Yun Qishen

Chapter 1310 Chapter 1309 Copper Coin 1 Division Play

Chapter 1310 Chapter [-]
The thousand-handed monster attacked us, and I pulled Mo Langqin aside to dodge.

The Taoist was still chanting and casting spells, and kept sticking spells on the monster.

It's just that this method didn't have any substantial effect.

"You guys should die!"

The thousand-handed monster threw out his black hand, and once again grabbed the bodies of me and the others tightly.

My breathing became difficult, and I really couldn't do anything with my current body.

I half-closed my eyes and resisted, but Mo Langqin bit his black hand with his mouth open and didn't let go.

The Taoist was also resisting the pressure exerted by the monsters from outside, he shouted towards me.

"Nan Sun Shuo, don't let go of the copper coins!"

"This guy's everything is pinned on copper coins, I'll save you right away!"

I won't complain about this kind of bloody dialogue.

Please take a good look at my current situation!

I'm about to be suffocated by the monster here!
You kid actually cares about a copper coin!
If you want to save it, save it quickly, what are you talking about!

I was completely speechless, and I naturally held the copper coin tightly in my hand.

Even when my consciousness was about to blur, I didn't wait for this Taoist's help.

That's right, he can't guarantee his own safety.

My vision became completely dark.

The voice of the Taoist calling Nansun Shuo became smaller and smaller.

Immediately afterwards my consciousness appeared in a liquid.

I wanted to breathe, but I felt like I was drowning.

If I don't breathe, there will be another burst of blockage and pain.

This is always a pain that is worse than death.

But I don't know when it started, this kind of pain is not so deep for me.

【What are you doing again! 】

[This is too incompetent! 】

【I'll talk about you again, apprentice! 】

[Have you listened to the teacher's words! 】

[Wake up, go and make Kung Pao Chicken for Master! 】

【Disciple!apprentice!The cloud is so deep——]

This familiar voice prompted me to open my closed eyes.

Everything around me feels completely different from what I feel.

I was in front of a dilapidated temple.

I looked at my hands and found that I was still using Nansun Shuo's weak body.

It's just that I didn't feel the real feeling, and besides being attacked by monsters, I was safe and sound.

Mo Langqin and the Taoist also disappeared.


I wanted to take a look, but luckily I still had that copper coin in my hand.

Immediately afterwards, a group of children came running not far from me.

"Come on!"

"You are so slow!"

"If you are late, you will be scolded by the master!"

"I just want to know what to eat today."

"Eat, eat, eat, you will know how to eat! Be careful which day you eat yourself to death!"

"It would be nice if that day came, it's better than being hungry now."

"Let's not talk about that, today Master said that there is new knowledge for us!"

"Yeah, I'm really looking forward to it!"

"I will use my knowledge to make a lot of money in the future!"

"When that day comes, I will definitely buy a big house for everyone and Master to live in!"

The group of children were talking and laughing as they ran into the dilapidated temple.

My sense of unreality intensified as they passed through my body unresponsively.

I immediately understood my situation.

It seems to be caught in someone's memory or some illusion.

It is most likely because of the attack of the thousand-handed monster, or because of...

"Is this copper coin..."

I followed the group of children into the dilapidated temple.

As soon as I came in, I saw the Buddha statue with a kind face at first sight.

Another glance is the man under the Buddha statue who also has a kind face.

This man was dressed as a scholar. He placed a table under the Buddha statue, and there were books, paper, pens and inkstones on the table.

The group of children walked to their seats one after another, and they even saluted the man politely.

"I have seen Master!"

At that moment, I felt like I was back in school.

In my opinion, this group of children has no money to go to school, and this man dressed as a scholar also came to give free lessons to this group of children.

What I don't understand is how such a scenario would help my situation.

I'm really following the plot now, right?

In order to find the truth I wanted, I had to listen to the man's teaching to the children.

"Master, master! Why didn't the farmer kill the tiger and continue to raise it?"

"That's right, Master, how do beasts know what kindness is!"

"That's right, the vicious dog in front of the village, I gave him a piece of dry food before, and now it wants to bite me after seeing me!
They don't know how to be grateful. "

The group of children got into a row because of something the man said.

The man knocked on the table to signal everyone to be quiet and listen to him.

"Everything in the world has spirituality, the farmer is a kind person, and the tiger is not cruel by nature.

How you treat them, they will naturally repay you.

The vicious dog in front of the village is often bullied by its owner, so that vicious dog will not get close to people.

When you resent others, will you choose to forgive each other just because of a piece of dry food? "

"I do not know."

"I do not know either."

The group of children also talked about this issue.

"Children, you discuss and discuss here first, and I will leave to go to the latrine first."

"Good master."

The man's brows were slightly frowned, it seemed that his stomach was not feeling well.

I thought that the target I needed to observe would be this scholar, so I followed him and left the temple.

When the scholar came out of the hut normally, I felt that I had made a mistake.

Then there was a loud bang, and then there was a scream.

It is the direction of the temple!

I followed the scholar here and rushed back to the temple to make up.

It turned out that it was indeed a collapsed temple.


The scholar became frightened, and he moved the rubble with his hands.

The temple did not collapse too badly, but the gate of the temple was squeezed too much by the rubble.

The children inside couldn't get out, and the men couldn't get in.

"Master! Woohoo!"

"The roof collapsed all at once."

"Brother, he, brother, he was suppressed!"

"Master, save us quickly."

"It's scary."


The children's hands kept stretching out through the narrow exit.

It's dangerous.

I was very worried looking at the rubble that hadn't completely fallen down.

The scholar stretched out his hand towards the entrance, and he even grabbed the hand of one of the students.

"I'll save you right now! Hold on, kids!"

The scholar looked very weak, and he couldn't hold on to the rubble for a long time.

In the end, just when the scholar was about to rescue a person, the temple collapsed again.

These people collapsed completely.

After that, the scholar went crazy...

(End of this chapter)

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