Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 985 Huge Bounty

Chapter 985 Huge Bounty
On the morning of the second day, Duan Yun got a purchase list of equipment and parts from the research institute, all of which were used for the modification of the new production line.

Duan Yun himself made a list last night, including ball bearings for assembling plug-in machines, high-performance motors, and other high-performance components. These are difficult to buy in China and can only be imported through special channels. .

Holding the two lists, Duan Yun immediately called the Xiamen office.

After Zhao Changfeng on the other end of the phone wrote down Duan Yun's purchase list, he immediately went to Xiamen Yuanfang Company.

That afternoon, Duan Yun got the quotations for all parts.

Even for a company as powerful as Xiamen Yuanfang, some equipment is still difficult to buy, because they are all high-tech parts and components that are strictly blocked from China, so the risk is very high, especially in the current situation of serious hostility between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. It is also impossible for the "consignor" placed on the other side to obtain all the products on the list.

Fortunately, most of the items on the list can be bought, but the price is a bit outrageous. A ball bearing costs more than 3500 yuan.

"Manager Duan, the high-precision sensors and motors you want cannot be supplied by the distant company. These are high-tech products that are tightly sealed, and their people can't get them, no matter how much money they give... ..." Zhao Changfeng on the other end of the phone said helplessly.

"Forget it, I'll remit the money to you later, and buy all the parts that can be bought first." Duan Yun settled down.

Up to now, Duan Yun can only buy a little and count a little.

In fact, many key components can be made with Duan Yun's previous technology accumulation, but it will take too much time. Now Duan Yun's first task is to start this second-hand production line in Japan as soon as possible.

"Manager Duan, if you can offer a high price, I have other channels here, but besides the high price, the waiting time may be longer..." said Zhao Changfeng on the other end of the phone.

Zhao Changfeng is well aware of Duan Yun's positioning for the Xiamen office. It is adjacent to Taiwan, and the local gray industry chain is relatively strong. Compared with Hong Kong, which has a relatively developed financial and real estate industry, Taiwan's real estate industry, known as the Four Asian Tigers, is far above Hong Kong. They can produce advanced electronic components and equipment by importing a large number of components from Europe, America and Japan, and can buy many high-tech products that cannot be bought in the mainland at high prices from Xiamen.

In fact, many fishermen along the coast of Xiamen earn huge profits by smuggling TVs, radios and other in-demand goods in the mainland. It is safe enough to buy some high-tech parts and components that are strictly prohibited from being exported to the mainland, but the risk is high, the process is relatively troublesome, and the waiting time is relatively long. After all, the other side also needs some means to obtain these things.

"How much do the remaining parts cost?" Duan Yun asked.

"I asked those people from the distant company before, and they said that if these parts and components were purchased locally in Taiwan, they would cost at least 30 in RMB..." Zhao Changfeng replied.

"Then how much can you buy through your channel?" Duan Yun asked again.

"Without a profit of more than 5 times, no one will take this kind of business. These are high-tech product parts that are strictly sealed by the other side. If someone in Taiwan sells these things to the mainland, it will be regarded as collaborating with the enemy. If it is not good, he will be shot, so the money given is less, and no one is willing to do it." Zhao Changfeng said helplessly.

The mid-80s was a time when the cross-strait confrontation was very serious. Although there were certain economic and trade exchanges, the military was always in a state of tension. The government on the other side had always been very strict in controlling high-tech products, and formulated relevant laws. The maximum penalty is death.

"5 times is 5 times! I will pay 160 million for the products on the purchase list, but the time should not be too long. If it exceeds two months, I will not give up!" Duan Yu thought for a while, and then said: "But if you can buy the products in one Buy me everything on the list within a month, and I can offer another 40, which is a total of 200 million!"

"Okay! I'll do it now!" Zhao Changfeng replied simply.

In any case, money can turn ghosts around. In the mainland in the 80s, some people dared to risk their lives for thousands of dollars. Although the average annual income on the other side was high, the price of 200 million yuan given by Duan Yun , is enough to make some people go all out.

"Then it's hard work for you."

"It's not hard, this is what I should do, Manager Duan, just wait for the reply." Zhao Changfeng on the other end of the microphone finished speaking and hung up the phone directly.

After Duan Yun put down the phone, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This time, it cost a total of 240 million yuan just to buy parts, which really made Duan Yun feel a little bit pained. You must know that he also spent more than 200 million yuan to buy two CNC machining centers last time, but they are complete and advanced after all. Equipment, and now it costs so much money just to buy chips and components, which can really be called a big deal.

But there was no turning back, Duan Yun had no choice but to get these advanced integrated chips and components as soon as possible. As long as the production line and plug-in machine could be successfully modified, his new product recorder could officially start production.

After leaving the office, Duan Yun immediately arranged for the financial staff to remit 240 million to Xiamen, and then went to the Guangzhou Canton Fair office.

April 4th of this year was the opening time of the 10 Spring Canton Fair, but this time Duan Yun no longer participated in the exhibition on behalf of Longteng Company, but participated in this exhibition as the general manager of Tianyin Electronics Factory.

During the Chinese New Year this year, Li Wenshan, the director of the Light Industry Department of SX Province, has retired. The newly appointed director, Wan Liangnong, has met Duan Yun before, and he also attaches great importance to Duan Yun's Tianyin Electronics Factory, so this time it is still the same. Duan Yun was given a place to participate in the exhibition.

However, since Duan Yun has left the Red Star Labor Service Company, the provincial department appointed a new manager Jia Zhiqiang to participate in the exhibition this time, and arranged a very large booth, which was the same as when Duan Yun participated in the last exhibition.

In fact, Wan Liangnong, the newly appointed director of the Light Industry Department, is not optimistic about Jia Zhiqiang, but as a key export-earning enterprise in the province, the golden signboard of Red Star Labor Service Company cannot be lost.

Since there is no technical core like Duan Yun, and Jia Zhiqiang is not capable enough to support the province's largest export-earning light industry enterprise, after Wan Liangnong took office, the first fire of the new official's appointment was on Red Star Labor The service company, under his leadership, the provincial government invested 1 million yuan to introduce the advanced technology of Nissan Diesel, purchased 2200 new equipment for the Red Star Labor Service Company, set up 93 CNC production lines, and introduced a mature Japanese transmission box production technology.

(End of this chapter)

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