Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1842 Smell

Chapter 1842 Smell
In the luxury suite on the top floor of the Honghua Hotel in Beihai, Guangxi, Cheng Qingyan was holding a glass of freshly squeezed juice, standing on the balcony facing the sea, enjoying the cool breeze, looking into the distance with her eyes, as if thoughtful.

The next moment, assistant Wu Lili came to her side and handed her a document.

"Are there so many projects for sale? And all of them are from Wanxin Real Estate Company?" Cheng Qingyan said with a slightly surprised expression after receiving the information.

"Yes, Wanxin Real Estate Company has always been the leader in the real estate industry in Beihai. This time, it sold 31 real estate projects in one go, including 17 real estate projects under construction. The total amount exceeded 18 billion yuan, and all of them were below [-]% of the market price is sold, and it feels like they want to exit." Wu Lili said.

"Thirty percent lower than the market price?" Hearing what assistant Wu Lili said, Cheng Qingyan frowned slightly, and said, "I remember that half a month ago, Wanxin Real Estate only sold three real estate projects to the market, and all of them were It is 5% higher than the market price, why are you willing to sell these properties at a 7% discount in just half a month, has something happened to this company?"

"I don't know the specific situation. Maybe they have a new investment project and want to recover the funds in a short time, so they can start other businesses?" Wu Lili said.

"Impossible!" Cheng Qingyan shook her head, and continued: "As far as the current domestic investment market is concerned, there is no project that can compare with real estate projects, especially the investment projects in Hainan and Beihai, which have the highest return on investment and the shortest return period. , it’s just that the investment threshold in Hainan and Beihai is getting higher and higher. Generally, companies and individuals can’t afford it at all, but this Wanxin Real Estate Company is extraordinary. Although it is a company registered in Guangzhou, the actual The water in the company with BJ behind it is very deep, if there is no special reason, it is impossible for them to sell and leave the market at such a price..."

As a "senior player" who has been involved in the real estate market in mainland China very early and has been deployed for many years, Cheng Qingyan absolutely has a deep understanding of the various hidden rules of Chinese real estate, and she also has a relatively in-depth understanding of her competitors.

As early as a few years ago, when she was laying out the real estate market in Hainan, she had come into contact with this Wanxin real estate company. At that time, Wanxin real estate company was just a little-known leather bag company with only one office in Hainan. There are less than 10 people in total, and the boss is a young man who is only 27 years old. He wears suits and leather shoes, and has a big back. However, this is such a company that has invested in two The total amount of projects in Haikou's high-end villa area is as high as more than 8000 million.

You must know that Pan Shiyi, the Sixth Gentleman of Hainan Wantong who was hyped up by major domestic media at that time, and others, when they first entered the Hainan real estate market, invested only a few million, and real estate companies like Wanxin could not On the same level, so looking at various factors, this Wanxin real estate company is by no means as simple as their facade, but there must be a very strong capital force behind it.

In fact, by the end of 1991, it was already difficult for retail investors and small bosses in Hainan’s real estate market to get a share of the pie. The investment threshold was getting higher and higher, especially for some large state-owned enterprises, township enterprises and private enterprises in China. After capital, and even banks and securities companies poured in through various outlets and channels, Hainan's real estate market has actually become a situation of "separate rule".

It can also be said that no one who can still be active in the Hainan real estate market after 92 is a small player, and the water inside is very deep, so deep that it is unbelievable.

On the Beihai side, Wanxin Real Estate Company was the biggest trader who was the first to deploy and stir up the Guangxi real estate market. Their funds seem to be in a steady stream, and their relationship with the local government is also very good. Even the well-funded Tianyin Real Estate Company, in Guangxi, can only bow down to it. Wanxin Real Estate Company is the well-deserved "boss".

Cheng Qingyan wanted to take over some projects from Wanxin Real Estate Company several times before, but the other party's asking price was very high. If Cheng Qingyan wanted to make money, she still had to depend on their face.

But now, Wanxin Real Estate Company has suddenly gone uncharacteristically and sold a large number of their high-quality real estate projects at unimaginable prices in the past. This immediately made Cheng Qingyan smell something different.

"Actually, this quotation was sent by Wanxin on its own initiative. According to them, they want to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with Tianyin Group, so out of the sincerity of cooperation, they are willing to pay a price lower than the market price. According to their chairman, we are selling these high-quality real estate projects because we want to make friends with Mr. Cheng." Wu Lili added.

"Make a friend?" Hearing what Wu Lili said, Cheng Qingyan immediately flashed a look of disdain, and only heard her say: "The mall is only about interests, so how can there be any real friends? You have eternal interests, and there will be a steady stream of them." Besides, they have already reached the top of Guangxi's real estate market, and their funds are bottomless, so they don't need any friends at all..."

"Then Mr. Cheng, what do you mean..." Sensing something wrong with Cheng Qingyan's tone, Wu Lili asked quickly.

"Shanghaizi has never been a business, this is definitely a pit!" Cheng Qingyan seemed to have thought of something, so she said: "It seems that something big will happen in the Guangxi real estate market. If this is really the case, let's not take this offer for now. , see what will happen in the next period of time?"

At this moment, Cheng Qingyan seemed to have finally realized that something was wrong. She had been in business for so many years and experienced many intrigues, so she still had a sense of it.

Although she still doesn't understand the real reason why Wanxin Real Estate Company did this, at least she can't do this kind of business.

"Then I will directly tell the people at Wanxin Real Estate that our company currently does not have enough funds to take over these projects." Wu Lili replied, and then said: "Mr. Cheng, do you think the real estate market in Beihai is Could it crash?"

"How is it possible?" Cheng Qingyan shook her head with a smile, and continued, "There are some things you don't understand. The real estate market has its own rules. Even if it crashes, it cannot be a hard landing. Besides, there are too many interested parties involved in it." , there are not only large state-owned enterprises, but also state-owned banks, unless the state forcibly intervenes, it is impossible for this to happen in the short term!"

(End of this chapter)

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