There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3057 Confused Youth

Chapter 3057 Confused Youth

When I was in junior high school, the relationship between my classmates was basically not mixed with anything. Those who were able to play together at that time would still be in touch in the future.

Students with good conditions basically have little pressure in life in the future, and those with poor conditions are basically running around for their lives.

In fact, the fate of many people was already doomed at that time, and the difference in social class basically determines the future fate.

Until now, I have been doubting what kind of person I am.

When I was in school, there was a classmate who was nicknamed "Jiao Wang". King of feet!

Foot King is a typical second-generation official. His father was a leader of a large state-owned enterprise when he was in junior high school. When we went to college, his father was the deputy mayor of a prefecture-level city.

At that time, his family conditions far exceeded ours.

In my impression, my family has always had no money, but I don't know what the truth is. My mother said that the family will always be in debt.

It was the same until later.

I was also rebellious in junior high school. At that time, I was really famous. No one in the school didn’t know me. At that time, my study was also very good. I got full marks in algebra and geometry in one exam. It caused a sensation in the entire mathematics group, and the teachers in the mathematics group were also discussing in private, who and where I made up my lessons.

The teacher who gave me make-up lessons at that time was also very good, and he was able to grasp the key points very well. He reached that height after only two or three make-up lessons.

At that time, I didn’t have a good learning environment. If I had created a good learning environment since I was a child, I would definitely not be at this point now. Apart from other things, I guess I still have no problems with key undergraduates.

I have always had an indifferent attitude about learning. It was okay in middle school, and I was just in a state of ignorance in adolescence. I was only thinking about playing basketball, and I didn't delay my studies.

When I was in junior high school, I had to mention a few friends. One of them was also a rich second generation. He often invited me to dinner after playing basketball and took good care of me.

His name is Xu He. We all wear ordinary basketball shoes when we play basketball, but he always wears high-end sneakers, and each pair cost more than [-] yuan at that time.

There is another named Yang Shu, the three of us have been playing basketball together.

The fastest time my relationship with Xu He sublimated was when the two of us came home from school together. When we were walking home, once he asked me: "How do you usually fight?"

Then I told him how I was, including what my state of mind was like at the time. I remember that time I said: "When you make a move, the blood rushes up immediately! "

I also taught him how to defeat the enemy with one move. Of course, at that time, teenagers were not too ruthless in attacking. Generally speaking, if you are serious about it, the opponent will admit it to a large extent.

On the second day, Xu He really found an opportunity to clean up that kid, and he became honest immediately!
Later, thank me very much.

So we became best friends.

After we got to high school, we basically went our own way, because the circles were different, Yang Shu and I were assigned to the same class, and he was in the same class.

When we were in junior high school, our physical education teacher was Lao Li. He was also a college student who had just graduated from Harbin Institute of Physical Education, majoring in volleyball, but he taught us basketball.

Before the first day of junior high school started, I remember that it was a report, and there were many tall students standing around me. At that time, I was under a lot of pressure.

I feel that the students in this school are all in very good conditions at home. At that time, I grew a lot taller and grew to 1.7 meters. Most of the clothes I wore and even my writing were eliminated by my father.

Now I am thinking, was my family so poor at that time?
Why do other people wear their own clothes, but I have to wear what my dad has weeded out?

Really can't afford it?Certainly not.

Once, I remember my classmate saw me, but I was wearing my dad’s shirt, and jokingly said to me: “I see, why do you miss migrant workers so much?”

That sentence hurt me a lot. I once doubted myself, am I really that old?

I can still remember it to this day.

The clothes I wore basically were like that throughout junior high school.

At a junior high school reunion the year before last, one of my tablemates fed me too much. The reason was that I always bullied her at that time. She forced me to drink. How could I not drink? I was also very guilty. It was all Puberty haunts.

At that time, I was really, there was no reason to bully someone, and I didn't know why I should bully others.

Thinking about it now, I really regret it, maybe it was youth.

When I was young, I always hoped that I could grow up quickly, but when I grew up, I realized that it was the same thing when I was young!

In a blink of an eye, I went to high school. After high school, it was also the four years with the richest experience in my life. Why is it four years, because I went to high school for two years!

The decision to read back in the first year of high school was the decision I regret the most. At that time, there was really no need to read back.

The main reason is that my studies plummeted at that time.

In the second year of high school, I had a physical conflict with our head teacher, and then I changed a class until I was in the second year of college, when I heard the news of the death of our head teacher , I jumped up happily, I don't know why, I just feel that the character of that person is too bad!

At that time, all the students in our class posted a teacher's good status, only I was secretly happy!
That really came from the heart, maybe it was too much hate!

In high school, I met a very important friend, his name is Brother Ben.

As for how important it is?At the time I thought that was pretty important.

Even after we got to college, we kept in touch frequently. When we got to college, we met a girlfriend through my brother.

When I was in high school, I still liked playing basketball, and I definitely had to play for a while after school.

I can't call it an obsession with basketball, but it's definitely a passion.

Because of my personality, I don't like playing online games or billiards. Basketball gives people more direct confrontation.

(End of this chapter)

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