spy ace

Chapter 1036 Sea View Villa

Chapter 1036 Sea View Villa
Sun Guoxin seemed very interested when he heard this, and said, "Oh? When did he tell you?"

Qian Jinxun replied: "Last night, this kid was not in Chongqing before, oh, it's not that he wasn't there, he was surveying the surrounding areas all day long, and wanted to build a large cannery. He just came back last night, so he asked me for dinner Come on, he also knows that I am going to the United States, so he came back in time."

Sun Guoxin said: "Do you think he is sure about what he said?"

Qian Jinxun thought about it for a while, and said, "Yes, he didn't use too many vague words in his words, and when I asked him questions again, he didn't give repeated affirmations, which is obviously more certain. Performance. Compared with third-person applications, the frequency and proportion of the first-person and second-person applications are moderate, which shows that he is talking to me from a more objective perspective. Therefore, David is quite confident in his humble judgment. "

Having said that, Qian Jinxun turned his head to look at Fan Keqin and said, "Yes, Keqin, there is nothing wrong with me saying that."

Fan Keqin smiled and said: "Well, there's nothing wrong with it. When people are speaking and want the other party to trust themselves, the first-person application is always in front. For example, let me tell you, when I tell you these two types of sentences, this Humanoids tend to be very powerful. There are also second-person applications, but it’s all about you listening to me, you wait, etc. So there must be nothing wrong with your analysis. Even if there is a problem...it’s not David’s fault, maybe It’s the situation in the United States, and he himself thinks that’s the case. But his way of speaking with little self-disposition means that this person is relatively calm. Such a person is actually not easy to be deceived, and he is not likely to deliberately deceive others. Because there is no need."

Qian Jinxun and Sun Guoxin were immediately happy.Qian Jinxun pointed at Fan Keqin, but said to Sun Guoxin, "Boss, do you see that Keqin is boasting himself in different ways?"

Sun Guoxin said with a smile: "He still praises himself, that's the kind of person he is."

Fan Keqin also laughed loudly, took a puff of cigarette, looked at his brother and asked, "Did David introduce that weapon company to you?"

Sun Guoxin was obviously also concerned about this issue, and then he looked at Qian Jinxun, who replied: "Introduction, how do you say the size of this weapons company, it is a medium-sized one, but among medium-sized weapons companies, he It's a relatively small one." This sentence was a bit of a mouthful, but it was not difficult for Sun Guoxin and Fan Keqin to understand.

So Qian Jinxun went on to say: "It can produce all kinds of light weapons, such as pistols, rifles, submachine guns, machine guns and matching bullets, magazines, etc. In addition, it can also produce grenades, landmines and other things. Anyway, In terms of light weapons, they are quite capable. There are five production workshops in total... The research capabilities of weapons are yes, but they are relatively low. The guns they produce now are based on Colt, Browning and other big guns. The list sent by the factory is to survive as an OEM. It is not too prosperous. This is mainly because the factory was quite ambitious before, but a weapon they researched did not get an order from Washington at all. I heard that It was defeated by the Garand M1. Before that, they invested a lot of money in the research of the intermediate power rifle. As a result, Washington did not take their fancy at all, and they almost went bankrupt. Now only It can be barely maintained by doing OEM. But it is too specific, and David is not clear, and it is really impossible to understand too much detail through telegrams."

Sun Guoxin nodded, and said: "Well, it sounds okay. If you can do OEM, at least the production line is fine. You can go there and have a field inspection. If this is the case, let's put this weapon company It's okay to take it down. As for whether to move to the country... I don't think it's necessary. What do you think?"

Qian Jinxun said: "I think it's all right. If you don't move in the United States, this company will rely on the United States, and you don't have to worry about the bullshit of the government. However, if you are in China, there are also advantages, that is, the distance is close, and what kind of products are produced? Things can be used almost immediately and generate profits. And there are certain risks in shipping by sea, after all, the German submarines are very tight."

Fan Keqin said: "I think it's better to let him stay in the United States. We all know the virtues of the government. Although the profits and transportation costs can be saved by more than half, but... it is too difficult to prevent people who care about it. And this is not the same as Donovan's company is different, it's just a shipping company. But if we can produce our own weapons...it must be in a situation where wolves are watching. No matter how we defend, there are loopholes. It's better to spend more cost and transport it back and forth. After growing slowly, I think I can come back and open a branch company and build a factory, so that I can avoid these wolves and tigers."

Sun Guoxin nodded, and said: "Well, this is a way. Although the short-term benefits are not that great, it is relatively safe. But let's do this first." Then he looked at Qian Jinxun, and said: "Wait for you to go Let’s talk about it after the on-the-spot investigation, but you have to be decisive when you have to make a move, so as not to be preempted by others.”

Qian Jinxun said: "Well, I understand. I will start tomorrow. I estimate that it will take ten days and a half a month on the road. It will be gone after more than a month after going back and forth. I will stay there for the rest... …One month, it doesn’t matter if the time is too short, if you notice anything.”

Sun Guoxin said: "Well, let's bring a few more brothers over this time. Keqin, you are secretly arranging the field work of our bureau... the first team, follow your brother to the United States, but before boarding the ship, we still have to keep it secret. Jin Xun should not have any contact with these people. After arriving in the United States, it will be fine. But you must also keep a distance, not too frequent, if something really happens, go to contact. To put it bluntly, David’s family is also a gang member, not so Be safe. In addition, the United States is not a paradise, and their guns are incomparably rampant. And some people in the army are made up of criminals, let alone in their country. They may not all be gentlemen."

Qian Jinxun said: "I heard that the land in the United States is very cheap now, and the houses are not expensive. How about the bureau? Do you want to consider buying some?"

"Buy it." Sun Guoxin said: "Buy some houses in the city and some land in the suburbs, so that there will be both civil and industrial land. You can just look at it."

Qian Jinxun smiled and said, "OK, then I'll get you a sea view villa in Miami..."

(End of this chapter)

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