Pinnacle player

Chapter 241 On the regular plot task

Chapter 241 On the regular plot task

It was because of the guild's trade advantage that within two days after Yun Xiaohan acquired the territory, Lingqiong Pavilion attracted more than 40 merchant players above the first-line level in Xueman City, among which 20 ranked in the top 4.

Because merchant players gain experience based on trade profits, collecting resources, and producing products, high levels often represent their strong profitability, which is more indicative of their strength than the level of combat professional players.

The most intuitive manifestation of the change in people's hearts is: since the acquisition of the territory, no player in Lingqiong Pavilion has chosen to withdraw from the membership, and the daily membership applications have increased by more than 5-10 times. The management's pick eyes were dazzled.

Now the total number of players in Lingqiong Pavilion is 858, including 63 merchant players.

It can be seen from this that what can truly unite the hearts of the guild has never been some fake and beautiful words, nor is it an idealized future prospect, but real benefits.

Players are real people, not mentally handicapped or marionettes, they have their own interests and personal goals.Only when the basic interest demands are met first can we talk about the friendship among guild members.

It's like in reality, if you don't have enough food, don't wear warm clothes, sleep on the street, and want to talk about love, it's completely hopeless.

The current situation between Lingqiong Pavilion members and the guild is like a couple. They have been in love for a few months, and they feel that they are not bad. The woman suddenly finds out that the man has opened a big factory and is still spending a lot of money on equipment, building villas, and earning a lot of money. Big money and a comfortable life are just around the corner, and the woman's little thoughts are gone, only the thoughts of getting along with the man and preparing to get married are left.

Some members were seduced by other kinds of temptations and their agitated mentality suddenly settled down, while other players who were already satisfied with the Lingqiong Pavilion began to have a preliminary sense of belonging to the guild, and the uneducated master was one of the latter.


Because Yun Xiaohan's personal plot line has undergone tremendous changes, and the plots of other Snowman City players are quite different, but an online game cannot completely revolve around one player after all, even if Yun Xiaohan's love for Mei The plot trends in the area around Di Lihai already have a high proportion of influence, but the plot tasks of other players still affect the plot trends to a certain extent, so we still need to explain it a little bit.

Time goes back to two days ago, which is January 1th.

The uneducated master received plot tasks after he went online. What he received were regular plot tasks, and he needed to meet Xueman City Lord, not Liya.

Although the targets are different, the mission content is the same, they are all to intercept and kill the envoys sent by the business alliance to the Austrian Law Council, but Yun Xiaohan can make suggestions and change Liya's coping strategy.An uneducated master can only accept the task and complete it, and there is no different choice for advice.

Everyone has three chances for this plot task, until the task is successful, players can choose two ways to do it.

One is a naval battle and the other is a land battle.

Naval battle is to choose to intercept the Cassirer Strait between the Business Alliance and the Offal Parliament. Players can buy large ships and hire high-strength sailors.

In fact, naval battles are mainly about fighting for money. The side with more boats and men is more likely to win. You don’t even need to kill people, just sink the opponent’s boat. Auxiliary career preparation.

The land battle is to wait for the envoy to pass through the Cassirer Strait and land on the territory of the Austrian Parliament before intercepting it. This is a pure player battle, which saves money, but it cannot be completed if the personal PK ability is relatively weak.

You can only choose one of the two interception methods at each opportunity. Once you fail, you need to start again. You cannot conduct a naval battle first and then a land battle in the same interception.

As long as one of the three opportunities succeeds, the plot mission is considered successful, and if all three opportunities fail, the plot mission fails.

This plot task is carried out by three camps at the same time. The Central Empire, the Business Alliance, and the Arcane Council each have a player, and then the players are randomly matched according to their level, title, occupation and the completion of the previous plot, and then enter an independent plot space to complete Quests, generally speaking, players of the same level and occupation are more likely to be matched together. (When one camp has no suitable players to participate in the match, the system will add an NPC with high AI and strength close to the player to participate in the match)

Players on the imperial side intercept the envoys, and the system will teleport them to a closer location according to the player's sea and land options, and give the envoys' action routes.

The business alliance is more difficult. It needs to protect the envoy all the way after the envoy leaves the territory of the business alliance. The envoy does not have attack power, but the blood defense is very high. Even if you stand there and let the player fight, it will take a long time to kill it. .

After being attacked, the envoy will not fight back, but it will not stop. It will only speed up a little and continue to move forward according to the traveling route.

The ship of the envoy is designated by the system, while the player of the business alliance uses his own ship. If the player does not have a ship, he needs to buy a ship.

The envoy's ship is a reinforced one-masted Kirk sailing ship. It costs 1.5 gold to buy it directly with daily currency, but it costs 7.5 gold to buy it with commercial currency. The exchange between commercial currency and daily currency is 15:1. Actually only need 50 silver.

The sloop Kirk can already be regarded as a medium-grade small ship. Its speed is not low and its durability is high, and it can accommodate 15 sailors on board. However, the sailors on the envoy ship are the most trashy sailors. The two lowest-level magic cannons are gone, but correspondingly, the speed and durability of the ship have been improved to a certain extent.

Because the envoys and their ships are rough and fleshy, it is very difficult to kill them forcibly. When the imperial players attack the envoys, the merchant alliance players will not just watch, and will definitely attack the imperial players. Fight back, before the envoy loses much blood, the empire player will die first, so the empire player needs to eliminate the interference of players from other camps before they can output the envoy.

The Arcane Council is responsible for responding to the envoys, but before the envoys or business alliance players are attacked by imperial players, he cannot actively move to the envoys. Only after the interception has occurred, will he receive a system prompt to know the envoy's movement path , before they can move and meet the envoys.

Therefore, although it is a 2v1 situation, the Empire players still have the opportunity to use the time difference to conduct one-on-one.

(End of this chapter)

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