Chapter 1102

After winning the copyright of the "Follow Me" program, Duan Yun immediately mailed the genuine "Follow Me" audio tapes provided by CCTV to Shenzhen, planning to find an audio-visual company to make genuine copies in large quantities before the Walkman goes on the market. The tapes will be put on the market as a gift for the purchase of repeaters.

After dealing with these matters, the next thing Duan Yun has to do is to contact the endorsement stars of his company and ask them to shoot a Walkman commercial.

At present, Tianyin Electronics Factory has a total of three star spokespersons. Besides Cui Jian, there are also Pan Hong and Liu Xiaoqing. These two also played a very important role in rapidly increasing the popularity of their colorful tape recorders.

The big stars of the past two years have not been as high-ranking as the later generations, they are still actors in the system, so Duan Yun can directly find the two of them at BJ Film Studio.

Because it is a new product, the endorsement contracts with Pan Hong and Liu Xiaoqing have to be re-signed.

This time, Duan Yun donated another 20 yuan to the China Charity Foundation in the names of the two. In addition to the donation, Duan Yun also gave Pan Hong and Liu Xiaoqing 10 yuan each as an endorsement fee. It is sky-high.

Whether it is Cui Jian, Liu Xiaoqing or Pan Hong, they are all very dedicated star actors. This time, Duan Yun asked the three of them to shoot a TV commercial, and also took a set of 20 photos for product promotion. These will be used in the future Newspapers, newspapers and other paper media advertising.

As the so-called first born and second familiar, Duan Yun is now a well-known private entrepreneur in China, so he is at the same level as Cui Jian, Pan Hong, Liu Xiaoqing and other top domestic stars, and they are all young people of the same age. So these four people got along very well when they were together. After the commercial was filmed, they would go to the restaurant to eat and chat together, and the atmosphere was quite pleasant.

Duan Yun is well aware of the importance of these celebrities in enhancing the brand awareness of his company's products, so he has been intentionally or unintentionally trying to establish good personal relationships with actors and stars in the entertainment industry for the past two years. Duan Yun even wants to meet some sports figures, including Lang Ping, the "Iron Hammer" of the Chinese women's volleyball team who led China to three world championships, and Guo Yuehua, Jiang Jialiang, and Cai Zhenhua, the leaders of the Chinese table tennis team, are all celebrities that Duan Yun wants to include in his circle of friends.

While Duan Yun was expanding his circle of friends in Beijing, the price war in the domestic tape recorder industry had quietly started.

According to Duan Yun's arrangement before leaving, Cheng Qingyan immediately notified members of chambers of commerce all over the country to reduce the price of Duocai brand recorders, and invested 300 million to subsidize these members.

In China in the 80s, price reduction was almost the only strategy for all enterprises and shopping malls to promote sales, but this time Duan Yun adopted a "buy it and get it free" promotion. About 40 yuan of small electric fans, adjustable desk lamps and other gifts, and this event immediately attracted a large number of consumers, so that in the first few days of the event, the counters selling colorful tape recorders were crowded with people. Customers started queuing up in the middle of the night just to be able to grab the colorful tape recorders that come with freebies.

At the same time, Tian Song, who had made a bet with Duan Yun, also started a national promotional activity for Chunmei recorders.

Tian Song, who has tasted the sweetness in the past two months, has only one goal, which is to make the Chunmei recorder bigger, bigger, and bigger, and at the same time, he must step on the colorful recorder firmly under his feet and completely withdraw from the recorder industry.

Not only Tian Song, but also several other companies in the Shenzhen Electronics Group that had bet with Duan Yun before, also gave Chunmei Electronics Factory some support. In addition to reducing the supply price of raw materials, they also sent their salesmen in the factory Helping Chunmei Electronics Factory to promote nationwide, their goal is the same as Tian Song's, which is to completely destroy Tianyin Electronics Factory.

Although the sales of Chunmei tape recorders were booming some time ago, the market share of colorful tape recorders produced by Duanyun Electronics Factory was squeezed, but in many domestic cities, colorful tape recorders still have a good market share, and in some cities they still have a slight upper hand. After all, the Duocai recorder is a well-known brand in the country, and the after-sales service is much better than that of Chunmei Electronics Factory, so there are still many ordinary people who would rather spend more money than buy a Duocai recorder.

This is obviously unbearable for Tian Song and many business leaders of Shenzhen Electronics Group.

After learning that Tianyin Electronics Factory has adopted a "buy it free" promotional activity, Chunmei Electronics Factory has also adopted this strategy.

In mid-March, Chunmei Electronics Factory declared war on Tianyin Electronics Factory in Guangzhou, Shanghai and BJ.

In just one store in the Department Store in SH City, Chunmei Electronics Factory stationed more than 50 promotional personnel, and also carried out the "buy, get free" activity. Besieging each other's counters and snatching promotional materials, the smell of gunpowder was unprecedentedly strong. At the most intense time, you can only get a tape recorder worth more than 300 yuan, a small electric fan, an adjustable desk lamp, a thermos bottle, an enamel washbasin, and five gifts of a flashlight. The value is nearly 5 yuan.

In addition to Chunmei Electronics Factory and Tianyin Electronics Factory, in order to avoid a large backlog of goods and the depletion of working capital, some other domestic tape recorder companies were also forced to join this price war, so that they reached the stage of losing money and making money. The competition is always about the wealth and strength of each company. If any company runs out of ammunition and supplies, it will basically be eliminated.

In fact, in later generations, China's home appliance industry has been shrouded in the horror of price wars. Price wars in color TVs, air conditioners, microwave ovens and other industries have been happening one after another, which is spectacular.

And in every price war, the final winner often has three characteristics. First, the company has obvious advantages in capital strength and has a strong ability to resist consumption. Second, it has advanced technological development capabilities. Competitors in the same industry rely on this mature type of product for a living. While the price is being reduced, a new generation of product will be launched immediately, so that the company's profit can still be guaranteed. Complementary market consolidation measures.

From the perspective of these three items, Duan Yun's Tianyin Electronics Factory is obviously the most suitable company for these three items, especially the second item. Their technological development capabilities are advanced, and the purpose of the price war is to dump products that are about to be eliminated. The strength of other companies, from this point of view, Duan Yun was the winner from the beginning.

In addition, this price war has also brought the domestic tape recorder industry into an era of meager profits...

(End of this chapter)

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