<Infinite Dendrogram>

Episode 50 [Shadow] VS [Magic Bullet King] Part 1

□ ■ Northwest Alter Kingdom

Hikaru pulls the shotgun while turning his back on Marie.

Turn the shotgun twice or three times. Pull the trigger immediately after loading without targeting.

The scattered shells, which jumped one after the other from the gunpoint pointed in the direction of the day after tomorrow, flew with Marie's eyes lit.

A scattered bomb that looks like a high-performance missile.

Marie, who entered the speed of supersonic manoeuvres, was able to see it fly... but at the same time she understood that she was exceeding the number she could handle.

(Wow... How did Ray feel back then?

When I used to PK Ray, Marie used an alkane shell with scattered bullets, but when I turned to the side of my experience, I pulled it out with a plain thought.

Still, the body is already moving.

Full retreat. And the shotgun was fired by the scattered bomb Alcan Shell.

If we approach Hikaru, he will be turned into a beehive by a barrage first.

It is difficult to make mistakes in Marie who does not have Dead Soldier or Ding Soldier . It is suspicious that if a large number of scattered bullets are killed before that, a decent part will remain at the point of lethal damage.

Or a defense like Beasley might have been different, but Marie didn't. Rather, her durability is not high compared to that of a senior position.

(Isn't that the worst compatibility...!

Always stagnate shrapnel around and shoot enemies approaching.

Search further and attack with an untold number.

It gains ambush skills and is extremely effective against Marie, the paper armor.

(How do you track that scattered bullet?! When I ambushed you, even if I cut off "Consumption", I used "Hidden Shapes" to come after you! If it's a sign search, you can do it!? Or optics or sound!? The bullet will have no eyes, no ears, no nose!

Marie tempered the opponent without understanding her ambush.

Real girlfriend has been painting these irrational battle conditions for years, battle cartoons that attack opponents. It is in a sense an occupational disease to think about and plan countermeasures.

However, I don't have time to prepare a strategy even if I consider it this time.

Once upon a time it was Marie who fought for the worse "kill everyone with bacteria filled with the surrounding area", but this time it was not well prepared or conditioned.

(Should I have flown this time too!? Why don't I buy the dragon myself!?

It was Marie who was desperately leaving in a calm mind, but she noticed.

(... that? There's room for surprise, isn't there?

Hikaru's shrapnel won't reach her for long, even though there shouldn't be time.

But Marie realizes why.

"Ah, range..."

All she could do was move her position a lot.

Hikaru is twice as far away from Marie as Luke is from Hikaru.

The actual time is only a few seconds.

But supersonic maneuvers moved Marie about two kilometers in that short time.

"... hmm, that's right. It's a shotgun. And if it could reach this distance, it would be shooting with a sniper."

Unlike the rumored [Magic Cannon King] 's Absolute Hit & Defense Ignore shelling.

Shotguns are merely melee firearms.

(To deduce from the distance where the diversion counterpart was shot... 200 meters around her?

It's three times more effective than a real shotgun, but about that.

But on the contrary, there are hundreds of magic bullets flying in the 200 metel zone.

(Without using shotguns for offense, the gun on your right hand is... uh, Taller's wide-area drain alert, right? If it's the magic wrapped in a scattered bullet, you'll eat it quickly.)

Hikaru does not approach because he was looking at Taller's abilities in the Labyrinth.

Conversely, if Tarler hadn't been here, it could have been wiped out by the shrapnel alone.


Marie is worried.

At least the range is higher than the Arcanshell.

Bullet creatures, including Black Homing, used to shoot through beginners in the Noise Forest.

Definitely a longer range than Hikaru's Magic Bullet.

But it's much worse in strength and numbers.

(If so, would you shoot Daisy? Daisy will still be here, and we can catch her in a 100-meter radius blast zone before she gets killed by a shrapnel.)

Daisy Scarlet from the “Bombing”.

It is a kind of missile-like special bullet and is a character that Marie is a regular user of, including Musical King battles.

Looking at the state of the magical firearms on the right hand, it is certain that Luke and the others are in danger.

Then Marie thought that even if she accepts the disadvantages of a Special Ability - the 24-hour unavailability of the corresponding bullet - she should definitely defeat Hikaru here.

(It's still before the [brooch] is damaged, but we need to destroy that right-hand firearm.)

Worst of all, even if he's no damage, he can only destroy weapons.

Marie, who thought so, deformed Alcan Shell from a six-barrel gun to a large single-shot gun form.

Remove and reload Daisy's Special Bullet from the emblem on your left hand.

" Rainbow Phantom Gun Arcanshell ― Daisy Scarlet of the" Bombing ”!

And Marie fired her own special bullet.


I saw Daisy's eyebrows shot right after the shooting.

In slow-motion sight, Marie looks from Daisy... at the person she was supposed to fly with.

Hikaru is still turning his back.

The pistol that emits the blue light of your right hand is unchanged.

The left hand switched from a chopped shotgun to a gun that was about twice as long.

-What? Rifle (...)?)

If you think about it, it's only natural.

If you don't get it with a shotgun, use another gun.

A rifle bullet that's bigger than a scattered rubble will change the magic it holds... and the range it takes.

Still, Taller might have been able to absorb the magic and disable it...

--Marie and Daisy can't do such tricks.


Daisy Scarlet is an immortal vampire who turns into an explosion in the comic book Into the Shadow.

After being defeated by Marie, the first full-length boss and protagonist, he became a comic strike companion.

And although immortal, there are a lot of things in production that make you a dog by fighting the first person you see, and in that sense, it was a character that the author loved....

"... Dendro (this way)?

Immediately after the author unexpectedly murmured, at the same time as the death of the summoner, he turned his body into an explosion flame and blew away the surroundings.

― ― By author (Marie).

To be continued

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