Chapter 3646
Today Zhan Gang came home and saw Li Xiaoxia cooking. Li Xiaoxia saw Zhan Gang and said to him, why did you come back so late?By the way, didn't you say something happened tonight?In fact, after Zhan Gang met An Guanyu, he also felt that there was nothing wrong, so he went home early. Zhan Gang didn’t know what to say for a while, and Zhan Gang said to him, oh, it’s actually nothing. I just wanted to push the outside things away, and then I went home. When I got home, Zhan just plunged into his study and closed the door. He wants to be alone now. Everyone was quiet, thinking that he was really troubled in the past, but now as an adult, he just can't show his expression too much, so he doesn't speak, and when Li Xiaoxia is cooking outside I ate too much, what happened today?Why is it weird when you come back? Is there something wrong?I'll ask him after I finish cooking in a while.

When Zhang Gang closed the door, he was thinking by himself, what he had done when he was with An Guanyu for so many years, and there was indeed something wrong with him, but looking at An Guanyu He also knows that An Guanyu has some regrets about that expression, but no matter what, it is impossible to go back to the past now. The two of them have their own lives now, so no matter what happens to the two of them, Now I can only talk about the children, and we can still have a little bit of contact with each other. When the children grow up completely and don't need them one day, it is estimated that the two of them will stop contacting now. I was thinking about how Han Guanyu was doing there. I have been with Liu Zhengdong for so long, so it should be good. Liu Zhengdong treated him very well in the past, so I am more at ease. No matter what, he is also a previous one.

Liu Zhengdong is also the boss of a company. No matter what, he still has some deposits. No matter what, he will definitely not treat An Guanyu badly in life. Heshi An Guanyu is also a little troubled in his heart. He still can't figure it out. Why did Zhan Gang come to me today? Did he really want to read it by himself or did he have some other thoughts? I didn’t say anything today, and An Guanyu couldn’t ask. So An Guanyu was also in the heart of the meal when he returned home. , the customer was Liu Zhengdong. When he saw An Guanyu, An Guanyu got into his room and closed the door. Liu Zhendong hurried over and said to him, what happened to you today?I think you seem a little unhappy when you go out. Every time you go out and then come back, you are happier. What happened today? Did you quarrel with your best friend?or what?
By the way, is your partner in the beauty salon called Awei? Have you met him now?Do you two still have any differences?In fact, between An Guanyu and Anwei, they no longer have any business dealings, after Awei introduced her own shares to her last time.

Then Awei returned all the shares to him, so let’s say, this An Guanyu, he didn’t bother anymore, after all, he was given 50 yuan at that time, so An Guanyu He was still relatively happy, but happy to be happy, he has no relationship with that Huawei, so since he said that Liu Zhendong mentioned Awei, he said to him, ah, I didn’t see Awei today, and now I’m with Awei There is no contact between them. Wasn't it because of that share last time?The two of us had an unpleasant quarrel. Although the money was credited to the account later, you also know that once there is a gap between the two of us, it is impossible to go back to the past, so the two of us are living separately now. , basically nothing happened, even if something happened, he would not contact Liu Zhengdong again, but he didn't understand what was going on, so he still wanted to persuade him.

So he said to An Guanyu, in fact, is there really no need to be so stiff in the test between your friends?If you two have something to do, you can still come out and have a talk, can't you?After all, the two used to be such good partners, and now that the troubles have come to this point, it is not what everyone wants to see. Can the two of them have something to say?Han Guanyu just wanted to be alone at this moment, no one wanted to talk about it now, even Liu Dongdong didn't want to see him, so he said to Liu Zhengdong, I don't want to mention this matter anymore, ah, you go out, I Wanting to be quiet by himself, An Guanyu knew that Liu Zhengdong was also very respectful at ordinary times.

Liu Zhengdong closed the door right away, and went out and ate zongzi in his mouth. What happened today?Don't tell me anything, have you forgotten?What if I can help, Han Guanyu is now full of thoughts about what is going on with his current Zhan Gang, it seems that Zhan Gang must be doing very well, otherwise how could he come here?So An Guanyu has a little bit of regret, but it is impossible for him to go to Zhang Gang and then say something. An Guanyu is also very troubled, and he is caught in an extremely entangled situation. He can't do it alone. Ziba Zhangang is there, and he is also a thinking person. Think about it. Looking at Jin Tianan Guanyu's appearance, it seems that he is not very happy. Although there are no problems in daily life, he can't get some good things. Every day.

Zhan Gang also thought, in fact, it is appropriate to help him, no matter what, it needs to be approved by Li Xiaoxia, but after Li Xiaoxia agrees, he doesn't want to, oops, so Zhan Gang is very entangled now, and Zhan Gang doesn't Thinking about it again, Li Xiaoxia knocked on the door and came in after a while, Zhan Gang was quite happy seeing Li Xiaoxia's appearance, after all, are the two of them going to live together now?So he is also very kind to Li Xiaoxia, Li Xiaoxia smiled and said to him, what's the matter today, my dear, I see why you are so unhappy, if you have anything, just tell me if you met him outside When it was difficult, even when Zhan Gang was in trouble and he saw Li Xiaoxia's appearance, he stopped talking, so in his heart he felt that his daughter-in-law was better, so he said nothing to Li Xiaoxia, I'm going out to eat in a while, you guys eat first, I have to do a little work now, I'll be done in a while.

You put my rice in the pot first, and I'll go out by myself later, don't worry about me.

(End of this chapter)

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