Chapter 3647
When Li Xiaoxia heard what Zhan Gang said, he basically knew it. He knew that Zhan Gang's character was basically a piece of paper. If Zhan Gang said something that he didn't want to do, he would basically go out. Li Xiaoxia didn't say anything Just put the door on. In fact, Zhang Gang just likes him, the three old men. No matter what, he is very obedient to himself, so Li Xiaoxia, it is said that this is why Zhan Gang likes Zhan Gang so much. Of course I knew it just now, Li Xiaoxia is so obedient, it must be because he has his own thoughts, just after closing the door, a person is still thinking about his own life, he is thinking about the relationship between him and Liu Zhengdong, the three of them, If you think about it carefully, there are still some clues. No matter what, Liu Chengdong did help him a little bit, but no matter how much you help, he still ruined his family after all, and Zhang Gang is doing the same now.

Li Xiaoxia directly called the two children to eat, and Zhan Xiaosong hurried over with his younger brother. The two of them didn't speak, and just ate there, so Zhan Xiaosong asked Li Xiaoxia, "Did I hear Aunt Li just now?" Dad is back, why doesn't she come to eat?Li Xiaoxia asked this question. I don’t know how to answer it. It’s better to tell the children as little as possible about the adult’s affairs. What I said to Zhan Xiaosong, your father still has some work to do, and he is busy working in the house, so we won’t leave some for him later.

He came out to eat when he finished his work. You two, eat quickly. After eating, take your brother out to play. Today you two don’t need to study. When you hear that you don’t need to study, the two little The children felt very happy. In fact, Li Xiaoxia did not have such high demands on the children's studies, after all, there were two of them.

Their family conditions are very good. Regardless of whether my study is just a tool in the future, both of them have a much better life than others, so as long as they have a serious job to do, they don’t have to go to study. This is what Li Xiaoxia thinks very clearly. It doesn't mean that she has no other way to go besides studying like she did back then. So, Li Xiaoxia is very right in saying this, but he doesn't know anything about children. I knew I didn’t need to study today, so Zhan Xiaosong said to my brother, let’s have a good meal, and after eating, my brother will take you to play with some good toys, and my brother still has some good toys that I haven’t brought out. I bought it together when I went shopping with my classmates for the first time, so the two of us have to behave well, so that our parents can give us two better money to buy better toys, do you understand?

Although my younger brother is young, he also knows that he must be obedient now. No matter what, no matter who he listens to, he must be obedient. As long as he was obedient when he was a child, he could get a lot of things, especially at home. When this kind of condition is not bad, you can feel everything.

It was Zhan Xiaosong who started to eat voraciously, because he was happy in his heart, and Li Xiaoxia told him that the child should not eat so fast, right?It must be chewed by the teeth, and then digested by the gastric juice. If you don’t chew through the teeth, it will cause a very serious burden on the stomach. After indigestion, you will feel uncomfortable, so don’t worry No matter what, Aunt Li will let you and your younger brother have a good time today. You don’t have to worry about this matter. Since Aunt Li promised you, she will definitely do it. Can you tell you It is said that you set an example for the younger brother's family. The two of you eat slowly. If you behave well, Aunt Li will reward you with more things. Do you understand?Zhan Xiaosong nodded. He also knew that although the woman in front of him was not his pro-Marcos, she was really good, he thought.

He also missed his mother a little bit, so he asked his father silently in his heart when he would see his mother, so she seemed to have something on her mind when she was eating, but Li Xiaoxia didn't care so much, Basically, I also know this kid, he always has to go through some things, right?If you fully let him experience some things, he will see more clearly when he grows up and deal with these things in society, and he will be able to handle them with ease, so he didn't interfere strictly, so he treated him Said, after the two of you finished eating, there are still some fruits in the kitchen. If you are thirsty, you can eat fruit, wait for you to finish, right? You two, take your younger brother and you two to take a bath. Pay attention to some hygiene.

He took his younger brother to do everything well, and now, Zhan Xiaosong is like a big brother and took his younger brother to do everything well. He has endured a lot at such a young age. things, but there is no way to do it, after all, this is the battle of Xiaosong in life so far.

His understanding of life and his ability to resist pressure are also very strong. He knows that he has to do this now, and waits for the day when he has a certain ability. After leaving this home, he will have what he wants Life, what he was paying attention to at that time was completely different, and he was a little unhappy thinking about it. At this time, my brother came over and said to him, brother, what do I think about something today.

You seem to have something on your mind, tell me if you have anything, I promise not to tell the adults, this is the secret of our two brothers Zhan Xiaosong also knows that this brother has a very deep relationship with him, even though he said it was not It is said that they were born from the same mother, but they are from the same father, and half of the genes in their blood come from Zhang Gang, so he is very kind to this younger brother, so he patted the ground and treated him Said, you are still young, you don’t understand things, brother told you some things, but you don’t understand, because you don’t understand brother’s experience, at this time Zhan Xiaosong was unexpected, My younger brother just said something that I know what's going on, but I can't say it, and my mother won't let me say it. When Zhan Xiaosong heard it, his heart skipped a beat. He wondered if your aunt had told him about these things. Having said that, in fact, no matter what, even if they say it, they still have to be good brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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