There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3003 Ah Jin's Extraordinary Performance

Chapter 3003 Ah Jin's Extraordinary Performance
There is such a gap between the youth team and the senior team, but Director Jiang never expected that there would be such a big gap.

The current state also made Director Jiang helpless for a while. Director Jiang called this timeout to let the players rest. The last minute of the first half is over, so this timeout cannot be wasted!

Everyone heard the pause and returned to the rest area, drinking functional drinks. Sports drinks are necessary for this exercise. Sweating is not only a process of drainage, but more importantly, there is some explanation in the sweat. It is precisely this functional drink that supplements It's the electrolyte.

The players are dressed roughly on the bench, after all, this level of competition is very confrontational.

Originally, we suffered a physical disadvantage, coupled with the intense muscle collision, everyone was also very tired!
After a short rest, everyone's physical strength has also been effectively relieved.

Director Jiang said: "Basically, the game is halfway through now, and everyone has basically adapted to the intensity of the game. Now there is 1 minute left in the first half of the game. What we do in this 1 minute is to attack. We will take shots when we have the opportunity. Don't hesitate, we are all men, we must take responsibility and dare to act."

Director Jiang also summed up some disadvantages of the first half. The players are now in a state of vicious circle control. The more they shrink back and the more afraid of physical confrontation, the more they will suffer!

It's better to give it a go and take the initiative to find confrontation!
Director Jiang went on to say: "Everyone must not shrink back when there is a physical confrontation, and must stick forward. This is easy to cause the opponent's foul, which is beneficial to us!"

Then Director Jiang said some morale-boosting words. Now Director Jiang realizes that the biggest problem facing the team is the confidence of the players. Whoever can stand up now can greatly boost morale.The players quickly built up their confidence.

After thinking about this level, Director Jiang arranged a wonderful tactic. This tactic can only be used once, and it is opportunistic. The main purpose is that if you score this time, everyone will immediately gain momentum. never mind.

After the tactics are arranged, the players are on the field!
The players on the court remained unchanged, and the main offensive points were Ajin, Yang Gang, and Tianba.

The opponent's defensive strategy was still the same as usual, the whole court was pressing, and Director Jiang had already guessed it.

A Jin's analysis of the situation on the field is still very accurate, and his ability to read the game is the strongest in this team, so Director Jiang asked A Jin and Yang Gang to cooperate this time to drive the team's offense!
The ball was sent out, and it was directly passed to Tianba. Tianba is in good physical condition and has excellent resistance to confrontation. At least he is not afraid of confrontation.

After receiving the ball, Tianba steadily brought the ball into the frontcourt, always looking for opportunities.

Akin has been running around looking for the best attack point!
Finally, after some cover, Ah Jin found an open space, which was said to be open, but the defensive strength in this position was relatively weak. Tian Ba ​​also saw this opportunity and directly gave the ball to Ah Jin.

After A Jin received the ball, he was ready to start a jump shot. The moment A Jin raised the ball over his head, the defenders jumped up without hesitation. A Jin saw the timing and took off to shoot. In that sentence, take the initiative to find the body to fight.

So Ajin deliberately put a stick on the defender, hesitantly the opponent took off, this is a technical cheating foul, the referee blew the whistle without hesitation!
Ah Jin's main purpose was to make a foul, but what he didn't expect was that the ball spun a few times on the hoop, and went in with a whimper.

The referee immediately gave a gesture, two points are valid, and one penalty is added.

The substitute players of the youth team all stood up from the bench and cheered for A Jin. Director Jiang also showed a long-lost smile. Although the score difference was more than ten points, the ball was played with style and momentum.

Ah Jin gave the players a reassurance.

The two coaches also applauded and celebrated for Ajin.

The scout sitting on the side was playing with his mobile phone, and he didn't care to watch the previous game. He was peeing all the time. He didn't expect this ball to be such a big sensation.

Director Jiang said to the assistant coach beside him: "The turning point is here!"

The scout put down his phone and looked up at the time. There were dozens of seconds left. The scout guessed that this boy was about to make two plus one.

Ah Jin calmly stood on the free throw line.

Usually, when Ah Jin made free throws, he took three shots, but this time it was different, Ah Jin took four shots.

This time it really worked, the ball went into the net hollow.

The attack was successful with a three-pointer.

The audience off the court also gave out applause, and even the opponent's audience applauded without hesitation.

The time difference A Jin played was really perfect, and he successfully attracted the attention of the scouts. Even the opponent's coach said: "This young man dares to fight hard, isn't it good!"

Ah Jin's autumn wind is a tough type, and he will never be soft when it is time to make a move!
After the ball was scored, Ajin did not rush to defend. Taking advantage of the opponent's inattention, when the ball was served, Ajin came forward and directly threw a football goalkeeper.

Ah Jin saw the timing very accurately, and this pounce move was beyond Jiang's expectations. This is not a routine basketball move at all.This surprise also makes the opponent a little confused, because most of the time, this steal does not exist!
It's just that Ah Jin doesn't stick to this routine action.

A Jin fell to the ground after the steal, his feet were firmly on the ground, and he walked as soon as he left the ground as an example!

Tianba is also very alert. Tianba realizes that if the ball is approached to meet, it is easy to cause a mistake. Because he is facing the adult team that is taller than himself, Tianba uses his index finger to give a gesture, and Ah Jin immediately complies. up!

Tianba flew directly to the basket without hesitation. When Tianba's hands just passed the basket, Ajin's ball had already passed.

These series of changes are all in the blink of an eye.

Tianba and Ajin used to be rivals, but as teammates, they really have such a tacit understanding, it is really a match made in heaven!

Tianba grabbed the basketball and slammed the ball into the hoop!
Immediately, the audience erupted!

This ball is so exciting!
It took an alley-oop over the senior team, what courage and skill it takes!
Coupled with two super talents and tacit understanding, this ball can be selected as the top ten balls of the year!

Without the previous psychological obstacles, these two people are also relaxed!

Director Jiang couldn't help saying after watching it: "This ball is really thoughtful! It's really beautiful!"

(End of this chapter)

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