There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3338 Seeing a Doctor

Chapter 3338 Seeing a Doctor

Zhan Xiaoxuan may have seen that the boss was a little dissatisfied with eating spicy strips, and he regretted it, so he hurriedly said to the boss, the boss is really sorry, you have been with me for so long , I hope I can get a good name, but now I really lost my current voice because of my own mouth, what do you think I should do?

After all, the major is a professional one. The boss has played vocal music since primary school, and he knows Zhan Xiaoxuan's voice very well. Judging from what he is saying now, he only needs to rest for three days. It is not a serious problem. He also appeared before In a similar situation, I encountered this kind of problem during my voice-changing period, and after the doctor's advice, I will recover soon. The boss said calmly, don't worry, I Take you to see a doctor. This doctor is an ear, nose and throat specialist. He is very knowledgeable about the voice, especially for someone who can sing like you. He has a unique method. Let’s find him and ask him to prescribe it. Take some medicine, we will rest for another three or four days and you will be almost done. I dare not say that you can recover to [-]% of your original level. At least you can get a ranking when you participate in the competition. Sometimes you can use your skills to treble. .

Zhan Xiaoxuan was very happy when he heard the news. My mistake in writing caused a very serious loss. I must stand up through my own efforts. As the saying goes, where you fall, you must climb up Get up, Zhan Xiaoxuan took the boss's hand, and said that in my life, I am lucky to have you as a good friend. If it weren't for you, sometimes I really want to give up. For example, today's spicy stick incident, I really want to give up. What's more, I'm very sorry. I have failed your expectations of me. Although you said you were my training partner, you were more anxious than me.

Seeing Zhan Xiaoxuan's very sincere apology, the boss's anger was half relieved. After all, he gave a training plan, so I just took her to see the doctor now. The boss said that we will not Running, if you continue to run now, it will aggravate your throat, we will go to this doctor today, let him take a look.

Don't talk now, put on your clothes and wait for me downstairs, I'll drive and let's go, the boss went downstairs, started his own car, dialed the doctor's number from the car, this The doctor himself is a good friend of his father, and he called him Uncle Zhang. After dialing the phone, Uncle Zhang was very busy. He is an expert in the department. He needs to make an appointment every day. Today, he is checking the ward Suddenly a call came from an unfamiliar number.

Uncle Zhang answered the phone and said hello, who are you?I am Dr. Zhang. The boss heard that it was Uncle Zhang's voice and said that Uncle Zhang was me.

The relationship between the two of them is very good. Their parents have been together since childhood, and their comrades-in-arms have been very good since childhood, so they know his affairs very well, so Uncle Zhang said, niece and daughter, what do you have? What's the matter, just tell me, I'm at work now, if you have anything to say, it's okay, I'm doing ward rounds for patients now.

The boss has nothing to hide, so he told him directly, Uncle Zhang, I have a classmate who is going to participate in a singing competition, but recently he ate a lot of spicy food, which ruined his voice, and I want you to open it to see if there is any benefit The method can be cured, as long as it can't delay the game, the game is half a month later.

Uncle Zhang told him that you need to bring him here. I can only know how to deal with it and how to prescribe medicine after seeing it in detail. It is useless to call Guangping now. The boss has this intention, so I just wait for Uncle Zhang to say this. That's it, as soon as Uncle Zhang speaks, the boss can just say that, Uncle Zhang, are you still in that hospital?I went to the camphor tree now and said, I am still in that hospital, call me when you arrive, and I will go downstairs to pick you up.

The boss is also a very sensible child, very considerate and said, Uncle Zhang, you are so busy with work, you should not pick me up, I will call downstairs, you give me the address number, I can go up by myself , Uncle Zhang gave him his house number, and told him that you just wait for me at the ENT department on the second floor of the North Building. If I’m not there, you can wait for me in the office while I’m outside. The ward round is over, I will go back when I finish the ward round, don't worry, the office is full of my colleagues, just tell them if you have anything to say, I will say hello to them now, the boss thinks that Uncle Zhang is still the same The same enthusiasm as before was still the boss of Uncle Zhang who was very kind to me, and I was very touched in my heart, after hanging up the phone.

Xiaoquan opened the car door, got in the car, saw her hang up the phone, the boss said to him, I just finished calling my uncle, let's go now, you talk about you, let me tell you what is good about you Well, I don't want to blame you anymore, do I?Just pay more attention to yourself in the future, don't sacrifice yourself for our achievements, okay?You have to think about it for us collectively. You not only represent yourself, but also represent the honor of our dormitory, our class, us and even our department.

Zhan Xiaoxuan saw that she had made a plan for her since she was on the line, and she had nothing to say, so she said nothing, let's go now, and you can make a plan for me in the future, and I will strictly follow your plan Well, now you say I'm useless, right?My throat is already like this, so far it seems that the problem is not big.

The boss said that I just finished calling my Uncle Zhang, let’s go there now, and drove my own car to the city hospital. After arriving at the city hospital, according to the address that Uncle Zhang said, I quickly I found it, and when I came to the department, the people in the department didn't know him, so I told her, kids, have you registered yet?

The boss went up to report his name very enthusiastically, and then said that he was a relative of Uncle Zhang, and then the doctor was also very enthusiastic. It turned out that he was a relative of his director. In a while, Director Zhang will come back in a while, and the patient next to him saw that these two girls came without queuing, and some of them were a little unhappy directly, and said to him, why can they come in without queuing Woolen cloth?
The doctor said that he is a relative of the director of our department, and it is not a matter of seeing a doctor to ask him for a personal matter. Do you understand now?
(End of this chapter)

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