There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3599 There are always some small temptations

Chapter 3599 There are always some small temptations
But when Zhan Gang was shopping with Li Xiaoya and the others, a casual remark made by Zhan Gang made Li Xiaoxia very upset. Li Xiaoxia felt that this man didn't love her anymore. Compared with the previous Zhan Gang, how did he change today? It's so big, and when a woman is wronged, he will think of this man's bad words, all the good things about your man, he basically forgot at this moment, so Li Xiaoxia is also very I was so angry, I thought how could Zhan Gang be like this, but Zhan Gang didn’t feel anything, Zhan Gang, I think I just said something careless, are you really like this?But sometimes women get into a dead end like this and it's not easy to get out, but later on, this woman gets better, Zhan Gang also thinks, in fact, this can't be blamed on Li Xiaoxia, Li Xiaoxia, after all, is he still young now? They all live in their own love world.

What I mean by this sentence is not that Zhan Gang doesn’t love him anymore, but that Zhan Gang feels that this woman is still a little immature. After all, a woman is already so old and still lives in her own world every day in?How should I put it, it’s understandable, you said, what does he have every day as a woman? During the day, he just takes care of the child. After taking care of the child, the child goes to school. If there is nothing else, he can work for a while. It’s not very busy either. Sometimes I can go, sometimes I don’t. When I don’t go, I leave everything to the store manager. The store manager also takes care of it very well. When he saw the financial statement, he was actually quite relieved in his heart, because he felt that he could do nothing. At that time, Zhan Gang invested so much in him, and in the future, it will be all done by this manager. He takes care of it and can earn 10,000+ per month.

It can be said that he can achieve this height today because of that Zhan Gang who invested in her back then. So, it is very easy for this woman to make money sometimes. He is also very grateful to this professional manager, and he is also very grateful. Believe me, having said that, I don't give enough money to this manager, can he work hard for you to make money?I don't believe that a person can remain unmoved when faced with money. If he is unmoved when faced with money alone, there are only two types of people, and the first type of person is him. Once owned this wealth, he would not feel that it is worth it, and this person is a fool, this word, um, how should I put it, it sounds a bit vulgar, but this is indeed a petrochemical , Think about it in today's society, how many people are chasing fame and fortune for money, and have abandoned all things that are strangely violated their last words and violated themselves?
Li Xiaoxia had already seen the sign of this early on, so when the manager wanted to use his money, he had already given him all his bonuses. At first, the manager was a little confused. Because why did you give me so much money, but later when he wanted to reach out for the money that didn’t belong to him, he would think about why my boss gave me so much money. I understand, he felt that this money is not enough to earn anything, so later on, he also wanted to understand that since people gave me so much money, I have to do things for them well, and I can’t say that for this A little money is good for confidence, right?Besides, the little money he has access to is small money, and other money is strictly recorded. Once the money is recorded, if he dares to touch a cent, it is corruption and illegal. You are not allowed to move.

As a professional manager, he knows this better than anyone else, so after Li Xiaoxia gave him enough money, enough bonuses and enough shares, he didn't bother to touch the money, because he wasn't worth it for such a small amount of money. Going against one's own interests, isn't that hard to think about? Is this person relatively clear-headed, and he was overwhelmed by money at the beginning, but the biggest advantage of this person is that he can find out his age and position himself Sober, he also understands Li Xiaoxia very well. In fact, he understands better than him. He knows that you can’t be unmoved when it comes to money. I used to have two friends. Yes, they are very few and very good. I have played with friends since I was a child. One of the conditions is that his family is a high-ranking official, and he cannot belong to an executive. One is an official, compared to ordinary people, the other is that the conditions of his family are generally not ordinary.

The two of them have a good relationship. At the beginning, no matter how young they were, everyone didn’t feel anything when they played together. But when they grew up and entered the society, they realized that it was not easy to earn money. As for the child at home, what does he think, I have nothing to do every day, why do I do business, the investment in this business is not too big or small, but this person is relatively lazy, he has to find someone to come over I saw it, so the child from the ordinary worker's family next to him is the best candidate for him, because when they played together before, the two of them had a very good relationship, and they also obeyed him. You can say anything, but after a few years, this man should invest in something, alas, why should I panic, basically he will fall into the sand, but after a while, after a few years, he I just found out that he doesn’t seem to be doing this ordinary civil servant war anymore, because he does a lot of it, I’ll show you and lose all of it, so I don’t have the face to do it anymore, right?
This person, so after his life has changed, he must be moved by money.The other one is that the two of them had to face a big problem when they were young, which was to get married and buy a house. Although it was said that some were prepared at home, but later he felt that the preparation at home was not enough to live well with other people. Desperately.

So when comparing with others, I was moved a little bit, I don’t know if I’m tempted or not, because we didn’t look at it and we all heard about it, but later this man said he didn’t do it anymore and went to work by himself I went there, got married and bought a house, and the cars I bought were all luxury brands, no matter if they were entry-level or not, they are pretty good, right?But I don’t know what happened later, so I can see a person, why does he suddenly have so much money in this society, and buy a house and a car? This can easily arouse people’s thoughts Think about it, right?

(End of this chapter)

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