spy ace

Chapter 1035 Preparations for America

Chapter 1035 Preparations for America
Fan Keqin, Qian Jinxun, and behind them Sun Guoxin and Dai Yunong, the four chiefs of military commanders and security bureaus, were awarded a high-level Baoding Medal by each of the old men, especially the specific commanders and planners, Fan Keqin and Qian Jin Xun, the national government was bleeding heavily, and everyone was rewarded with a Buick in private.

Everyone knows that if you want to say that the government has no money now, it is true that there is no money.But the officials of the national government all wear gold and silver, and some have money.When Fan Keqin made a calculation, he couldn't control other people, but it was okay to reward the operation personnel with money in private with Qian Jinxun.Therefore, the two departments of the Intelligence Department and the Security Bureau each took out [-] silver dollars, a total of [-], and distributed them to the four wolf packs.

In addition, Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun also came up with an incentive method during this period.What do you mean, it is to let the field personnel active in the front, mainly the saboteurs, get more autumn wind.As long as it is a business opened by the little devil, whether it is private or the government of the little devil, such as banks, gold stores, silver buildings, deposit cars, casinos, anyway, these departments, shops, commercial firms, etc. that are directly related to money are all gone. grab.Shift the center of gravity of the action slightly to these places, remember, slightly, but not completely.

Otherwise, your actions will be based entirely on these places, and it will be easy for little devils and puppet governments to set traps.And these places seem to have nothing to do with this war, but in fact?What is the war fighting, isn't it resources and money?If these places are repeatedly attacked and robbed, using a bank as an analogy, if you are robbed once every three days, would you still want to deposit your own money in this bank?I'm afraid, except for a few people with a hard head, they wouldn't do this.Of course, being robbed once every three days is too exaggerated, but this truth is beyond reproach.

In this way, no one is willing to deposit money in the banks of the puppet government and little devils, and the funds they can use will naturally shrink. Is this another form of resistance?

Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun were also generous and went to lobby Sun Guoxin and Dai Yunong respectively.Of course, in fact, the two of them can call the shots.But after all, there is a big BOSS above, and it is necessary to show respect.

Sure enough, Dai Yunong and Sun Guoxin would naturally support them. Although they are great spies and don't know much about economics, the truth is still understandable.Furthermore, in the most superficial sense, there is nothing wrong with robbing money from little devils and fakes to subsidize themselves, on the contrary, it is still a good thing.So they agreed directly, mainly Dai Yunong, and Sun Guoxin had already tasted the sweetness after Fan Keqin planned to rob the little devil's vault and jewelry store.Coupled with the secrecy, Dai Yunong didn't even know that the Security Bureau is very rich now.All kinds of arms are being bought in batches, all automatic weapons.

In addition, Fan Keqin and Sun Guoxin are also very generous, reaching four or six points.What does that mean?For example, a team of wolves has [-] members, plus the captain, there are [-] members. For example, [-] yuan was robbed from the little devil, [-] yuan was handed over, and the remaining [-] yuan would be divided among the wolves themselves.Each person can almost divide a few thousand.This is really not a small amount, because it was agreed by Sun Guoxin and Dai Yunong, and this money is not hot to hold.

If you said that you deducted [-]% in private, although you really won't be found out for a while, or even never will be found out, you must be worried. There are spies around, and you are smart.If one of your accomplices slipped it up, it would be a big deal.With Boss Dai's violent temper, why don't you just send a law enforcement team to kill you.

Moreover, Fan Keqin's six-four share is also the result of his deliberation, and it is also for the long-term consideration, a hidden line that no one will suspect.

This time, the Military Command and Telecommunications Office also had some credit, because they deciphered the little devil's encrypted message again afterwards, and the situation of Xin Youjiantai's transfer was thus grasped by the Military Command and the Security Bureau.Of course, it can only be regarded as icing on the cake.

In the next month, Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun personally planned several robberies, namely the puppet government escort vehicle in Nanjing, the gold store in Beiping, and the Bank of East Asia in Shanghai.Serve as a lead and reference for secret service personnel everywhere.It can be said that they were all successful.

It's just that in the Bank of East Asia opened by the little devil, four brothers were unfortunately lost.In fact, objectively speaking, they are a bit unlucky.The little devil's military police were patrolling irregularly, and they happened to pass by the Bank of East Asia, and the little devil was very cunning, instead of rushing directly into the bank, he secretly set up his gun outside.

As soon as the field staff waiting for the action came out, the little devil immediately opened fire, catching the field team by surprise, killing three people on the spot, and one was shot outside the right chest.Although they finally rushed out with their superior firepower and killed half of the devils.But on the way to retreat, the player who was shot in the chest also died of his injuries.

The remaining two operations went very smoothly. The gold store was investigated. Twelve people went in and killed the guard instantly, six people smashed the glass, and six people put it in their backpacks behind.The whole process is over within two minutes, just run away.

The escort vehicle is even simpler, but it takes a little time to observe in advance.Otherwise, it would not have taken Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun a month to complete the three actions.After mastering the rules of the deposit car and the bank's approximate fund transfer.In the middle of the road, two cars were used to block back and forth, get out of the car and set up guns to surround them, and if they dared to come down and resist, they would shoot and kill them on the spot.Then a team member pressed the sticky bomb that Fan Keqin taught them to the back door, pulled the ten-meter wire, and pressed the detonator.The car door exploded with a bang.The escort guards inside didn't dare to fight back at all, and yelled "We surrender, don't shoot." They just lay down in the car.

Seeing this, the field staff of the Security Bureau didn't make it difficult for them, they went in and picked up the two big bags of banknotes and left.In less than a minute, the scene has been evacuated...

Time flies, and another month has passed in a blink of an eye.Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun were sitting in the study of Sun Guoxin's home, tinkering with cigars together.

Today's meal is for Qian Jinxun to practice, because he is about to leave for the United States.In addition, it is mainly to smooth out the situation at the end.

Qian Jinxun exhaled a puff of smoke, and said with a smile: "When I heard that I was going to the United States, David was very active, and he also told me that as soon as I went, he would take me to see a family they had contacted immediately. Arms company. I heard him mean that this arms company intends to sell directly."

(End of this chapter)

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