Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1910 black face red face

Chapter 1910 black face red face
If the value of VCD is evaluated according to the income method, then this amount will be very considerable, even in the opinion of some experts, the evaluation price of this VCD will be an astronomical figure.

You must know that in the 90s, the electronic market in mainland China was even less than 1/10 of that of the United States, and the VCD of Tianyin Group could make billions of yuan in profits every year in the Chinese market, so the sales volume would be unimaginable.

Of course, there are very big differences between the Chinese and American markets, but there are still some commonalities in terms of audio-visual products. First of all, VCDs in China have successfully replaced old-fashioned VCRs, while the United States currently has a large number of old-fashioned The number of VCRs in possession means that VCD will also have a very large market potential in the United States. From this point of view, it directly affects the value evaluation of VCD, a patented technology.

It is also because of this that Victory Co., Ltd. will offer a sky-high price of [-] million US dollars. Although this is a very high amount in the eyes of outsiders, in fact, if he can offer such a high price, it is obvious that the evaluation price will be even higher. High, there is no doubt about it. On the other hand, Sharp Electronics' bid is obviously a bit "not kind enough", and it can even be said to be an obvious grab.

"You will regret doing this." Hayakawa Jiro said with a gloomy expression.

"Mr. Hayakawa, please don't worry. Even if you regret it in the future, that's our business. I think it might be your company that regrets it." Li Yun said with a twitch of her mouth.


"Mr. Hayakawa, we are all for the benefit of our respective companies, so there is no need to be so excited." Li Yun smiled slightly, and continued: "We will always invite you and other people from your company to a banquet in the evening, if it is convenient for you... "

"I don't need to talk about your banquet!" Hayakawa Jiro snorted and said.

"That's your freedom." Li Yun raised her eyebrows and continued, "Of course, if you are willing to attend the banquet, Mr. Duan will be very happy."

After Li Yun finished speaking, she picked up the documents and turned to leave the conference room.

For Li Yun, in fact, being able to drag the three companies together to negotiate is considered a success.

Now that the negotiations with Sharp Electronics are on the verge of collapse, she must try her best to settle the matter with Victory Co., Ltd. before Hayakawa Jiro and his party leave, because once Sharp Corporation leaves and only Victory Co., Ltd. is left, then the negotiation The initiative will undoubtedly tilt towards Victory Corporation again.

Seeing Li Yun leave, Hayakawa Jiro was taken aback for a moment, then got up and left the meeting room with the rest of the team under the guidance of the staff.

Hayakawa Jiro never expected that Li Yun's negotiating attitude would be so decisive. He originally thought that the target was a woman, who could suppress her aura and force the other party to compromise in the negotiation. this opportunity.

Although there was a fierce dispute between the two parties in the conference room, after returning to the busy year, Hayakawa Jiro gradually began to calm down.

But at this time, there was a knock on the door, and Jiro Hayakawa opened the door, only to find that the staff of the Tianyin Group Guest House was standing at the door, and he handed an invitation letter to himself, and then Turned around and left.

Hayakawa Jiro opened the invitation letter and found that the signature was Duan Yun, and the general content was to invite him to a banquet on the third floor of the company restaurant tonight, with a very polite and tactful tone.

Seeing this invitation letter, Hayakawa Jiro threw it directly on the TV cabinet, but soon, he picked it up and took a look...


In the evening, all the invited factory representatives came to the VIP room on the third floor of Tianyin Group restaurant as scheduled.

Compared with the negotiators from Sharp Electronics who participated in the dinner for the first time, several representatives from Sony and Victory Corporation seemed very happy and natural, all of them had smiles on their faces, and some of them even directly gave their company leaders The wine glass is full of wine.

The Japanese are very serious at work, but after get off work, they often choose to let themselves go, choose to go to the bar or the style street, and release the pressure accumulated all day.

Tianyin Group also has a very high standard for their hospitality. The leeks prepared these days are quite rich. The chef is a famous chef from the Guangzhou Hotel. In addition to national liquors such as Moutai Fenjiu, they even bought some Japanese drinks and drinks from foreign trade stores. The interior of the restaurant is also very luxurious, giving people a very high-end and luxurious feeling.

Although the representatives of these manufacturers are also executives of large Japanese companies, the banquet treatment of this specification has also opened their eyes, especially for them, it is a great enjoyment to be able to eat Chinese state banquet dishes here So much so that the negotiators of Sony and Victory Co., Ltd. felt a little overwhelmed. During the day, the rhythm of the negotiations was obviously slowed down, and at night, they could enjoy the food and wine here.

Hayakawa Jiro couldn't help being surprised when he saw this scene, but he still paid more attention to this negotiation task than the luxurious and sumptuous meals here.

Halfway through the banquet, Hayakawa Jiro came to Duan Yun with a wine glass.

Since he and Li Yun could not reach an agreement at the negotiating table, he would like to take the opportunity of this reception to have a direct interview with the boss of Tianyin Group.

In fact, there is quite a tacit understanding between Duan Yun and Li Yun. One pretends to be a bad face and the other plays a red face. When talking with him, you only need to make a little compromise, and the chances of reaching an agreement between the two parties will become very high.

Not discussing business at the reception is actually just a gimmick. As long as Duan Yun wants to talk, these Japanese representatives would like to talk directly with Duan Yun. After all, it is too difficult to face Li Yun at the negotiating table.

"Mr. Hayakawa, I've already learned about the negotiations in the afternoon. Maybe my assistant's words made you feel uncomfortable. I apologize to you here, but it's impossible to talk about business smoothly." Duan Yun listened After Kawajiro got his intentions, he smiled slightly and said, "However, I think the negotiations have reached such a stalemate. We can completely change our thinking or approach..."

"What do you mean, Mr. Duan?" Hayakawa Jiro asked hastily, as if he could hear from Duan Yun's words that the negotiation was still going on.

Compared with the arrogance and strength shown when I met Duan Yun last time, Hayakawa Jiro's tone and attitude have softened a lot this time. Obviously, he really has nothing to do now, and from then on, the negotiation must be successful, so I can only lower my posture and hope that Duan Yun can give him a chance.

"I do have a good suggestion." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and continued, "I just don't know if Mr. Hayakawa can accept it..."

(End of this chapter)

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