There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3598 I love you bottomless

Chapter 3598 I love you bottomless

Today, Li Xiaoxia's emotional hat seems to be a little bit not very good, don't say anything else, women always feel uncomfortable for a few days every month, plus the war, just scolded today and accidentally said the wrong sentence, recently As for Li Xiaoxia's body, it's a little uncomfortable, even if her mood is not so noble, so she is relatively depressed. After the end, Zhan Gang can see that Zhan Gang loves his wife very much, right?It can be said that Zhan Gang wished to give the best to Li Xiaoxia, but when he felt helpless, he said to Li Xiaoxia, I think you are not in a noble mood today, and you are not in a good mood. It’s really difficult for you to take care of the children at home, oh, it’s really difficult for you, how about I ask for a day off today and I won’t go to work, and then how about I ask you to go out for a walk with you?
Li Xiaoxia immediately felt that this man was the man who loved him the most in the world, and she really gave him the most love no matter what, because he loved him so much, she knew what was on her mind, and it was true that she was at home recently. I am upset, so it is inevitable that I feel a little bit disappointed, and because of my body, I am not feeling well. Occasionally, I will just think about it because of a sentence or two, so I said that he agreed in a while, okay, You don't go to work today, it's really great, my husband, you still love me the most.

But for Zhan Gang, this is nothing, after all, it is his job to love his wife so much, so he should love his wife, right?You said that you married a daughter-in-law and you don't love her, can you do it?Do you love you the most and be responsible to others, give him the best, quickly tidy up and say that today we, I heard that a new shopping mall has opened, let's go for a walk, the two of them will tidy up quickly I just packed up and left. In fact, I think the love between a man and a woman is also a very good thing. The two of them are so old, and love is really not easy, it is very rare. Well, like when they were at this age, many of them did not have any communication language, as they have maintained this kind of communication all year round, it is already the best of the best, they are the kind of one born for love, Is one married to love?

The love between the two of them is also envied by many people, even An Guanyu was a little jealous at the time, why do you think he can get Zhan as a latecomer, just so much love, and I was surrounded by Zhan I just paid so much, I haven’t received so much love from you yet, Ji Bian Zhangang also loved An Guanyu very much at the time, but An Guanyu found the best home with Liu Zhengdong, and I think Liu Zhongdong loves her the most In fact, she also forgot that he loved him the most back then, so, this woman sometimes, it’s hard to say, Wang Guangyi is doing very well now, every day today I see Liu Zhengdong coming home happily , I am also very happy, not to mention anything else, just because Liu Zhengdong waited for you, and even paid a lot for himself, and sacrificed a lot. This man has waited for him for more than ten years, that is really great.

An Guanyu asked Liu Zhengdong how is your work doing recently?I think you are still in a good mood. In the unit, see if you have any conflicts with your colleagues. In fact, An Guanyu also knows that Liu Zhengdong usually has a special personality in the unit, because he was a leader in 0 at the time. He All of them are for his subordinates. Now he has changed his working environment, so it must be different, and the situation is different. Like when he first came, everyone bullied him, so he I have some resistance to them. It can be said that men are most afraid of choosing the wrong profession and entering the wrong profession. I have made my own specialty into my own company, and become a leader in this industry.

But now the times are different after all, he thinks so every time, so Liu Zhengdong still has a little nostalgia for the past, no matter what, this city has brought him a lot of things, think about it When a person comes to this city when he is young, he takes it for granted that he has feelings for this city, unless the city hurts him too much, but what you said is that the city hurts you deeply, so it is not good for others. Is it the same?So it is still your own problem, and it has nothing to do with others.

It is really not easy for a man to stand upright in this city, and if you think about it, a man has a car, a house and a rich life in this city, and he is already living a good life. It is far greater than many normal people. Think about it, there are many migrant workers who rely on their own ability and cannot buy a house for a long time. Even if they have money to buy a house, then their loans will eventually What he has done all his life, so it is really not easy now, but this situation is also very good for our country.

Human desires are often greedy. When you have a dollar, you will imagine what life is like with 10 dollars, but after you reach the standard of 10 dollars, you want to see others have 100 dollars. How about a life of one dollar? Young people, it’s normal to have this kind of thinking, because after all, you need to make progress, but how to put it, if you still pursue these things when you get older, it means that your life must have something Is there a problem?
So now Liu Zhendong is quite satisfied with his own life, not for anything else, just for the suffocation he set up at that time. Sometimes, if a man is determined to stay in this industry or city, then he will definitely have his own life. No matter how he sent all the grievances, he must achieve his own goals. Liu Zhendong is such a person. He has made a firm determination that I must become a leader in this industry. The leader of the company, so he founded his own construction company, but later, due to various reasons, he faced some social problems, and he still didn’t understand some things, so he said he was rectified by the leaders above. After a while, he slowly, um, was held hostage by this leader, and later said that he had earned enough money to be honest, so he didn't want to do it anymore, right?Think about a construction industry that has dominated for so many years.

(End of this chapter)

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