There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3624 Remembering the past

Chapter 3624 Remembering the past

Today, Uncle Zhang went out to buy vegetables very early. He bought a lot of vegetables and was ready to wait for the battle. When he came back with Li Xiaoxia and the others, it was Li Xiaoxia's mother who was still sleeping in the house at this time. He saw all this and felt that Lao Zhangtou is a diligent person, so he asked Lao Zhang, and he said, Lao Zhang, why are you so kind to me?How can you tell me how can I make you treat me so well?In fact, let’s talk about this question. Uncle Zhang is also kind-hearted. When he saw Li Xiaoxia’s mother and took Li Xiaoxia to sell meat in the market, he felt that this woman really had a hard time. I don't know what's going on in his family, but for Uncle Zhang, who was widowed in his early years, he must have thought a little bit, but at that time they didn't know each other well and were too embarrassed to go over and talk to him.

Until later, there was a chance, and when he grew up, he took the initiative and said to him, I said you, you take the child alone, look at the child who is already asleep, come and go up and down The uncle took the child over, let him sleep in his own room, and said to him, it is not easy for you to be a woman, so Uncle Zhang remembered this past and said to him, I only looked at you back then It's not easy for people to take care of their children, and they don't want to find someone else. So, when I saw you at the time, I still thought you were a good person. I don't know why, but I feel very sympathetic to you about your life experience. It stands to reason It is said that your conditions are not bad, what kind of one do you want to find, but you just choose to be here alone, so I think you are a very responsible person, and it is precisely Because of this.

What do you think? His mother said oh, so you are pity on me. In fact, what should I say? It’s convenient, I think again, no matter what he does, he won’t be able to keep talking, how can life be maintained, it doesn’t matter if I suffer a little alone, but I can’t embarrass the child. I took it, and then I felt very guilty in my heart, isn’t it that we are all suffering like this, why can’t we suffer children?So I have persisted for so many years, I have always known that you were interested in me at that time, but after all, I feel that my conditions are not so good, and I am not worthy of you. In case I hold you back again, So what to do?

Uncle Zhang laughed when he heard this, oh, you are really a good person, in fact, you don’t need to say anything, I just think, oh, as a man, when you need help, I should stand up bravely Coming out to help you was my truest thought at the time. You said that it would be bad if I didn’t think that way, right?The other one is what, oh, me, in fact, I have been taking a nephew with me for so many years, and I have never thought about it, and I am also worried. Didn’t I meet you?Oh, I think today, the children are all back, let’s not talk about these past events today, Li Xiaoxia’s mother just woke up, ready to eat something, Uncle Zhang directly said to him, please send me some , That's the leftovers from last night. Don't eat any more. You'll get a stomach flu and get very hot after eating it. I'll throw it away in a while.

Li Xiaoxia's mother said, it's a pity to throw it away. Uncle Zhang has a different opinion on this. He thinks that if you eat these leftovers and go to the hospital to see a doctor, you will lose more. Throwing this order is actually It’s nothing, so I said it, Uncle Zhang said to him, oh, it’s nothing at all, do you know that we are all of this age, if we eat leftovers and eat up our stomachs, it’s okay Great, isn't it?So we would rather eat fresh food than leftovers. As soon as Uncle Zhang grabbed it and put it there to prevent him from eating it, Li Xiaoxia's mother was also moved for a while, thinking that this The man, the old man, is so kind to himself at such an age. Now that I think about it, when the two of them went on a trip, it was this old Zhang who took care of her and his mother took care of her very well.

The entrustment of the second half of life is basically given to this old man. In fact, when many people are in the later stage, the reason why they want to find another one is to think that the second half of their life will not be so lonely. After all, two people are together, talking and laughing , can talk about some life and so on, so Uncle Zhang is very selective in doing this. He also chose a representative who can be said to be a good wife and mother. He is also very accurate in judging people. Uncle Zhang is right. He said, let’s not talk about anything else. That’s what happened today. I’m going to make more delicious food when the kids come back. I heard that Zhan Gang likes beef and mutton the most. Didn’t I buy it for her? A lot, I also bought a few kinds of seafood, Li Xiaoxia's mother said, as for young people nowadays, I think it's better to eat less seafood, not for other things or for them.

There is a bit of excess nutrition. I work in the office every day and I don’t do any activities. There are many things in the body that cannot be metabolized. Another thing is that eating too much seafood is easy to get gout, which is not good for the body, so it is better to eat less. These vigorous Although seafood is said to taste delicious, it’s not good to eat too much. Uncle Zhang said that once in a while is okay, and he also said how good the conditions are at home. You can still say that you eat seafood every day, right?Isn't it because the children are back for the Chinese New Year, and we can only eat some seafood when we get together?Your child's mother doesn't want to be stubborn with him, so I told you to do whatever you want, anyway, alas, it's all arranged by you, by the way, how is your nephew's work recently?Is there anything you need to tell Zhan Gang later? If Zhan Gang is coming soon, if you are embarrassed to speak, it will be embarrassing, right?I think you still.

I still have to ignore what I said to Zhan Gang, and report to him the latest work status if I have something to do, isn't that good?Zhang Dahai said that I also have this idea recently, Gangzi, he is also very good, isn’t he?Gangzi has been very kind to us recently. I heard that he has been given some shares to let him do a good job. You said that my nephew has some abilities, so a mother like Gangzi who thinks highly of Li Xiaoxia thinks she is a little humble, so Don't worry about what you said to Uncle Zhang, the young people must have their reasons for what they do, right?Besides, I know who Gangzi is, he will never give some shares to useless people for nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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