Yun Qishen

Chapter 1353

Chapter 1353 Copper Coin Six Army Play (11)

The dust mixed with the monster's resentment confused my eyes.

Suddenly an arm pierced the dust and smoke in front of my eyes and waved towards me.

My eyes widened, and what looked to outsiders as fast punches slowed down in my eyes.

I blocked it instantly and then slashed across with a knife.

After the resentment of the monsters here turned into dust, a few small guys came out.

A few of them hugged my legs, and a bold guy jumped on my back to bind my arms.

I felt that they grabbed my chin with their hands, and I couldn't move my limbs for a while.

"Clingy guy."

I gritted my teeth and wanted to move but couldn't move at all. Just when I was troubled, an arrow flew over and killed the resentment on my back.

Luo Sha led two soldiers to help me out.

Watching those grievances that turned into dust disappear, I also moved my limbs that were bound just now.

I didn't expect that I would still have numbness in my limbs when I was still in a spirit body state.

"Are you OK."

Rakshasa asked about my condition with concern.

I replied calmly that she was fine.

Then I watched Luo Sha lead the people to fight another way.

If she is really a super sassy girl, it would be too aggrieved to be trapped in this plot like this.

Gotta figure out a way to get her out.

I put away the knife and then picked up the giant sword and rushed towards the monster's resentment.

The monster's resentment, which was originally acting in twos and threes, gathered at this time.

They looked like they were going to start a general attack.

The number of our awakened soldiers is not many, and we face nearly 50 times more troops than our opponent.

Relying on me and Rakshasa as the main attack is not enough.

There must be enough troops.

"Raksha, have you ever played Go?"

After hearing my question, Raksha beheaded a few more enemies before turning to look at me, "I've seen others play chess before, but I don't know if it's Go."

Luo Sha saw that I had some kind of plan, so she hurriedly asked, "Do you have any ideas?"

"I do have an idea. I thought that if you knew the rules of Go, it would be easier to explain. If I put it another should have understood the method of separating and besieging after fighting so many battles."

I tried to explain my plan in terms that Rakshasa could understand.

After listening to my statement, Luo Sha happily nodded and agreed, "It's indeed a good countermeasure. It's just that it will tire you.

I will go to the rear to set up the defense, although the front line will be left to you to rest assured, but..."

"Raksha, please trust me and recognize my ability. Although I look fragile, no matter how I say it, I am a strong and strong man.

How can a woman worry about me so much? I smiled at Luo Sha, "I can rely on you." "

"Of course I can! Then... take care, if you can't hold on, it's fine to retreat."

"Don't worry, I have a measure."

After I raised my hands and clapped hands with Luo Sha, Luo Sha led three or two soldiers back and joined the awakened soldiers.

And my task is to spread the resentment of the monsters in front of me as much as possible.

In fact, I'm not fully sure that I can separate the monster's grievances that have gathered into hundreds of thousands, but...

"It really is a perfect battlefield. If there is no way to fight against the enemy, then just deal with the battlefield, so that you can't gather at all!"

I plunged the giant sword in my hand into the ground, and the resentment of those monsters rushed towards me.

I took a deep breath and grasped the hilt of the giant knife.

I don't know if the ability in this space is enough for me to lift the ground.

Lawyer, if you are still controlling the plot, please do me a favor this time!

I could feel the power rising from my hand, and after I clenched the giant knife, the giant knife instantly changed its appearance.

It's a bully knife!

Sure enough, you lawyer understand my thoughts.


I looked at the resentment of the monster coming towards me with a firm expression.

Although my strength is not enough to destroy tens of thousands of enemies with one blow, I should be able to break the ground!
【One Slash Soul——】

In my eyes, the enemy is moving slowly, and my giant knife has broken through the ground and drawn a half-moon-shaped blade and rushed over.

The rumbling sound was huge.

The enemies who could dodge were divided into two pairs by the broken ground, and those who could not dodge were turned into mustard dust due to the impact of the saber energy.

I looked at those monsters that existed in the posture of normal people and couldn't help asking myself.

Is it because I know they are fake that I am so cold, or I am cold in my heart.

If their grievances are real people, would I still be able to deal with them...

If I can do it, will I really become a villain?
The premise is, am I a good person...

Sure enough, after using Zhanhunxi, the strength seemed to be drawn away, and it was impossible to fight against these resentments in a short time.

However, because of the attack, the ground was also disconnected, and these grievances could not gather and at the same time they could not get close to me.

Luocha's army came quickly, and they fired thousands of arrows towards the side with fewer resentful people.

Because of being trapped on the cliff, Xinqun Resentment was already in a dilemma.

Raksha found me exhausted, but she couldn't come to me through the cliff.

Luo Sha could only shout towards me, "Are you okay!"

I was so tired that I couldn't make a sound, but I was so tired even though I was in a spiritual state.

I had no choice but to raise my hand to signal that I was fine, and only then did I feel Luo Sha's peace of mind.

The success of this battle allowed us to harvest another part of our troops.

But the strength of the troops is still very different.

The grievances of the monsters that were eliminated were only a small part, and the two teams that were separated each had tens of thousands of grievances.

Even if we have increased our military strength, it is far from enough.

So the only way to win is to win one of the teams.

Because I can't act temporarily, I can only watch Luo Sha act.

I have to say that this woman is really skilled. After the siege, she changed the formation of the soldiers.

Facing the enemy in close combat, she hardly flinched and avoided it.

Just relying on a few hundred people to fight against tens of thousands of enemies.

I also have to admire.

Thinking about it, it was also because of the support of magic that I fought against tens of thousands of enemies alone.

What makes Rakshasa different from me is her clever mind and ordinary ability.

Unlike me, if I lose my mana, I may be useless except for greater strength.

After a while, Luo Sha and the others showed exhaustion on their faces.

But I still can't move.

How long will it be like this?too slow!

I tried to move forcefully, but the feeling of stiffness warned me that I was still unable to move...

They can't charge anymore, it's time to straighten out the formation now...

"Soldiers obey orders! The two rows are dispersed!"

"Yes! General!"

Rakshasa's commanding voice is full of domineering.

The soldiers did not slack off either, they immediately acted to make way.

(End of this chapter)

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