Yun Qishen

Chapter 1336 Copper Coin 5 Beast Show

Chapter 1336 Copper Coin Five Beast Show (1)

(God's perspective)
When Yun Qishen was preparing to go north with Chongming, at Mo Langqin's side, he and the Taoist also encountered a copper coin barrier.

Several days have passed since the date of meeting with Yun Qishen.

Mo Langqin had already imagined Yun Qishen's irritable and troubled appearance.He must be frowning, his eyes are so fierce that they can kill.

"Master, I want to go back but I don't want to go back..."

Mo Langqin sighed and quickly followed the Taoist.

The Taoist's name is Su He, but Mo Langqin is more used to calling him Taoist priest.

Su He and Mo Langqin have been trapped in the copper coin barrier for several days.

It should be some external factors that caused Mo Langqin to make no progress at all.

These days they keep spinning in one place.

No enemies approach and nothing happens.

"Don't leave, don't leave, it's really endless! How many days has it been! My little master's feet hurt!"

Mo Langqin lay directly on the ground in the posture of a dog now.

He also gradually recognized his appearance.

After several days of turning around, Su He continued to move forward tirelessly. He who hadn't spoken for several days suddenly spoke today.

Mo Langqin also realized that they can start the plot here.

"Be patient for a while, I have a hunch that we are about to find a breakthrough."

Su He continued to walk forward persistently, and soon, he found the breakthrough that he hadn't found in the past few days.

It was a transparent barrier, if Su He hadn't slapped it vigorously, it would not have been discovered at all.

These days, they just take a detour.

Or in other words, there is no plot on their side.

Mo Langqin understands this, but Su He is a person in the plot and he will never realize this kind of thing.

When the plot came, it really was like rushing water, very smooth.

"This enchantment is powerful, and we must find a stronger force to break through it."

After observing the transparent barrier, Su He quickly came to a conclusion.

Mo Langqin was really exhausted at this time, and he didn't bother to talk nonsense and said directly: "Don't you return a copper coin in your hand? Use that thing to open it as soon as it breaks!"

Su He dubiously took out the copper coin, and then he put the copper coin on the transparent barrier.

With a snap, the transparent barrier shattered.

Su He opened his eyes slightly, he turned his head and looked at Mo Langqin again thinking: This is really a god dog!
Mo Langqin switched from a sprawled posture to lying on his side. He was really tired and didn't want to move.

Su He also saw how tired he was, so he came over and hugged him!

His actions like this naturally made Mo Langqin angry.

"Young master is a dog right now! Don't hug him in this position!

Super embarrassing!Let me down!Young master go by himself! "

After some struggle, Mo Langqin escaped from Su He's embrace.

"Can you really do it?"

"How can my master say no!"

In order to prove that he could do it, Mo Langqin put his legs on the ground and played a handsome role.

Su He smiled awkwardly, "All right..."

As a result, Mo Langqin collapsed to the ground before taking two steps.

In the end, Su He picked him up and entered the inner barrier.

They walked into a dense forest, and there were even some white bones on the ground.

Mo Langqin could tell at a glance that those bones were human bones.

There is something eating people here!
Mo Langqin looked up at Su He wearily, and he found that Su He was also quite nervous at this moment.

"Hey Daoist! You are not afraid, are you? You are so poor~"

At this time, Su He also looked down at Mo Langqin, "Everyone would be afraid...this kind of scene...what kind of monster would it be, eating so many people at once."

"Actually, that's not what you're afraid of!" Mo Langqin could see that Su He was not the kind of person who would be sad about these things.

Su He was silent for a moment, then he led Mo Langqin past three or two bones and then spoke again, "You are right, I am afraid that my current strength will not be able to deal with this man-eating monster.

I am not Nansun Shuo, and I am not chosen by the gods. In fact, my abilities were lent to me by others.

It's a pity that that person... Forget it, I can't change anything by saying it. "

Naturally, Mo Langqin was not interested in asking further questions.

Soon they came to the deepest part of the forest, and the copper coin pit appeared in front of the two of them.

Before the two of them went down to take out the copper coins, the monster appeared.

Roar brake -

The monster's cry was very strange, and there was a hint of sharpness in his roaring voice.

The sharpness seemed to be the scream of a woman.

When the monster appeared suddenly, Mo Langqin and Su He didn't see the monster's appearance clearly, and the two of them were knocked out by the monster in the next second.

It's good that Su He has spells, he landed after a smooth adjustment in the air.

Mo Langqin's side was not so lucky. Not only did he hit a tree, he also rolled on the ground for a long time, eating dirt all over his mouth.

"Master, what a crime... Bah, bah, bah!"

He even complained vaguely, because he was so tired that he really didn't have the energy to get up.

When Su He saw that Mo Langqin was not moving, he thought he was seriously injured.

"His Royal Highness, are you alright?"

"What is it called?"

"It's fine if you're fine!"

He was relieved to hear that Mo Langqin answered Su He as usual.

The monster that attacked them just now disappeared again.

Su He looked around vigilantly, but there was no sign of trouble.

"Is it possible that he really left?"

Mo Langqin said while spitting the dirt in his mouth, "How could it go away? With such a delicious food like you, it would be stupid for him to go away! Bah, bah, bah?"

Mo Langqin regained some strength slightly, he stood up and shook the dirt on his body, "You can't find him, because he is staring at us now, he may jump out and eat you in one bite anytime, anywhere."

"But you still have to take the copper coin. I'll take the risk. You stay here."


Before Mo Langqin finished speaking, Su He ran towards the pit again.

Just when Su He was about to approach the deep pit, the monster rushed out again.

Only then did Mo Langqin see the monster's appearance clearly.

Where is that a beast!That was clearly a girl!
The girl's body was covered with the fur of a brown bear, and her whole body was covered with dried and blackened blood.

Roar brake -

Following the girl's roar, she quickly rushed towards Su He and bit her.

Su He dodged in time and did not suffer any harm.

Just because of dodging, Su He was farther away from the position of the copper coin.

After Su He dodged to a certain distance, the girl in animal skin disappeared in front of Su He and Mo Langqin again.

"Those bones on the outskirts of the forest, could it be..."

Su He didn't dare to think, he was afraid that the girl just now was only fourteen years old.

What had happened to turn her into such a ferocious monster?
(End of this chapter)

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