Chapter 3055 New One
I have a lot of memories about Xinyi (place name, the bungalow where I lived with my grandfather before I was eight years old.) I have a lot of memories until I grow up many years later, and I can often dream of Xinyi’s memories.It held my whole childhood there.

When I was in Xinyi, my memories were all grandparents, and there were very few parents. First, because I was young at that time, there were few things I could recall. Second, my parents went to work during the day and waited for them. By the time I got back at night, I was basically asleep!
At that time, I thought they were very busy online. Now think about it, how busy can a fifth-tier city or a state-owned enterprise be?But if you are really busy, if you are busy with business, you will not worry about money in everything later.

It's nothing more than drinking and playing mahjong after get off work.

My parents like to play mahjong very much. There is not much pressure in the fifth-tier cities, and there are many friends, so it is normal to love to play!
Since I was a child, my father has a lot of friends, and I only eat one or two dinners at home every week, and spend the rest of the time drinking with friends outside.

There are not many memories about the kindergarten, but I just vaguely remember that the name of the kindergarten I went to was Little Swan, and there were several times when I was sick and didn’t have to go to school!

When I was in the first grade, I was a new school in elementary school, and I only went to the first day of school by myself, and then every day after school at noon and evening, I was by myself!
I have never walked to and from school, I always run all the way to and from school!

When I was in the first grade, my academic performance was very good, and I was No.1 in the class, which can be said to be very good.

When I was in the second grade, and I was eight years old at that time, my parents bought a house in the center of the city and moved with the whole family. The reason was to go to school for me.

The housing prices back then were out of reach for ordinary wage-earners. A house of 1 to 500 square meters cost nearly [-] yuan. At that time, their wages added up to less than [-] yuan a month.

My grandpa bought all the money for milk powder since I was a child. I need four bags of milk powder a month, and each bag costs seven yuan. The milk powder money is nearly 30 yuan a month. The salary at that time was only a few dozen yuan. It's all grandpa's pension.

Later, I accidentally talked about it when I was chatting with my grandfather.

I clearly remember that I transferred to the school first, and then moved home. In the first half year of the transfer, I went to school every morning with the worker’s commuter bus. The commuter bus was a blue liberation. In the cab, people who go to work are standing in the cloak at the back.

Back then, being able to bring a bottle of drink to school was definitely the prettiest boy in the class!
The house in the urban area is only a 3-minute walk from the place where I go to school, which can be said to be very convenient!
After half a year, I moved as a matter of course!

Every Friday after school, I would take the bus back to my grandfather’s house by myself. On Monday morning, I would take the bus to school by myself, and sometimes I would go back in the weekend afternoon. At that time, I was only eight years old. Now, it is hard to imagine what it would be like for an eight or nine-year-old child to ride a bus alone.

There were probably not many human traffickers at that time, and I was a boy, so I should have been more realistic, most of them took the bus by themselves!
Every time I leave school on Friday, my grandpa is waiting for me to go home at the door. I call grandpa when I am far away. Grandpa seems to enjoy the feeling of his grandson coming home at that moment.

My elder brother from Sanbo’s family is two years older than me, sometimes he goes back too, sometimes we make an appointment to go back together, half of the time I go back alone!Occasionally, my mother came to pick me up on weekend afternoons. In my memory, my father rarely went back to my grandpa's house to pick me up.

At that time, it was really true. Every time I went back, my grandfather would take out pocket money for me and let me go to the small shop to buy snacks. In my impression, the pocket money was given by my grandfather, and my parents almost never gave it.

I really live by counting my fingers, looking forward to the arrival of Friday on Monday.

Winter and summer vacations are my happiest time, no matter what my parents do, I just play with my grandpa till the end!Grandpa also gave pocket money.

This kind of life continued until I was in the sixth grade. When I was in the sixth grade, I was sent to live and study at my aunt's house.

My eldest aunt is the dean of a primary school, and she was a homeroom teacher. In order for me to be admitted to a good junior high school, I entrusted this task to my aunt.

There is another child named Huaqing who lives with me at my aunt's house. I clearly remember that his monthly fee is 500 yuan.This money is not small, equivalent to a person's salary.

The first night I went, my mother sent the big color TV at home to my uncle's house. At that time, I spent more than 2000 to buy a panda brand.

That year should have been the fall of [-].


It can be said that the sixth grade was the first turning point in my life, and it was also a year when my personality changed suddenly.

The main reason is that my height soared that year, by twelve centimeters.

Before the sixth grade, I was always a weak person. When others bullied me and beat me, I told the teacher at first, but then the teacher ignored him. 80.00% of the students in the class have been bullied by him.

Especially people like me, who came from the suburbs, are his No. 1 choice for bullying.

Once I remember that he bullied me when school was over at noon. I told my mother, and my mother said: "Why doesn't he bully others? Why does he pick on you to bully? Or is there something wrong with you!"

Later, I didn't tell anyone, just endured silently!The irony is that I have been the sports committee member of the class before the sixth grade, just because I have a loud voice!I yelled to gather, and everyone on the playground could hear it.

At that time, I grew taller without knowing it, and I also fell in love with a game of cat and mouse (chasing each other on the parallel bars on the campus), and I often played with my classmates after class.

That year, my mother gave me a sub-card for a local swimming pool, [-] times!

Every time I go, the waiter punches a hole in it until there are thirty!

Coupled with sports, my physical fitness improved by leaps and bounds that year, and I soon gained muscle mass. I am no longer that weak boy!
I remember it was an ordinary day, that classmate bullied me again in the class, the head teacher went to a meeting, my little universe finally broke out, I didn’t fight with him, but I overturned the front and back three by myself At the table, the classmates around me were all shocked, marveling at my supernatural power, and this time, I knew that I was no longer the kid who was bullied and swallowed his anger.

(End of this chapter)

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