Yun Qishen

Chapter 1337 Copper Coin 5 Beast Show

Chapter 1337 Copper Coin Five Beast Show (2)

(God's perspective)
【The beast's body is not huge, but her strength is very strong.

The beast's immature face looks like it's just a child.

It's just that the child had a fierce look on her face, her eyes were wide open, and her hands were opened to reveal sharp nails.

Its teeth have also become very sharp due to the years of fighting its prey day after day.

The child's behavior was very savage, and her clothes all over her body were made of animal fur.

She was probably the kind of child raised by wild beasts.

The Taoist named Su He thought so. 】

Looking at the plot that emerged on the screen, Li Ren raised his eyebrows.

"It seems that Yun Qishen's plot can't be carried out for the time being. You can rest assured, Evil Qi."

The lawyer felt relieved, and finally he didn't have to worry about it anymore.

After seeing Mo Langqin's plot, Nie Qi naturally lost interest. All he cared about was how to proceed with the plot as soon as possible.

"Can you speed up the plot of Mo Langqin here?"

Lawyer blinked, "Don't make things difficult for me, dear, there's another one lying there, look for him!"

"You are standing."

Evil Qi smiled at Lu Ren, and Lu Ren understood what it meant.

"Okay, I'll try!"

The lawyer had no choice but to help change the plot.

As the keyboard is constantly being tapped, the plot has also undergone many changes.

"Didn't you say you are incapable?"

Hei Ying looked at Li Ren suspiciously.

The lawyer smiled, "I still have the ability to change the branch line, but I don't dare to change too much, I can only give Mo Langqin and the others a hang up.

Let them enter the memory of the copper coin enchantment just like helping Yun Qishen before. "

Hei Ying and Ei Qi looked at the lawyer, and they looked like they were watching the lawyer's performance.

"Both of your hearts are made of iron!"

The lawyer thought they would care about him, but they were all so indifferent.

Back in the plot, Mo Langqin and Su He were still guarding against the monster's attack.

"Come closer, just a little bit..."

Mo Langqin commanded Su He to move forward, and Su He obediently moved towards the deep pit little by little.

Roar brake -

As Mo Langqin thought, the monster rushed out to attack Su He.

After Su He jumped to the safe zone Mo Langqin said, the monster hid again.

"It seems that as long as we have such a short distance from the deep pit, the monster will come out and attack us."

Mo Langqin quickly thought of a way, "How about this, you come to attract the monster, and the young master goes to get the copper coins.

If that monster attacks Xiaoye, Xiaoye can count on Taoist Priest to rescue him! "

"Is such a method feasible?"

"If you don't try it, how will you know!"

Mo Langqin's persistence gave Su He a little bit of confidence.

Su He thought in his heart, Shengou must be right!

Soon they were in action.

Following Mo Langqin's start signal, Su He rushed to the "danger zone".

The girl covered in animal skin and covered in blood rushed out.

Su He dodged deftly, and at the same time, Mo Langqin quickly stepped forward and rushed towards the copper coins in the pit.

The girl realized something was wrong, and she quickly changed the target of her attack.

Seeing that the girl was about to catch Mo Langqin, Su He quickly cast a spell to hold the girl temporarily.

Mo Langqin had no time to take care of his surroundings. When he got the copper coin, a flash of white light swallowed him whole.

When Mo Langqin woke up again, he was already in the illusion.

At this time, a woman's prayer was faintly heard from not far away.

"Just let us stay for one night, just one night."

But then there was the voice of the shopkeeper scolding.

"It's full, go to another house."

The tone was obviously repelling.

As a businessman, Mo Langqin believes that guests are gods, no one dares to talk to guests like that!Don't you want to do this business? !
Mo Langqin ran over and took a closer look, and saw a woman in gray linen pulling a child with messy and dirty hair.

If it wasn't for the valuable jade pendant pinned to the woman's body to make her look like an ordinary person, they would really look like beggars at this moment.

The woman was fine, but she felt sorry for the girl next to her, who was still biting her hands, looking not smart.

The woman lowered her head and was a little disappointed. She pulled the girl and smiled wryly, "Mother will definitely find a place to live."


The girl had a hard time speaking, and seemed unable to speak at all.

The woman had tears in her eyes, "It's okay, it's okay."

Girls don't understand anything.

The mother and daughter walked towards the next inn.

"It's full!"

"There is no land!"

"Go to someone else's house!"

"Go away!"

The woman sat on the ground weakly, and the girl bit her finger for some reason.

Mo Langqin also wondered, why do these stores refuse women to stay?Obviously, there were guests who walked in and checked in before.

Mo Langqin was still puzzled for a while, but soon he heard the answer he wanted to know.

"This woman is really pitiful."


"He was originally a rich lady, but he was attacked by wild beasts in the mountains!"

"After five years, not only did she not die, but she brought back such a little girl."

"It is said to be a child of a beast!"

"That's a half-beast!"

"Also, someone from my relatives saw it with their own eyes! It's a big black bear! It's as big as a bungalow!"

"It's scary!"

"What a monster!"

"You said it well, what is she doing when she comes back?"

"I heard that the big black bear was shot, so she just ran back!"

"Oh, poor thing."

People said they were curious, and Mo Langqin approached the woman who was pulling the girl in doubt.

The woman's face was pale, and her forehead was still sweating.

There is still a thin layer of frost around, but the woman is feverish.

There was no one on the street to help her.

Mo Langqin's body is like a dog now, and at the same time, he can't touch women and girls.

Eventually the woman fell to the ground.

The girl pushed the woman a few times, and she ran away when she saw that the woman was not moving.

Mo Langqin hurriedly followed the girl.

The girl runs around aimlessly, she even smells with her nose.

Soon the girl discovered a roast goose restaurant.

Watching those gluttonous roast goose girls jump on the shelf to rescue and snatch one.

Before the shopkeeper could react, the girl had already run away.

The girl returned the same way, probably wanting her mother to eat something, just like a crow feeding back.

But when the girl went back, she saw a group of people sweeping away his mother with grass.

The girl was startled and ran away, and she ran directly into the nearby woods.

Within a few days a party was searching the forest for the girl.

"Ma Ma... Ma..."

The girl curled up in the tree hole, not daring to go out at all.The slightest sign of trouble would frighten her.

(End of this chapter)

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