operated. What bothers me is....)

While thinking, Luke slams the incoming bullet with Liz.

(Now, all three snipers were in different directions from the north. There have been no attacks from you. In other words, while holding us back with a sniper, Super is aiming for something....)

And then Luke knew something... the most likely means of attacking himself.


Luke remained silent for a moment and hit the ground at his feet several times with his toes.

Then talk to the people who are guarding the enclosure together.

"Mr. Marie."

"Yes, yes, what is it, Luke?

To Marie, who responded in the usual way,


--Luke just said one word, that's all.

"... you're going to be mean.

"Worst of all, I'll turn around and destroy them all. Take control of the plane and crush it."

Lyokay! Let's go for a bit then

That's how Marie disappeared - a sniper shot through a hole in her defense shortly afterwards.

One of the four remaining Balunds was shot through, and the other three.

Inside the exposed and glimpsed enclosure, a total of eight (...) magic teams were spinning around Fuji-non.

These movements were perfectly interlocked and only seemed to prepare Mitsu-chi's speculation for the combined magic.

Barnes closed the enclosure with three bodies, but the bullets were fired at them unattended.

I played it with Liz and Io.

(... I put more emphasis on firing than moving with a sniper. After Marie disappeared, and seeing that this setup was close to working, I guess I took safety precautions to crush it. Well....)


Luke wrestles [Jewel] and adds his own.

Marilyn, I know you're tired, but I was wondering if you could help me with the wall.


Marilyn nods forcefully in the shape of a dragon and turns to the defense to fill Marie's chipped hole.

(Marilyn, who is not a dependant, does not have the skill to play bullets. We have to take it from the crust and endure it. Given the power of the opponent's bullets, the number of bullets required to defeat Marilyn is high. Inevitably, the shooter who rushes the match is not Marilyn, but me and Io who can be defeated with a few shots)

Marilyn is not a meat wall, but a wall to limit radiation.

As shown, the bullets concentrated on the two, but were easier to play than covering a remote location.

(Which one is faster... my theory)

In response to the fierce sniper, Luke calmly...

(--If it stays this way, it's definitely the other way)

--I calmly considered the possibility of their defeat.

◆ ◇


A small hill about a kilometre north of the forest.

Now Hikaru, the leader of Igoronac, the Immortal, lay there alone.

There is no one but her around, and a little light like fluorescent is flying around her.

On her right hand is a firearm.

But the sole lying face down is not a sniper gun.

It's like a pistol anyway, and it's an old substitute.

But unlike the Earth's pistol... it's sparking blue phosphorus from its barrel.


Hikaru remains silent and sends magic into the firearm.

The magic poured into the balloon to breathe is enormous.

The barrel is screaming and cracking.

However, the Mark on the barrel - Mero's Paranoia Skill is activated and repaired.

Repeat that and accumulate magic in firearms - magical firearms that are not normally used.

If you pull the trigger, you will be fired according to the magic you injected... no, the magic artillery will be fired.

Its power is enough firepower to blow up a castle.

Luke was right to speculate that it should be more powerful to hit the energy than to rely on the minions' tactics of war.

Hikaru and the others were aiming for this magic shelling from the beginning.

It is not expected that the opponent who has lost the means of flight will descend to the ground.

Instead of scattering to cope with simultaneous sniping, it is also expected to consolidate the protection.

Destroy the gathering with magic shelling.

You may survive with Brooch , but on the contrary Brooch will crush.

Above all, I will be able to wipe out some of the nasty [Demon King] 's men with this shelling.

Already powerful enough.

All you have to do is inject more magic so that the bullet reaches far beyond the range of the gun.

(That lace also has an absorption rate in the MP drain)

The relative Igoronak stopped functioning immediately, but not all of his magic was eaten in an instant.

First, the power of Steel Crack was weakened, then the magic to restore was lost, and it stopped moving.

Hikaru guesses that he is smoking a certain amount in seconds.

(My biggest shelling will wipe it out before it gets hit. Without that Reis, Slime, and the Earth Dragon, [Demon King] 's power will be devastated. It is possible to take down a normal Igoronac)

Hikaru is inferior to Luke in reading, but she has a magic beyond Luke's control.

It was his intention to crush Luke's tactics with that push.

(They say it has a bonus weapon that disrupts chanting and ruptures the magic being chanted, but mine uses magic, but it's not magic. Above all, it will not work at this distance)

At least as a tactic against Luke, I'm not wrong.

If Hikaru had any concerns...

(Problem disappeared....)

When Hikaru thought of a woman - the air around her moved.

The fluorescent light that was flying around her.

It glows like a fireworks, scattering to the skull.

Beyond the flying light,

Gagging, gagging, gagging!

There was a herd of monsters that looked like they had hands on a bullet.

The flying light is a variant approaching Hikaru - intercepting the Arkansas guiding shrapnel and shooting it through.


Without seeing the sight, she was pulling the left pull iron (...).

Another firearm that was held in one hand - a shotgun - instead of the right-hand firearm that was being charged.

Shotguns (shotshells) fired while lying down from a sword-off shotgun sharply bend upwards with light just before being sucked into the ground at the tip of the muzzle.

Then, it merges with the light that preceded it and turns into anti-aircraft fire on imminent bullet creatures.


Arcanshell's bullet creatures were instantly shattered into dust.

"... how's it going?

Hikaru stood up from a lying position, spinning the sword off shotgun with one hand, and loading the next round with a spin cock.

Then I pulled the trigger again without even targeting it.

The light emitted from the muzzle is not in the air, but jumps into the woods near the hill.

As if the bullet itself understood that there were enemies (...) to be targeted there.


Someone in the woods gets shot and screams the Terminator.

She looks like a woman in a black suit and sunglasses.

She disappeared into the dust of light....

--At the same time, Marie, who had become a double, canceled the "Nociception" and was thinning from behind.

Double diversion of bullet organisms and shadow counterparts.

Unperceptible "Nociception".

It was close to a special in Marie's PK tactics.

--Flying to Marie immediately after the appearance of the scattered bomb of light that still remained around Hikaru.

It was a complete surprise.

In fact, Hikaru himself is unaware of Marie's signs.

However, every grain of shrapnel attacked Marie as if she had the will.


I aggressively scatter scattered Alcan shells to act as a wall to protect myself.

They were almost offsetting, but an escaped grain was buried on Marie's shoulder.


"... there. The boulder goes by the name Super Killer. It's like I didn't notice."

Hikaru was slightly surprised when the bullet he had fired hit him.

However, I didn't see Marie behind it.

I'm still looking down at Luke and the others a kilometer away.

"... there's obviously something wrong with the trajectory, and there's a lot I want to say about shooting shotguns while sleeping..."

Hikaru doesn't look at Marie.

The magic loading of the right-hand firearm continued, and the shotgun of the left hand was not pointed at Marie.

"What do you mean, you're better at detecting bullets than yourself?

But Marie knows.

At this moment, I think I'm locked on to the other party.

"You don't have to look. If you pull the trigger, you will fly as you wish and cut your life."

Turn your back on Marie.

"Magic bullets are like that."

Hikaru told her the answer (...).

"... uh, I'm going to ask you a few questions... what's your name and job (occupation)?

While remembering her inner, unpleasant feeling of danger as a firearm tip, Marie asks as often as she can.

Hikaru has no frustration with Marie, no sense of crisis.

Rather, it was relieved.

Oh, my concern came to us.

Now you're no longer in danger of your friends being killed.

--Because I can beat this PK myself.

"I'm Hikaru. The job is...."

Hikaru said.

That's because her job is her death sentence.

The shrapnel she fires is exactly what she says... inside if she wishes.

Whether you hide or disappear, you will always win in the end.

Yes, she is...

"― Magic Bullet King King of Illegal Valets

--The King of Magic Bullets, who can't escape from anything.

To be continued

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