There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3056 Went to junior high school

Chapter 3056 Went to junior high school
That time I got a taste of a winner, the kind of victory that I have won on my own.

With the first time there will be a second or even a third and a fourth time...

As long as someone in the class looks at me with unfriendly eyes, I will definitely fight him to the end. After that, I fought two famous vile battles in the class, and dealt with two boys who are usually pretending to be thieves.

Slowly I became a time bomb in the class, no one dared to mess with me, and I gradually entered the core of power in the class, the class leader sometimes flirted with me, but all of this was exchanged by myself of.

At that time, I understood a truth: only when you are better than others will you earn respect.

It was also the year of the sixth grade. With the ignorant awareness of love, she was the ambiguous object of most boys in the class. It is not an exaggeration to describe her as the girl we chased together in those years.

After gaining strength, it will naturally be a little bit floating. I fought several famous vile battles on campus that year. The most serious one was that I almost blew his head, got stitches, and lost money. The main thing is The weapon is the belt, because that year Jet Li’s Jing Wu Hero was very popular, and I learned it from there.

In the same year, Zhao Benshan’s crutches were also very popular, so that when I saw someone with a slight slope, I led him to limp in front, and after two steps, I ran away!
It can be said that the feeling of suddenly changing from a bronze to a platinum was very refreshing in that year. It was also the year when my personality changed suddenly. Maybe it was because I was bullied too much before!
Later I discovered that being a villain is much more enjoyable than being an honest person. No one wants to provoke a villain, but it is always those honest people who are bullied.

Even if you bully a bad guy, the other party must consider the consequences, but when you bully an honest person, most people don't think about the consequences, and you don't have to worry that the honest person will retaliate. This is human nature!

Once I got rid of a little bully near my aunt's house, and I became famous because he blocked the keyhole of my aunt's house. After I found out, I was very angry.

One day, he was riding a bike, and I was standing right in front of him. When he had no time to stop, I kicked his bike to stop, and then slapped him without saying a word, telling him Don't go to my aunt's house to make trouble in the future, otherwise the consequences will be more serious.

It is said that he hurt his self-esteem very much that time, and went to serve as a soldier, and later came to seek revenge from me.

That year was the year I really grew up.

In the second year, I was successfully admitted to Yinghua Middle School. We were the first batch of students. I also enrolled in the basketball team of Yinghua Middle School and became a member of the basketball team.

The playmates at that time were also my lifelong friends. We parted ways until we went to college. Sometimes we saw each other once every two years, and sometimes we didn’t see each other once every three years.

In middle school, I was both beautiful and rebellious.When I first entered the first grade of junior high school, the head teacher and I had the same family name.

He is a very kind teacher. Our math teacher is the head teacher of Class [-], and I am the sports committee member of Class [-]. The students who fought in the previous few battles were all students from Class [-], and they are also bad boys in the eyes of the teacher. After two fights , The reputation is also very dry, our class teacher resigned from the post of class teacher after a month, maybe the school leader thinks that such a kind teacher can't control us a group of bad guys.

After changing the head teacher, our head teacher is an English teacher who teaches us English. Because I gave up my seat to her on a commuter bus, she had a very good impression of me.

After I became the head teacher, I was directly promoted to be a discipline committee member and a sports committee member. It was really a moment of glory. I was the most favored person in the class!
Later, because my character was too strong, those positions were naturally offending people. I was thinking of resigning from these two positions. After negotiating several times without success, I finally compromised with each other and agreed to my resignation as a disciplinary committee member. It turns out that I am also the best sports committee member in the school. In the three years of junior high school parade competition, I won the best conductor three times in a row.

In the third year, the relationship between me and the class teacher dropped to a freezing point. I was removed from my position a few days before the parade competition and was replaced by someone else. But on the day of the competition, I was still the commander, and I lived up to expectations. Received individual honors and group honors.

The head teacher valued me very much and taught me a lot of truths, but I didn't learn any of them. This thing was not learned, it was brought from the bottom of my heart.

The first year of junior high school was the first time I received a love letter. When I opened the pencil case, I was a little confused!

Are you kidding me?Seriously, I don't know, the love letter was anonymous at the time, I didn't know who it was, when I knew, I was very different, at that time I didn't know how to respect others at all, I just did what I wanted and hurt that girl.

Thinking about it now, I still feel that what I did was too unreasonable.

That girl has delicate features, tall figure and fair skin, but she is not the type I like. At that time, I didn't know what happened, but she just didn't call.

I often hurt people's self-esteem. Now that I think about it, I'm not as good as a scumbag!
Now that I think about it, I really regret it. If there is a chance to meet, I must apologize to others. The last time we met was probably in [-]. A rich second generation in middle school invited us to dinner!

I apologized to her at the time, but I still felt that it was not sincere enough.

That girl's name was An Ran, and she transferred to another school. She was squeezed out by our head teacher in the second year of junior high school. I witnessed the head teacher squeezed out many students in our class, so I didn't feel much gratitude to her.

I remember that I went to her house once when she was about to transfer schools. That time I was going to make up classes and skipped classes.

After I went there, there was no one in her house, she could play the piano, and at that time there was a song called super star.

A girl of many talents.

Later I fell in love with someone, knowing that now I am not sure why I liked her at that time, maybe I just wanted to like someone!Or just don't want to like the person who likes me!

There is also a girl that I am most impressed with, she is definitely at the level of a master, or it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a god of learning.

Every time I finished playing basketball at noon, I was waiting for me off the court, giving me a bottle of water and a piece of fruit, and I was hurt by my youthful ignorance!Really a good girl too!

(End of this chapter)

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