There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3053 The Arrival of Mortals

Chapter 3053 Extraordinary Arrival of Mortals
(This article is a side story!)
I was born in an ordinary worker's family in the 80s, and I don't know when the term "post-[-]s" came into being. I think it started with our generation of post-[-]s!
And I happened to catch up with the last batch of post-[-]s.

There are many magical colors about my birth. It is said that when my mother was pregnant with me, I was a girl, because my aunt was the kind of person who could see things (possessed by a yellow fairy), because the family They both wanted a boy, so I went to my aunt and asked him to figure it out.

My aunt wrote a talisman for my mother, then burned the talisman, and then asked my mother to drink the ashes. After drinking the talisman, a girl was turned into a boy for me!

At that time, few people did prenatal checkups, and B-ultrasound was also heard of!Therefore, according to the current scientific level, the statement at that time is unreliable, at least there is no scientific basis!

I still want to say a few words about my aunt. In my memory when I was young, my aunt lived on a small hillside, and her family was very dilapidated!
Before going out on the horse, Dou Da didn't know a single word. After going out on the horse, he could even write overnight!It's that amazing.

My aunt is my grandfather's younger sister, that is, my grandfather's younger sister.

I can't remember exactly what my aunt looked like, she belonged to that kind of skinny and skinny look.It is said that it was possessed by Huang Daxian, so the talisman written for my mother was written by Huang Daxian!

Because my aunt often reads people's affairs and always reveals the secrets, she lost her life span and passed away in her fifties!

I have never believed the statement that I was a girl before I was born, because after all, I have received nine years of compulsory education, and my academic performance is still good!

I know that when I was in high school, a neighbor of my grandfather's house was an old man. When he was free, he would run into my grandfather's house and smoke cigarettes. In winter, my grandfather's house is still much warmer than the neighbor's house. Yes, the winter in the Northeast is quite cold, and people are generally reluctant to burn coal.Twenty degrees below zero is common during the day, and it is even more than thirty degrees below zero at night.

In my impression, the condition of my grandfather's family is relatively well-off, because my uncle is a small cadre of a state-owned enterprise.

Our city is called "Coal City", and my grandfather's family lived in a surrounding area of ​​Coal City at that time, not yet in the suburbs, nor in the urban area.

That neighbor often came to chat with my grandpa, and my grandpa jokingly called him "Xu Dabaihua." He respected my grandpa very much, and called my grandpa one by one.

Xu Dabaihua claimed that he had seen Qimen Dunjia himself. By chance, I went to my grandfather’s house and saw Xu Dabaihua. My first impression of this person was that he was unreliable!

Because I can speak vernacular too well, I seem to understand everything about astronomy and geography!
When I asked him, he looked like he had graduated from junior high school, and he probably hadn't graduated yet!

I was considered a high school student at the time, so I half-believed everything he said.

After I saw him, I still politely called out: "Mr. Xu is good!"

After Xu Dabaihua saw me, he probably felt that we were destined for each other, so he told me a little more!
Since my education is higher than his, I always refute what he says, and sometimes I deliberately challenge him, and sometimes what I say is really reasonable.

Maybe it’s because he doesn’t like me as a high school student, and he always wanted to teach me some real talents, so he said to me: “Nephew, I can read palms!”

I laughed at that time, and I thought to myself: This is a fucking braggart, what else can you do?If you knew how to read palmistry, you would have gone out to set up a stall to make money early, and you are still smoking here?

I smiled and said nothing, he took my hand, looked at it and said: "Boy, you were not a boy before, you were a little girl when your mother was pregnant with you, your ancestors accumulated virtue, I lent you a handle!"

At that time, I was a little confused. Can Xu Da vernacular really know how to read palms? What is the relationship with my aunt?I found out later that it has nothing to do with it.

When I asked him something about my future, he kept silent!

He didn't say anything, and he didn't know if he was afraid of losing his life, or he wouldn't do it at all, anyway, he didn't say anything, he just said that he had read the book Qimen Dunjia!

Later I asked my grandpa what was going on, and my grandpa couldn't explain it clearly, that is to say, he was somewhat educated, and it wasn't all nonsense!

Because most people in my grandfather's time were illiterate, and they couldn't even write their own names. My grandfather also went to a private school for a few days, and knew some simple things like cows, horses, sheep, heaven, earth, and people. I also know my own name, but my grandma doesn't know a single word.

There is another thing I want to say about when I was born, that is, when my mother gave birth to me, my grandpa was watching TV at home that day, waiting for the good news from the family. I was the first one to report to my grandpa. Sanniang.

Sanniang: "Dad, calligraphy and painting are born, it's a girl!"

At that time my grandfather already had three grandchildren.

My uncle's family has two sons, and my third uncle's family is also a son. When it comes to my father, of course my grandfather still likes to be a grandson. He is full of joy and is waiting to see another grandson. My third mother said that, I Grandpa's face changed with just one swipe, from sunny to cloudy in an instant.
I didn't say a word, even watched TV and didn't respond!
My third mother saw that the momentum was wrong, and she couldn't joke with the old man like that, so she said with a smile on her face, "Dad, I'm teasing you, you're a kid, he's so good!"

When my grandfather heard that the Coke was broken, he didn't care which sentence was the truth and which sentence was a joke, so he got off the kang and said, "When will the calligraphy and painting come back? I'll go and do it." Let's go, freshly cut pork!" It seems that it has been prepared long ago.

People in my grandfather's era loved grandchildren, and it turned out that among the four grandchildren, my grandfather also liked me the most, and he bought me everything I wanted.

The first thing I want to talk about is my grandfather. My grandfather has a great influence on me. My outlook on life is given by my grandfather.

Since I was born, I have been inseparable from my grandfather until I was eight years old, and I was raised by my grandfather.

I live in the same yard with my parents and my grandparents, two tile-roofed houses!
This house was built by my uncle when my father got married. I don’t know exactly what happened, but it must have been built by my uncle’s ability. Since we are the first household in the east of this house, we are There was a deviation at the head of the house. (The Bichazi is a small one-room house connected next to the main house.)
(End of this chapter)

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