Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2140 Small Investment

Chapter 2140 Small Investment
"Actually, in our Tianyin Group, there are many top software experts in China, and there are not a few talents who understand network software technology, and we also have a research and development center in the United States, so we can keep an eye on the development direction of various international technologies." Duan Yun Glancing at Ma Yun, he continued: "As for making a webpage similar to yours, it's not too difficult. Let's put it this way, if I want, I can ask our technicians to write the largest Internet webpage in China at any time."

Duan Yun really wanted to keep Ma Yun under his command, so at this time, he also said some of his ideas straight to the point, not only promised him a very high salary, but also gave him a small "reminder" ", that is, if he is unwilling to accept Duan Yun's "Zhao'an", then it is entirely possible that Duan Yun can use competition to close down his small company at any time.

In fact, Ma Yun’s current small company is not worth mentioning to Duan Yun. He has many ways to make this company go bankrupt, but Duan Yun doesn’t want to do it yet, because he also knows that the enterprise yellow pages The technical threshold of this kind of project is actually very low. The key is how to attract customers, which is a difficult problem that tests the entrepreneur's network and eloquence. Enterprises all over the country are enough to support this project, which is something that can be easily accomplished.

But Duan Yun actually does not bother to do this from the bottom of his heart, because the profit of this project is not high, and the commercial value is very limited in the current situation where the Internet is not popularized in China.

"I believe Mr. Duan, with your strength, it is of course very easy to do this kind of commercial project." After a while, Ma Yun calmed down, and then said: "Besides, to be honest, Mr. Duan, the salary you offered me is really good. It's too high, it almost scares me..."

"Hahaha!" Hearing this, Duan Yun laughed, and then said: "Let me tell you the truth, for example, when our company recruits fresh graduates, the salary for the first few months of internship is only about 2000 yuan. I will increase their salaries to about 5000-8000 yuan for those talents who perform particularly well and have potential, such as a salary of more than 3 yuan a month, which can only be obtained by very outstanding people. I like it It’s you, I think you are a great talent, of course, if you feel that this salary still doesn’t meet your requirements, you can say something.”

"Mr. Duan, the salary you gave me is already high enough, far beyond my imagination. This kind of salary is already very sincere, and even makes me a little flattered." With a grateful smile on Ma Yun's face, he continued Said: "But... I still hope to start my own business. Although I may fail, I still want to do this. No matter whether I get rich or lose money in the future, I can accept it calmly, because this is a matter of my ability. Without this life, I can only accept..."

When he said this, Ma Yun had a firm face on his face.

"Um, since that's the case, everyone has their own ambitions, and I won't force you." Duan Yun nodded and said.

In fact, Duan Yun also knows that a person with a personality like Ma Yun will not be willing to be subordinated to others forever. From his previous entrepreneurial experience, it can be seen that Ma Yun is indeed a person with a firm will, even when the company is most difficult. He can also grit his teeth and find a way out. He is born like a leader, with many ideas and strong action, so he is destined not to become a migrant worker.

So seeing Ma Yun's statement, Duan Yun also knew in his heart that it would be very difficult for him to keep the other party in his group company, so he didn't say anything more about keeping him.

"Mr. Duan, actually, I think you should take a good look at my project plan. It contains a very detailed plan and is very feasible. Although I can't guarantee [-]% success, the possibility of success is at least More than [-]%." After rejecting Duan Yun's "Zhao An", Yun immediately changed the topic and talked about the plan he brought again.

I have to say that Ma Yun has a thick skin. If it were someone else, because he had already rejected Duan Yun's invitation, he might not talk about cooperation anymore. But like Ma Yun, he is very eager to seize this opportunity. Opportunities to take your career to the next level.

"Hehe." Duan Yun smiled slightly after hearing the words, and continued: "Then I want to ask, how much do you think your company is worth at present?"

"This..." Ma Yun didn't expect Duan Yun to ask this question suddenly, and after thinking for a while, he said: "At present, our company is very small, with only three employees in total, including my wife, but the future potential is very huge. of……"

"I just want to ask you how much this company is worth now?" Duan Yun raised his brows when he heard Ma Yun's words.

"Tens of thousands of yuan. We just bought a computer last month, which cost more than 6000 yuan. We also bought some office supplies. The house is rented, and the rent is due in March next year, so I think it can be worth at least 3 to 9 yuan." Ma Yun said.

Ma Yun obviously exaggerated his company's assets on purpose. In fact, when he founded this company, he borrowed more than 1 yuan from his sister, and added his own more than 8000 yuan. The total income is only 2 More than [-] yuan.

"I can give you 10 yuan, but I want a 30% stake in this company, what do you think?" Duan Yun said very simply.

In fact, 10 yuan is just a small amount of money for Duan Yun. You must know that if you take a private jet to go to any place in the country, the cost of refueling alone will cost 10,000+ or ​​even several 10 yuan, so 10 yuan Yuan is not enough for him to travel once.

Moreover, in the projects Duan Yun invested in, for example, some technology companies in Shenzhen before, the initial investment was around one million yuan, and some projects even invested several million or even tens of millions, so this time he is only willing to provide Ma Yun with 10 yuan. It seems a little pathetic, not to mention that Duan Yun knows Ma Yun's incredible career achievements in later generations, so it seems a little unreasonable to invest only 10 yuan in him.

But in fact, Duan Yun has his own ideas. First of all, 10 yuan is enough for the current Ma Yun company to operate for a year and a half, and his company itself does not have much technical content. Rely on Jack Ma's personal ability to solicit business.

The last point is that Duan Yun doesn’t want to “feed Ma Yun too much”, giving him too much money may weaken his motivation to start a business, and Duan Yun himself also wants to develop Internet e-commerce business, so it is impossible for him Let your potential opponents develop rapidly...

(End of this chapter)

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