Sore throat

In order to prepare for this singing competition, Zhan Xiaoxuan got up every morning to practice singing. First of all, he practiced breathing. Every morning he jogged for five kilometers and did an aerobic exercise.

Maybe I learned it by myself last night. It was too late and I have been studying the manifesto, and my learning is a bit chaotic.

There are many points in the book that I don’t understand. I have to do them one by one, mark them down, and wait for the time to ask my political teacher for advice. Every time I have a political class, I am the first to go. This political teacher is also very helpful. Thinking, because their classmates skip classes the most. In order to prevent them from skipping classes, the politics teacher tried many ways to make them go to class. For example, if they don’t come once, they will basically fail. So no one will be afraid to come.

I learned too late yesterday, and I didn’t wake up this morning. Every morning, the boss accompanied her to run and practice breathing, because this competition was planned by his boss and planned for Zhan Xiaoxuan to get the ranking, so Seeing that Zheng Xiaozhan Xiaoquan didn't pick it up as usual today, I was a little anxious, so I hurriedly said, why didn't you get up today?Get up quickly, let's go to practice running together, Zhan Xiaoxuan stretched his waist, feeling a little sleepy, so he looked at his watch.

It's only 5:[-], [-] minutes earlier than usual. Human biological clocks are very punctual, and Zhan Xiaoxuan is no exception. The boss said that we still have to practice today. Today you are you The improvement period, although your body is very tired, but we will soon reach our level, as long as you reach that level, your skills will be greatly improved, and it is not impossible for us to get the ranking Yes, even if you can't get a good job in the future, you can go to the art troupe to participate in some competitions.

In fact, the 360 ​​lines are all champions. See if any line is for making a living. As long as you think about it and think clearly, it will be fine. Some parents just blindly ask their children to study hard, and they must go to study in the future. In fact, there are many children who have artistic talents, musical talents, and sports talents in every field. It is possible to become a top person, but parents blindly let them Children learn and think that learning is the only way out. Children cannot get better training, so they lose a lot of talents. It is sometimes unfair to select talents only through learning.

Having said that, he has unfairness, and there is fairness. Many parents have no choice but to do this. My ancestors have worked for generations, and the only way to become prosperous is through learning. But if you think carefully about the generations of others Why should you win them with the hard work of your generation, so it is unfair to say this time.

But Xiaoxuan thought very much. After realizing it, he wanted to be an honest person in the system. It was enough to rely on his own ability to eat, and there was nothing wrong with it, but the people around him, such as the boss, found that Knowing his singing talent, he thinks that he can make some achievements in the field of singing, which depends on his own good fortune.

No one knows exactly how far you can go. If you have a good talent, you should practice a lot. With your talent and celebrities giving pointers, it is possible that you can become a top person in this industry, but in this society you have to It is almost impossible to become a top person in the industry, and it is even more difficult than ascending to the sky, because the hard work of the older generation will not let you young people easily rise to the top like this, besides, there are many places where you still have to be open-minded Those well-known people who study will not easily hand over all their own things to you. Without these, how far can you go to realize it?
After thinking about this problem, Zhan Xiaoxuan said to the boss, then we will not run today, why not take a day off?The boss insisted that this must be persisted. You have persisted for half a month. If you give up today, the previous half month will be wasted, so you still have to persist, right?

Hearing what the boss said, I felt a little embarrassed. If he is a training partner, he can be so positive about himself, so what is there to be embarrassed about?Is there any reason not to get up and work hard, so Zhan Xiaoxuan was very helpless, got up in resentment, and started to take his own things to wash up, the boss said to him, okay, you go wash up first, I will come back and wait for you in a while Said that Zhan Xiaoxuan took his washbasin and went to the bathroom to wash up.

When he came back, he found that his throat was a little uncomfortable, so he said to the boss, why do I feel that my throat is a little uncomfortable today, I didn’t eat anything spicy yesterday, and besides, I don’t drink alcohol. Smokers have always protected their throats very well. How could this problem occur?The boss also noticed that his voice had changed a bit. Could it be that his competitors deliberately framed him in order to prevent him from getting the ranking?This is also hard to say.

The boss said to him, who did you meet yesterday? No one gave you anything. Did you eat it? The bottles of water are all bought from small shops, there is nothing special about it, if there is a problem with the water in the supermarket, then what can we rest assured in the future?
Zhan Xiaoxuan explained, I went to the supermarket yesterday to buy a bottle of water, ah, by the way, suddenly Zhan Xiaoxuan slapped his thigh, wishing that his thigh was swollen from the slap When I was in Beijing, a classmate gave me a pack of spicy strips. I ate it and it was delicious, but after I finished eating, I felt a little uncomfortable in my throat, so I bought a bottle of water. After taking it, I felt that my throat was okay, so I bought two more packs of spicy strips. Do you think I ate too much spicy strips, and I ate too much of this spicy strips, and I really did.

The boss's face turned from red to white in an instant, and he was suddenly so frightened that he couldn't speak. He felt very surprised. Do you think this is something a normal person should do?I'm an adult, and I'm about to participate in the competition. How can I eat so many spicy sticks when I rely on my voice to get the ranking?I really don't understand that the boss is very angry, he wants to say something but he doesn't know what to say, what can he say now, the thing has already happened, so let's not talk about it.

(End of this chapter)

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