There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3004 2 teams play and win the game

Chapter 3004 The second team played and won the game

After the goal was scored, the point difference has been reduced to [-] points. This is hopeful.

The last attack in the second half was from the senior team. The senior team is also very experienced and the rhythm is very good. When preparing for this attack, there is no time for the opponent!

But now the balance seems to have tilted towards the youth team!

It is because of Ajin's two attacks and assists!
Have the confidence you deserve!

The last ball was defended hard by Ah Jin, but the offensive player still got interference and the ball didn't go in!
During the intermission, Director Jiang said: "Our last moment is the youth team I know. Our state has recovered, Ajin and Tianba's state has recovered, and we must take the ball in the second half. Try to be with the two of them and let them both attack!"

All the team members nodded again and again!

On the senior team side, the coach said to the players below: "We didn't defend well for those two goals in the first half! They have a youth team, so don't be afraid and play boldly. We still have a big challenge The advantage, everyone should make a move!"

The adult team also gave the players a meal of comfort!
It's a bit sentimental to underestimate the enemy, but the youth team dare not relax at all!

Director Jiang walked to Ah Jin's side, and what Ah Jin needed most at this time was affirmation and encouragement.

Director Jiang said: "The last two goals are really great. You have aroused the enthusiasm of the players. If you have a chance in the second half, you will attack yourself. If there is no chance, the first is to find Tianba, and the second is to find us. The No. [-] shooter in the team. His three-pointers are very accurate. If there is space, you must send the ball into your hands, understand? Our main goal is to win!"

Ajin nodded, and understood exactly what the coach meant!
During the intermission, the players sat together to discuss tactics, how to use the pick-and-roll, how to attack, and even who will defend when they lose their position during defense.

The coaches see that the players are full of confidence and have self-confidence!
At the beginning of the second half, Ah Jin and the teammates of the youth team were really fearless. First, they got used to the intensity of the game, and second, they had a rival in love. In addition, the collective misfire of the senior team made them lose their accuracy. !
The point difference in the game was quickly narrowed, and with Ajin and Tianba's successive successes, the No. [-] shooter also received two consecutive three-pointers in the open!
There are still five points left in the game!

The coach of the adult team was a little anxious and immediately called a timeout!

Director Jiang here is very happy to see that the players feel hot and dare to fight, just as he predicted at the beginning. A Jin's attack brought confidence to the players. Time to stand up!
Director Jiang has infinite longing for this young man!
At this time, the general manager of the team also came!

After everyone saw it, they all nodded to the general manager. The general manager asked Director Jiang: "Director Jiang, is it not bad now? There are only five points left in the score! Is it still worth watching! We have made progress!"

Director Jiang said: "This is all the hard work of the team members, I just use my mouth!"

What Director Jiang said was indeed very modest. Although he didn't do much, Director Jiang was the commander-in-chief!

The correct tactical and strategic approach can bring hope to victory!
On the side of the senior team, the assistant coach of the team is a little panicked at this moment. After all, the opponent is just some youngsters. If his team loses and the pass is passed, he will also face the risk of getting out of class!
So the assistant coach of the adult team called out his second team players!
Because they dare not take risks anymore, the players of the three teams are already demoralized!It can only be the second team with a higher level.

The assistant coach said to the teammates of the senior team: "This time you are replaced, and you have seen it in the first half. What is the situation like for us? After you go up, you have only one goal! Remember? Refuse to be fancy, if anyone makes a mistake, I will punish you!"

This second team is equivalent to the substitute players of the national name, and its level can be said to be the top in the country!
They are among the ten best players!
Both in terms of experience and technology, they are quite mature, and they have experienced too much in the competition!

And some of them are the stars of the following clubs!

This amount can be imagined!

Not to mention anything else, the center alone is 130 meters tall, and weighs [-] kilograms. At this level, he is a giant under the basket, and he can succeed by turning around casually!

Needless to say, the striker and the guard, the striker's three-pointer is quite reliable, and the shooting guard is also extremely stable!
After the timeout ended, all the members of the youth team saw them go up and down, Director Jiang smiled: "This kid really disregarded the brotherhood back then, he didn't give him a chance, and he was still ahead by five points, so let's go!" Second team!"

Both of them know that the game changes in an instant, and sometimes a small climax can get ten points.

This cannot be ignored, and the players of the third team have no touch, so the second team went directly!
The two coaches glanced at each other and both laughed, but for different reasons!

Director Jiang was a little too small, but the assistant coach over there smiled disdainfully!
Because now is not the time to take into account personal feelings, Director Jiang can also understand that no one wants to lose their jobs. As the assistant coach of the adult team, this mistake cannot be afforded!

Sure enough, after the players of the second team came up, it worked immediately. Basically, they entered the state of the game without warming up. There was nothing else, because the difference in strength was still relatively large.

Less than 10 minutes after the second team came up, the score quickly expanded to fifteen points.

Now there are 5 minutes left in the game, Ah Jin and Tianba have already played very well!
Each has five or six points in the account.

The two of them are also the most active in normal games!
The scouts also included the two of them in the scope of investigation, and planned to investigate further to see if they could enter the senior team.

The next step is to conduct a one-month training observation to see how their games are in training.

The scout walked up to Director Jiang and shook hands. Director Jiang also knew the intention of the other party's visit and said, "I'm two good players, right?"

The scout pointed to Ah Jin and said, "How old is that young man?"

Director Jiang said: "Sixteen!"

The scout nodded and said, "You're not old, your skills are good, and your awareness is quite good!" Then he pointed to Tianba and said, "How old is that young man in his twenties?"

Director Jiang said: "21! The technology is mature!"

The scout didn't say much, and asked for the address.

This game was also won by the adult team without any suspense.

(End of this chapter)

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