There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3054 My grandparents

Chapter 3054 My grandparents
My grandpa is a typical Mediterranean. Since I can remember, my grandpa has never had hair, bald, and the kind that shaves his face every time he goes to a haircut.

I once asked my grandpa why he didn't grow his hair. My grandpa said: "It's gone in the middle, and it's useless to keep it on the sides! It doesn't look good on the contrary, it's better to save trouble like this!"

When I was young, I used to kick my grandpa's head like a ball, and my grandpa wasn't angry either!For a person of that age, isn't it a kind of happiness to enjoy such family happiness?
My grandpa was about 61 when I was born, the same age as my grandma.

My grandpa's typical oval face, the most representative is the splayed eyebrows hanging on the red face, always smiling!My aunt said, your grandfather has never blushed with anyone in his life, but when he was playing chess, he would not give in to anyone.

When couples in the neighborhood quarreled, they always asked my grandfather to make peace and break up the housework.Neighbors who need help also turn to my grandpa. For example, if the salary is not paid this month, the money will not be enough. If I can’t make it, I will come to my grandpa to borrow a 35 yuan, and wait for the capital to be raised. Give it back to my grandpa.

As for why my grandpa is so enthusiastic, I also asked my grandpa when I was growing up, and my grandpa replied: life is not easy for ordinary people, every family has difficulties, just help each other and it will be over. People borrow money to spend.

This is my grandfather's answer.

Simple and philosophical: When I am in trouble, people have helped me, and in turn, when others need help, I should lend a helping hand.

This may be my grandfather's idea. Once I clearly remember that an old lady from the neighbor came to my house to look for my grandfather. After seeing my grandfather, she smiled and said, "Brother Guo, do you have any extra window frames?"

Although I was young at the time, I also knew that whose window frames were redundant?
But my grandpa did say, "If you need the one on the barn window, you can take it off!"

At that time, my grandmother immediately objected. The reason was: If our family really has extra, you can give it to others. Since our family also uses it, why should we unload our own and give it to others?

Later, the neighbor saw that my grandma was very angry, so he left in despair. Later, my grandpa and grandma had a quarrel because of this matter!

Now that I have grown up and think about this incident, maybe I can really put myself in the shoes of my grandpa. There must be a reason for him to do this. People in that era helped each other to live. Who is in trouble? , They all help each other. If there is any big job at home, (building a fence, resting a yard, etc.) there is never any need to spend money to hire people, but to find a few relatives and friends to help!But food is in charge of food and wine.

It's not like now, living in the same building, even if you meet each other, you don't say a word, and you even have to be wary of the other party's evil intentions!

My grandma is relatively rational. My grandma passed away a few days before my senior high school entrance examination, so my impression of my grandma is only in junior high school.

In my impression, my grandma is the kind of rational housewife who is more ingenious and ingenious. The padded jacket and cotton shoes I wore since I was a child are all made of cotton by my grandma, and there are new clothes to wear every year during the Chinese New Year. , all made by my grandma!

The happiest thing when I was young was the Chinese New Year. There are delicious and easy-to-wear clothes for the Chinese New Year. Once the new year is over, my grandma will start steaming steamed buns. There are all kinds of steamed buns, Hanamaki, and steamed buns with dates, sugar triangles, Lots and lots, fried meat, fried noodles.

It takes more than a month to make clothes, insoles, and cotton gloves for the children.

My grandma also has fairy bones. Unlike my aunt, my grandma didn't choose to go out on the horse until she died, because she said that after she went out, the offspring must have a successor, and my grandma died of myocardial infarction.

He was 78 years old.

This age was in line with the average life expectancy at that time.

I also have a lot of memories about my grandma. She has a big heart, a fat body, and a very rich appearance. At first glance, she looks like the Wang family.

My grandmother gave birth to six children, one of whom was said to have died in infancy, and five remained. My father was the youngest, and there were two older brothers and two older sisters.

About my grandma, I can only remember these few things when I was young. That was when I was not in school. I remember reciting some ancient poem about filial piety.

I asked my grandma at the time: "Grandma, will someone take care of you when you are old? What if your three sons don't take care of you?"

My grandma's answer was firm and straightforward: "If the three sons don't support me, I will destroy their home!" Their generation has experienced the great famine, and it is normal for children to starve to death.

In my impression, the relationship between my mother and my grandmother is fairly harmonious, but I don't know how harmonious it is, because I was young and didn't have a deep concept of this kind of relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

My childhood memory is that my grandma often proposed to separate from my mother!
Once let me take a bucket of soybean oil back to live in my own house!Say I'm a stinky son! (At that time, most of the people in the Northeast were Shandong people who went to the Guandong. The Northeast people called the Shandong people Shandong Bangzi, and the Shandong people called the Northeast people the stinky mizi.) That time I knew that things were not simple, and they might have something unpleasant!
I really went back to my house with soybean oil and lived for a while. Since I lived in my grandma’s house, I was not used to the cold bed in my house. After staying for three days, it grew A pimple, until now, I have hemorrhoids when I catch a cold.

At that time, I didn't understand what separation meant. Later, when I grew up, I realized what my grandma meant when I lived on my own.

My mother also often said: "Oh my god, I am young now, you serve me and cook for me. When you are old and can't move, I will take care of you! Serve you!"

Until later when my grandma was hospitalized, my mother and my aunt took turns to serve my grandma at night!

My grandma lived in the hospital for about half a month until the day she left. Later, she had to go home, and she passed away five days after returning home.

When my grandma was driving west, San Niang, who lived in the back row of the neighbor's house, came to our family and said, "My aunt is gone, so I have to wear mourning for my aunt no matter what I say!"

Later, when my grandma went to the funeral, San Niang brought a full filial piety for my grandma.

It is not easy for neighbors to get along with each other like this!It's the first time I've seen him so big.

Grandma and grandpa are really the kind of responsible people who have worked hard all their lives. Their generation came from the war years, and it is not easy to raise five children.

(End of this chapter)

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