Yun Qishen

Chapter 1311

Chapter 1311 Copper coin first division play (2)

(God's perspective)
The laughter of the children surrounded the scholar.

The scholar was originally a candidate who failed the exam. He could have been in high school but was forced to fail the exam because of some official oppression.

The scholar's original ambition was destroyed, and he lived as a walking dead for five years.

The life of a poor scholar became more and more difficult until a girl with the appearance of a beggar changed him.

The girl is only seven years old, but she can talk very well and can always beg for more food than others.

At the same time, girls envy other children who can read and write.

It was such a coincidence that the girl met the scholar.

"They say you can read and write! Can you teach me.

I have some pennies! "

The scholar at that time was not gentle, he pushed the girl away in disgust and was about to leave.

"Why did the No. [-] scholar in my high school teach you? Get out of the way!"

The scholar looked sloppy, he stumbled and drank a lot.

The wine bottle was given to him by the scholar's sweetheart back then, but after he failed the exam, the sweetheart married someone else.

The glory and wealth that he should have had all become illusory.

The beggar girl didn't give up, she grabbed the scholar's sleeve and still begged.

"I can help with anything, I want to read! Please teach me to read!"

Seeing the girl like this, the scholar happened to have some things to tidy up, so he asked the girl to clean his house on the condition of teaching.

The girl naturally agreed.

The scholar thought that the house that had not been cleaned for five years would scare the girl away, but the girl called some children who wanted to read and write like her to help clean it.

There are many people and strength, and the house was cleaned in less than a day.

"I'm so hungry."

"I just cleaned today, I haven't begged yet..."

"Xiao Lizi, have you begged for anything?"

"I didn't go today either. I'll go to the restaurant later and ask if there are any leftovers."

The children of beggars are more sensible than the children of normal families of the same age.

They didn't ask the scholar for anything other than knowledge, which made the scholar feel a little bit sorry.

It was the first time in five years that the scholar felt that he was needed, and these beggar children did not force him to teach.

The scholar reeked of alcohol, but he was already sober.

"Don't go begging today, let's go to a restaurant to eat."

The scholar's words startled the beggar children.

After sitting in the restaurant and facing the rich dishes, they only felt that it was too incredible.

"We can't eat here."

"It will disturb other people..."

"They're looking at us again..."

"They're still laughing..."

The children were not at ease, and the girl was also a little unhappy at this time. She felt that the scholar was laughing at them.

Unexpectedly, the scholar said a sentence that shocked all the children at this time.

The scholar spoke loudly on purpose so that other guests could hear him.

"They are all living beings, so don't look down on anyone.

These foods were all bought at the same price, neither stolen nor robbed.

We are here as customers, just eat. "

We don't steal or grab, just eat.

Such words inspired the children, and everyone was no longer restrained, and they scrambled to eat.

Others don't understand why the scholar treats these beggar children so well.

After the children finished their meal and left, the scholar paid the money himself, and he even paid off the wine money that had been on credit before.

Out of curiosity, the shopkeeper asked the scholar why.

The scholar looked at the children with full stomachs and smiled rarely.

“They allowed me to meet the person I was in school.”

The scholar then sighed, "I understand now, if I have no ambition, I can change to another ambition to give.

I want to teach this group of children to read and write, so that they can live without begging in the future. "

Since then, the scholar has developed in a good way. He has dressed himself appropriately, and he has become more and more gentle.

The children grow up slowly with the scholar, and the scholar's room is too small to accommodate the increasing number of children every year.

"There is a temple on the top of the mountain, and there are no monks there anymore. Why don't Master take everyone to teach there!"

"Yes, Master, it's a bit cleaner over there."

The children recommended going to the temple, and the scholar agreed.

The next day they went to the temple together with a few books to make arrangements.

After that, the scholar came to the temple very early every day. Before the children came, the scholar would clean the dust on the Buddha statue in the temple.

As time passed, some children stopped begging and went to work elsewhere.

On that day, all the children reunited again. They made an appointment with the scholar in the temple and thought about listening to the scholar's class again.

The result was this day, this unfortunate day.

Temples collapsed.

that group of kids.

The group of scholars looked at the students who had grown up.

The group of children who gave the scholar the meaning of life.

All dead.

The scholar locked himself in the room again and did not go out again.

"Blood... under the feet..."

"The kids... are looking at me..."

"If only I had more hands..."

"I could have pushed away the rubble, and I could have pulled the children out."

"One... two... children are asking me for help."

"It would be nice to have more hands. Holding a child with one hand can definitely save them."

"It would be great if..."

The scholar kept mumbling.

About three months later, someone pushed open the door of the scholar's house.

They found the scholar who had become a living corpse.

It was bluish purple that looked like a corpse, but the scholar was still breathing.

That's why it's called a living corpse.

After another month, it was discovered that some dense bumps had grown on the back of the scholar, and within two days these bumps grew into hands.

Those hands were like those of a baby, small and fleshy.

Another month and those hands are fully grown.

The scholar turned into a thousand-handed monster.

People invited Taoist priests to cast spells, but there was no way to get rid of the scholar.

It wasn't until a god was reincarnated that he subdued the thousand-handed scholar with a copper coin.

The scholar did not harm anyone before he was subdued, and he would even protect those children who were bullied or about to be abducted.

But after the thousand-year seal of the copper coin, the scholar's evil thoughts also arose.

He wants to survive, he wants to kill all those adults and those who bully children.

In order to survive, he can only lift the seal with the magic power of copper coins.

So he met Nansun Shuo and his group.

Yun Qishen learned about the Qianshou scholar through Nansun Shuo.

Yun Qishen also sighed.

"It's still the same sentence, live on. No matter what method you use, you must live on... It really fits your philosophy, Ritsuto..."

The story of the thousand-handed monster is over, and Yun Qishen has returned to his reality.

(End of this chapter)

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