There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3002 was hit, helpless

Chapter 3002 was hit, helpless

After hearing this, Ah Jin also silently kept it in his heart. In today's game, he must make up for his previous injuries.

Yang Gang and Tianba are all gearing up and eager to try!
Who wouldn't want to be on it when it's time to do so?
In the end, Coach Li arranged the tactics for everyone!
Then the starting lineup was confirmed, and as expected, Ah Jin replaced Wang Yingjie and played the starting lineup!
Although Wang Yingjie had been vaccinated in advance, he still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart!
After all, the things that once belonged to me were taken away by others, just because of a small mistake of my own, I am really not reconciled!
Wang Yingjie sat on the bench and watched quietly, waiting for the game to come!
The starting five are Yang Gang, Ah Jin, Tian Ba, and two centers!

One of these two centers is Liu Tiezhu and the other is Wang Dacheng!
The technology is first-class, and the physical fitness is also the best in the team!

There is one referee from each team. Director Jiang and their assistant coach are former teammates. The referee also knows this relationship, so the law enforcement is also fair and just!
With the whistle of the referee, the game began!

It was Ah Jin and the opponent's No. [-] player who jumped the ball!

Ah Jin was three centimeters shorter than the other party in height, and his muscles were also a little smaller.

When everyone thought that the jump ball belonged to the opponent, Ah Jin unexpectedly called the ball back to Liu Tiezhu, the center of his team. At this time, Yang Gang saw that his team got the player and ran to the team quickly. Under the basket, without looking back!

Liu Tiezhu is very powerful. After receiving the ball, he saw Yang Gang and immediately made a fast break. He passed the ball over his shoulder without any hesitation, just like soaking in rugby.Go straight to the basket, the man arrives and the ball arrives.

When Yang Gang received the ball, it was a three-step layup!
This two-point score is simply neat!
The opponents were dumbfounded.

A little numb, is this the youth team?

Who's that guy at the jump ball?Bounce so fast?
The jump ball player of our senior team is above this young man in terms of height and strength, how could he be taken away by them so easily!

Underestimated the enemy!
The assistant coach of the adult team saw at a glance that Ah Jin's physical fitness was really extraordinary!
Although the jump balls took off at the same time, Ah Jin dialed them back.

Height does not dominate, the obvious thing is the wingspan!

The talent is commendable and the golf quotient is first-class!
This is the first impression that Ajin left on the assistant coach of the adult team!

This perfect cooperation at the beginning not only surprised the senior team, but also surprised Director Jiang.

Director Jiang thought to himself: "Xiao Li, yes, this tactic is ingenious!"

Director Jiang and Director He both thought so, but they didn't know that Ajin and Yang Gang had already discussed it on the bus just now!
The senior team hadn't reacted yet. The No. [-] guard of the senior team was an extremely calm player, and shouted to his team members: "It's okay, the ball we lost will be recovered this round, no! Is it just two points!"

This No. [-] defender is indeed the pinnacle of the court.

This short sentence stabilized the morale of the army, and the players came back to their senses!
No. [-] took the ball and dribbled it steadily to the frontcourt. This person is A Jin's main defense, and A Jin is usually the core player who defends the opponent!

Ah Jin saw an opportunity and wanted to go up to steal it. As soon as Ah Jin stretched out his hand, he was blocked by the opponent's defender. Then Ah Jin's defense lost his position.

You can't be sloppy at all when fighting against masters, let alone make mistakes. This ball shows that Ajin is inexperienced in the competition!

Perhaps Ah Jin was too excited.

After passing Ajin, he made an emergency stop jumper and the ball hit the net.

This goal finally stabilized the morale of the army.

Coach Li reminded Ajin below: "It's enough to defend the position and don't attack! This is no ordinary opponent, it is the third team of the national name!"

When playing against players of this level, steals are rare. Active steals are generally mistakes, and fouls are relatively common!
After watching the ball, the assistant coach of the senior team said to himself: "The physical fitness is indeed good, but after all, he is a little young, but he is very hardworking. Those who dare to take the initiative to steal it show their inner strength! "

This round it was Ajin's turn to attack, and the opponent used a full-court press!
This moment of urgency caught the attention of Coach Li off the field.

"What kind of operation is this? When you come up, the audience presses hard?? Isn't it too bullying?"

Coach Li said to himself!

Director Jiang really smiled, and said: "This kid is still so ruthless, he doesn't save any face! But it's very good, so my players can improve! Or don't they always feel like a waner! Let's see what it is today There are people beyond the people, and there is a sky beyond the sky!"

This is indeed good for Ajin and the others, and giving them a sense of gap can spur them to progress!
This kind of full-court pressing is a bullying style of play, which is to rely on absolute strength to suppress your offense!
Sometimes you can't even make it past halftime!This is an extremely test of the team's defender's skills!
Yang Gang is also a great test!

Yang Gang is considered strong in the team, but when they compete with the adult team, it is high school students bullying middle school students!

Checking a rank!

Under the pressure of the opponent, the youth team made mistakes again and again, and the defensive intensity was too great!
How can the hit rate be maintained when the movements are deformed?

The problem now is how to break this oh full-court press!
Director Jiang shook his head off the court, signaling Coach Li to call a timeout!
Coach Li quickly called a timeout!

After the players left the field, everyone was downcast.

Ajin didn't say a word, he had never encountered such a strong opponent before, it was simply a dimensionality reduction blow!

Coach Li said a few words briefly.Director Jiang didn't speak after listening!
After all, it is my lover who only knows how to compete.It would be bad if I intervened!
After the players came on the court, this problem still hasn't been perfectly solved. Although it is more effective than before, scoring is still a problem!
The hit rate is still good during training, but now this kind of game, the strength is mainly used for confrontation, and it is a bit sluggish when attacking, and there is no comfortable shot at all!
Director Jiang looked at it and shook his head for practice!
I couldn't find a good solution for a while, the players were sweating profusely on the court, and the opposing senior team played health-preserving basketball like strolling in the courtyard!

Except for an accident at the beginning, they didn't score for nearly 10 minutes after that. Soon the score was opened, and the adult pair led by nearly [-] points!
Coach Li panicked a bit!
Director Jiang stepped forward and called the last timeout of the first half!
(End of this chapter)

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