There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3677 The first cooperation

Chapter 3677 The first cooperation

Xiaopan has already discussed with his family, this matter has been decided, the boss is also very happy, the boss said to him, "Oh, let's drink a little today, just to continue our dinner today. Let’s drink a little more, the two of us can say that we are officially writers, um, let’s not talk, let’s go, um, congratulations, you became a member of our company, let’s do it after a while It would be more satisfying to have a simple induction ceremony and transfer to a novel. After he finished talking to his family, he finally wanted to go out to do business with his friends.

Zhan Xiaoxuan also thought about it for a long time, and he felt that the boss is more reliable, no matter how this person treats others, he has no problem with me at all, that's all, right?Isn't that how two people get along?In fact, outsiders don’t care, what does this person say, as long as he has no bad intentions towards you, then this person is very good, Zhang Xiaochuan said to him very happily, at the beginning you said I was also you know , I have been thinking about me for a long time, whether it is a civil servant or a graduate student, I have thought about it for a long time, and finally I chose to do business with you. I feel that life is just a few decades, no Did you all want to make more money when you were young?Then when I was old, I lived the life I wanted to live. Now I think very clearly, and I eat a bowl of rice for everything, so this person still has to face reality now.

Is it right that the help our parents give us is their business. As for how to go in the future, it is completely up to me. I think we still have to work hard to make a fortune at once. Today, I wish us the best in the future Well, the cooperation will be smooth when they are successful. The two of them raised their glasses and had a chat. The boss also knows that the reason why Chen Xiaoxuan trusts him so much is because of his outstanding character. Mostly living the life that each other wanted most, the boss said to him, you don’t know that I have been going to school since I was a child, my parents are very busy, when I was in primary school, I lived on campus, and I lived in that kind of international primary school Well, they don’t have time to take care of me when they’re doing business, so I’m alone in school, and I’ve become capable of everything. At first I was a little scared, but then I thought about what’s the use of being afraid, you Don't face these things if you are afraid of yourself, so I will summon up courage in the future.

Whenever something happens to me, I will bravely rush forward. Love is only for you. If you rush forward, the difficulties will be solved. I slowly realized this truth. When Zhan Xiaoxuan heard it, it turned out to be like this Zhan Xiaoxuan said to him, otherwise, how do I see you and how to do things like this? Trying this way, you know everything, so you understand this very well, and you have long been used to all this. Mom takes care of the older ones. They have taken care of my emotions since I was a child, and now I have.

Now that I have my own life, they have helped me a lot now, but I found out that no matter what way I go, I still have to go on my own. Regarding the experience of the boss, Zhan Xiaoxuan is still relatively happy. I think such a good person comes out to earn money, he must have his own set of concepts in dealing with people, so the boss is also very mature, basically 5-10 years older than children of the same age, because you get in touch with him in advance With these things, when you get in touch with these societies, you will gradually discover that no matter what kind of people you meet, as long as you follow your own logic, no one will be offended, and the world will always live well, Mr. Ren One thing to say is that your personality determines your destiny. If your personality is a bit paranoid, it is possible that your destiny is a little bit different from others. This is the reason for your personality, so the boss used to be a very powerful People with different personalities are slowly being accepted by this society.

The edges and corners have been smoothed by this real life, and now Zhan Xiaoquan'er urgently needs such training, is Zhan Xiaoxuan'er also more turbulent in his heart?After all, he was separated from his parents for the first time, and he was inevitably a little happy to earn money alone. At this time, the boss saw his thoughts and said to him, the word you need now is stability, follow me and me.

I will take you to earn money, and the two of us will earn the money steadily and it will be over. When you encounter any difficulties, if you don’t understand how to deal with them, you can consult your parents, or you can tell me, the two of us Is it right to solve it together individually? No matter what the problem is, the two of us need to face it together. People are a special group.

It releases more energy, so if the two of them are pressed together now, whether they can have a chemical reaction in the future and whether they can make money depends on how the two of them operate. The boss has no problem at all, mainly Zhan Xiao Can Xuan adapt to this cruel society? Sometimes this society is a little cruel to young people who just entered the society, but there is no way, everyone is the only way, if you can adapt You have to go on this road, and if you can’t get used to it, you have to go in another direction. Actually, there’s nothing wrong with it. If you walk a road and you hit a rock, shouldn’t you take a detour?right?If you take a detour, that's very good, but you can't be afraid of stones, you don't even take this road, you don't even take it at all, Zhan Xiaoxuan also understands very well, Zhan Xiaoxuan also wants to rely on himself The ability to earn the first sum of money, the boss directly reminded him of our number one.

It's the first time I've gone out to do this business alone. To be honest, I don't have much confidence, but you can rest assured that we will go all out, right?If we say that when we encounter difficulties, the two of us will work together to defeat him, there may be someone who loses money, this is the preparation, Zhan Xiaoxuan will understand when he looks for it, Zhan Xiaosong said this to him Needless to say, I realized it a long time ago. Since I wanted to do business with you, I didn’t think about how much money I could make. It’s not that I doubted your ability or my ability, but that’s how it is now. We now There is a cost of trial and error, and this cost of trial and error is still acceptable to us. Speaking of which, the boss also knows that Zhan Xiaoxuan's family background is not ordinary, he must have his own strength , a child who has just graduated, the family gives so much money, and it is not easy to make money.

(End of this chapter)

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