Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2159 Electronic Payment

Chapter 2159 Electronic Payment
In fact, when it comes to the strength and potential of entering overseas markets, Tianyin Group can definitely be included in this list. There are other reasons for not being selected.

Among the six enterprises supported by the state, Jiangnan Shipyard is a century-old factory founded during the Westernization Movement and is the largest shipbuilding enterprise in China. North China Pharmaceutical Factory is the largest pharmaceutical factory newly built after the founding of New China. The other four are They are all new enterprises after the reform and opening up.

What they have in common is that they have a background in state-owned capital, have proved their competitiveness in market competition, and are an outstanding entrepreneur.

Although Tianyin Group also has Poly Group as a shareholder, in general, the shares it occupies are very small. In addition, in the public perception, Tianyin Group has always appeared as the most successful private enterprise, so in the eyes of the country's top leaders, Tianyin Group No matter how powerful the music group is, it is not "natural", so it will not be given priority in this kind of national key project.

However, although it did not enter the list of the national team, it has become a key support enterprise in Shenzhen and Guangdong Province. In fact, this is also the policy of the provincial and municipal governments to follow the national policy.

In addition, the slogans put forward by each province and city are different. The provincial government proposes to send these key supported enterprises into the top 500 enterprises in China within a few years, while the slogans put forward by each city are to create "provincial top [-] enterprises" , the ministries and commissions of the state have also put forward the list of support in their fields.

For example, the State Administration of Light Industry announced the list of 68 "competent enterprises striving to create international famous brands" in the country. Its strategic goal is also to strive to support China's light industry to enter the world's top [-] within ten years. , a top-down grasping strategy gradually took shape.

The state’s support policies for the six seed players include investing no less than 2000 million yuan in technological innovation funds for each company every year, and allowing companies to prepare for the establishment of financial companies with public financing functions. , and the specific example was South Korea's Daewoo Group, which was growing fastest in Asia at that time.

Daewoo Group was founded by Jin Yuzhong in 1967. At first it was a small trading company with a registered capital of only 1 US dollars. In 1976, South Korean President Park Chung-hee, who had studied under Jin Yuzhong’s father, decided to support Daewoo. The state-owned heavy machinery manufacturing plant was allocated to Daewoo Corporation, and it took only one year for Kim Woo-jung to make a profit. The South Korean government then handed over some poorly managed state-owned enterprises, such as shipyards and automobile factories, to Kim Woo-jung. Daewoo was chartered to engage in the financial service industry, and soon Daewoo caught up with the mixed business model of the manufacturing and financial industries, and quickly grew into a comprehensive enterprise with an amazing scale.

In 1993, Jin Yuzhong proposed a global business model, fully involved in major German fields such as automobile manufacturing, television, aviation accessories, optical cables, and communications, and established a number of factories in Poland, Ukraine, Iran, Vietnam, India and other countries. In 1995, Daewoo was selected as the fastest growing company in Asia by the American "Business Weekly". In its heyday, Daewoo Group employed 110 people in 32 countries and became the pride of Korean companies.

The myth of Daewoo Group makes the Chinese business circle extremely envious. He let people see a path of rapid growth under the full support of the government through the mixed operation mode of real industry and finance. In the eyes of many people, he is an oriental style. It can be completely transplanted to China. Therefore, in the domestic economic circles and decision-making circles at that time, it was almost a consensus to cultivate several super-large enterprise groups that could enter the world's top 500. People believed that this large-scale, omnipotent aircraft carrier-style The consortium is the best model for enterprises to fight against the risks of international competition, and it is also a symbol of China's economic rise.

The "Daewoo Model" still has a great impact on the Chinese government and the business community. In the eyes of many leaders, the comprehensive management of enterprises has become a "golden key" for domestic enterprises to enter the international market. It can be said that 1996 is the history of Chinese enterprises. In the most passionate year, the nationals have reached a very high level of pride in China's economic development and national enterprises. They believe that the Chinese people are hardworking and intelligent. "Small" model to support a few Chinese companies' signs, then one day, China will become a developed country like South Korea and live a prosperous life.

But in fact, although South Korea’s model has something to learn from, it is not completely suitable for China, because a small country like South Korea only needs to support a few key industries and projects, which can greatly stimulate the overall country’s growth. economy and GDP, but China is a big country with a population of more than one billion. Concentrating the power of the whole country to support several key enterprises will not have much effect on the economy of the whole country, nor can it solve the large-scale domestic employment. Problem, so in Duan Yun's view, this model is actually more like a "face project", the biggest effect is to enhance national pride, but in fact the price paid behind it is far beyond people's imagination.

The reason why Duan Yun proposed such a slogan, to enter the world's top [-], is because of his own strength. In fact, the current Tianyin Group is already a very powerful company in the world, although it is not as good as Those established multinational giants, but relying on China's domestic market and the strong research and development capabilities that they have built up over the years, it is entirely feasible to hit the world's top [-] in the future.

On the other hand, Duan Yun needs such a slogan to draw big cakes for his employees and members of the chamber of commerce he joined, because the chamber of commerce itself is a group bound by interests. It will evaporate.

Shouting slogans, drawing big cakes, and setting goals have always been important means for Duan Yun to manage the chamber of commerce, and this time is no exception.

Moreover, the reason why Duan Yun chanted such a slogan this time also has a very important purpose, which is to attract the attention of the country, so as to obtain the very necessary support at the national level.

In particular, Duan Yun is now building an e-commerce network in China. In addition to technical and logistics issues, there is another important aspect that needs to be solved, that is, the problem of online payment. Only when online payment is realized, e-commerce can be widely used in China in the future Promotion, and the current wire transfer and remittance methods have many inconveniences, which are too troublesome and need to go through a lot of procedures. If the state can give Tianyin Group a certain amount of support and let the state-owned banks and Tianyin Group reach a certain payment agreement, then Duan Yun can completely monopolize the domestic e-commerce field in a very short period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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