Chapter 3625 Good Woman

Since it is said that Gangzi can give the shares to your nephew, it means that your nephew must have something to do, and the shares are very valuable. Is the other one that Gangzi knows very well in his heart, and he will never say anything when he is doing things. He messed around with some things, he still has a way of doing things, you said that when he was with my girl, I was so against it, Gangzi was angry again, and he never said a word of no, you see, including now He doesn't hold any grudges at all. When we went out to play last time, I heard that Gangzi took the initiative to ask Li Xiaoxia to give us money, right?This is very good, this son-in-law can do this, what else am I not satisfied with?At that time, I objected to them being together, because didn't Gangzi just take care of two children?She's still a bit older than my girl, so it doesn't matter how old you look now, as long as the two of them love each other.

When we are old people, we can only be blessings, what else can we say?Even if it is not good to say something, it will have some counterproductive effects, and it will arouse their resentment. What shall we do whenAt that time, you were not, so as far as people are concerned, they are still relatively good now, including your nephew. It is very good to know how to make money when you are young.

Back then when he was together, he was just like a gangster. He ate, drank and played cards every day, and then went out to play with girls. Chemical reaction, there is still a lot to do in business. I heard that Gangzi’s business is doing very well now. Let’s put it this way, your nephew must have made a lot of money. You said that you will have another child soon It's the age to talk about marriage, and there is no suitable girl yet, how can this work?Do you want to drag the people in our market to introduce one to your nephew? The letter that Mr. Zhang said, in fact, I don’t think this is necessary. Although those people in the market have a lot of resources, you can see that they have A better match with our children, or?
In fact, there is nothing wrong with saying this. There must be a difference between the people they know and the people their own children come into contact with. Uncle Zhang said to him, let’s leave the young people’s affairs alone. The people they come into contact with , and then finding one in their own circle is also very good, but now that it is said, it is not so easy to find a suitable one. It is not said that so and so finds such a suitable one, right?Another thing is that the children they find are their own business, and have nothing to do with us. If we say that we introduce one, and they don't match, we will still be embarrassed when the time comes, right?At that time, our old friends will not be able to see each other. Young people have young people's ideas. Let's just do our own things well, prepare the house and so on, and then prepare the bride price first. As for them Whatever it is, that's him.

When Li Xiaoxia's mother heard this sentence and said to Uncle Zhang, you really can think about it. It is also the world of young people, so let them work hard. I think it was hard to say when I was young. As he said that his tears were about to fall, even though they have arrived now, it’s time to fall in love at dusk, but Uncle Zhang still has the meaning of a flower protector to him, and he feels sorry for him, seeing him in a bad mood , there were tears in his eyes, and it was a bit unpleasant, and he said to him, oh, let's not think about those unhappy things today, okay?Let's eat more meat in a while. Today I will make you a braised lamb chop. This was my favorite dish when I was young. Many people want to eat it and I don't make it for him.

Li Xiaoxia's mother also joked with Uncle Zhang and told him that when he was young, many people wanted to eat and didn't cook for them. Who are those people? Is there the old vegetable seller in the market?I look at him, he has always been interested in you, I told you the words of my 37 senses every day when I look at him every day, I don’t know what I want to do, I guess I just watch When we are together, he feels awkward. Once this person is jealous, he will change his mind. Every time he sees me, you say that if he is really big-hearted and says those unpleasant things, I will still It's really different from him, do you say those words so coincidentally every time?When Uncle Zhang heard it, it was a trivial matter for them. Why didn’t he tell them so early, so Uncle Zhang said that if anyone dares to bully you, you can tell me, and I will never forgive him. No matter who they are, another one is that you are me now.

My old-fashioned woman can never be offended, do you understand?What did he tell you? I'll go and find him tomorrow. He dares to flirt with you two. Now Li Xiaoxia's mother is also the kind of person who can suppress things. When I heard the old man, now this Even though he is old, he is still so impulsive, thinking that he was alone in the market back then.

Several people in a manpower battle are not cowardly at all, and it was decided that time, this man is so attractive, I am afraid that he will cause trouble now, even though he is old, these things are still not good , so Li Xiaoxia's mother quickly pressed this matter down, and it's okay to tell him, old man, don't fix those useless things, let's just stop at home, and I will tell you that there is such a thing. Just one thing, I didn't mean to let you go to war, you know, what age are we now, why are you so impulsive?Why can't you think about the strategy and press it down?No matter what he does, it's a matter between us women, and you don't need to rush up, right?
It is indeed a lot less troublesome to have a good woman in Xin's house to do things. If a woman is seen by this man who is chattering outside, she must first not let her own people get angry, right? It is not good for a man to cause trouble outside because of a woman. Now I finally remembered that when I was young, a friend of mine told me that a woman really depends on whether she is virtuous or not, and whether she can suppress her. Things, if he can suppress things, this is a man's blessing. Sometimes I am also very grateful to those friends of mine back then. Some things I said to me were all ears, and they were very good.

(End of this chapter)

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