Chapter 3676 Shopping
Winter is coming again soon. Today, this winter, everyone said it was a very cold winter, but for Lao Han and Diane, they didn’t feel that this winter was a bit cold, because their income this year was really a bit cold. Too much, it can be said that it has been a very good winter for so long, this winter is coming soon, and you should buy clothes that should change seasons.

As for the old Han that Diane said to Lao Han, our income is also very good this winter, let’s go buy some clothes. For Lao Han, he hasn’t bought clothes for two years. Indeed, he should also buy a bag of clothes. In fact, it's not like he didn't want to when he was young.

It's just that last year, he still had a lot of money in his pocket, and it was relatively tight. In addition, he had just paid off the security, so there was inevitably some emptiness in his pocket. When a man has no money in his pocket, he has no confidence, so Speaking of this year, he also expressed his understanding of Diane's suggestion. He said yes to the big case. I think it's time for us to buy a bag of clothes. Let's not talk about anything else. This winter I will I really need some cotton clothes. Oh, you said that every year, the money in our pockets is cleaner than our faces, so this year we must wear clothes and buy clothes properly. They see After buying a lot of things, I felt that I was not willing to part with it at first. In fact, some people are like this sometimes, when you get used to a consumption standard.

Now it can be said that his consumption level has completely risen, and he shouldn’t care about so much money anymore. If he keeps pushing and persuading him, he will tell him, we should buy it if we should, and it’s not bad for money. In addition, I also earned a lot of money outside this year, right?Our conditions are not as bad as before. Now our conditions are not bad, so you can say what clothes you need to buy. In fact, Lao Han also liked a piece of clothing.

It's just that the price of that dress is a little bit high. As his daughter-in-law, Diane has already seen Lao Han's subtle behavior. Lao Han has a characteristic in buying clothes, which is the clothes he wants. Basically, he basically He will buy it after trying it on the Internet, and he will never buy the clothes he doesn’t want no matter how much he tries on, and he doesn’t even try it. This is also a characteristic of Lao Han, and Diane saw such a detail , Lao Han still said no, but everyone knew what he was thinking in their hearts. He told him that we should not fix those things. We are here for shopping today. We will buy whatever we like. Sometimes the waiter I was also uncertain about their attitude, and I didn't know who to listen to, so they bought it in the end.

Sometimes it can be seen that you say that a piece of clothing costs half a month's salary, which is unbelievable to anyone, and I also feel a little distressed about it, but they are now In this way, buying clothes is also very good. As for Lao Han, now he has a very good idea, he just thinks, um, he is going to say that buying clothes will take several years to wear, so he thinks Buying or not wanting to buy, when hesitating, this time reflects the importance of a good wife. You said that there is no man who does not feel distressed when spending money outside, but this woman is more distressed than them. , since my man has done so many things for me, why should it be worth buying a piece of clothing? I do it.

If you fall in love with this dress, your sister won’t buy it for me, Lao Han hesitated and didn’t tell the world, then I might buy it for you, lady, I’ll just say that, yes, then you buy it for me Clothes don't hesitate, so buy clothes for yourself, why use them?If we want this one, without waiting for Lao Han to say more, we will ask the waiter to wrap him up, and the waiter will wrap up the clothes directly, and he will feel, oh, it’s such a pleasure for these two to buy clothes. Waiters like this kind of people more, buying clothes is very enjoyable, and they don't talk nonsense and do nothing, I don't bother you at all, right?If you like it, let's buy it and it's over. The attitude of the waiter is also very good. He offered them an invoice and a credit card. Lao Han said that everything is very good, and his first impression of his house is also very good. Prepare. I will still come here to buy when I need to buy something in the future.

Isn't that what customers buy?In fact, the things of each store are not too different. It mainly depends on how the person who sells the clothes is. If the person is pleasing to the eye, the price will be higher and he will buy it. If the person is ugly He won't buy it anyway, so it really depends on the situation for this person to do business, and this old Han, he is also very pleasing to the eye, he knows that the waiter doesn't have much work, so he just buys it After buying this dress, Lao Han had Lao Han’s thoughts, but Di’an also had Di’an’s thoughts. Di’an felt that it was not enough for him to buy this dress, so he said to the old man, don’t you think you Have you no pants to match after buying this dress?Let's go and take a look at the trousers. This made Lao Han even more surprised. He felt that I still need to buy trousers after shopping for clothes.

Don't talk nonsense and don't talk too much, just bought Lao Han when he was in love, and after looking at it for a long time, he chose a style with a reasonable price, which was also quite in love. After he bought it, he didn't wait for it. Like to talk, he said to himself, oh, we have all the clothes and trousers, my squint card is almost ah, of course he also smiled, he said yes, we have all kinds of things at once today I have bought everything for him, don’t hesitate any longer, we really have a golden opportunity, right now our pet store is doing relatively well, there are a lot of customers who come to recharge, we can also do it by the end of this year It is said that it has been a good year and a warm winter, so they did not hesitate to buy Lao Han and Dayang. The two of them have never had such a hearty shopping, so Lao Han told the unit I should show it to you after I buy it, but I am actually a little hesitant at this time.

I don’t need it. I buy clothes every year. I’ve already prepared clothes for myself this year. Lao Han is probably afraid that the two of them will be embarrassed to buy them. Tell him, don’t be embarrassed. to be consumed.

(End of this chapter)

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