Yun Qishen

Chapter 1354

Chapter 1354 Copper Coin Six Army Play (12)

(God's perspective)
[The monster resented the attack of the Wanjun, and Luo Sha also led her army to fight with it.

For a moment, the sound of fighting shook the world, and the dust mustard was also flying.

Yun Qishen was able to move just now, but their final enemy in this illusion also followed one after another.

Before Luo Sha issued an order to deploy the army, the huge monster that suddenly appeared caught Luo Sha completely.

Right in front of Yun Qishen...]

Seeing the change in the plot, the lawyer hit the stranger on the head again, "Hey! You've made another mistake!"

"Please, isn't this what you stipulated? This female general is just an NPC to promote the plot!"

The lawyer was speechless for a moment.

This is indeed an NPC arranged by him...

It is indeed to promote the plot, yes...

It's just that after the incident between Gu Ao and Xuan Ruo, he has concerns about it.

He doesn't want to write to death alone, maybe this is the reason why he lost his ability.

The stranger was distressed, "Tell me about you, you can't write this and that! Later this person can't die and that person can't die!
Then how do you create conflict?Without conflicts, how can this plot continue? "

"Contradictions and conflicts don't necessarily have to kill people."

"Then you talk about how to create conflicts in this situation so that no one is injured or killed?"

The stranger argued with the lawyer again.

Mo Langqin and Heiying were already tired of their quarrel.

"Why did it start again? These two uncles!"

Mo Langqin held his forehead in embarrassment, and the shadow beside him shook his head speechlessly.

"Let them quarrel, move your hands, let's stop it..."

"Young master sees it too."

Mo Langqin and the others completely gave up trying to stop the quarrel.

"You can make the two of them disagree! For example, let Yun Qishen kill the monster, while Luo Sha wants to protect the monster! This can also be regarded as a contradiction!
You don't need to let the character die. "

Lawyer pointed to the words on the screen, and the stranger also frowned at this moment.

"Then why did Luo Sha want to protect the monster? When you thought about it, you didn't think about the previous plot? Killing the monster was proposed by Luo Sha."

The lawyer calmed down a little, "Anyway, don't let this character die. I said before that you can just write according to our ideas."


After the stranger sighed unconvinced, he quickly wrote out the follow-up plot.

In the plot, Yun Qishen watched Luosha being sent to the mouth by the monster, and the surroundings were still for a moment.

And still for a long time.

"Raksha, wait a minute and I'll come to rescue you!"

"no need!"


Yun Qishen thought he had heard it wrong, but Luo Sha actually said no need?
Yun Qishen used the huge knife as a support, and he strenuously marched towards Luo Sha.

"Don't give up, the timeout is your chance. You deserve to die!
You have to live. "

Yun Qi gritted his teeth deeply and moved step by step, his body became heavier than before...

Luo Sha was tightly held by the monster at this time, even if the time was paused, she couldn't break free from the monster's shackles.

"Maybe that's my calling."

Rakshasa has been looking for the meaning of her own existence, she has her own thoughts, and she can move freely when others cannot.

But she didn't know her goal and the meaning of her existence.

Yun Qishen's appearance gave him a light, and she wanted to follow this light to take a look outside.

But she is still confused.

When the monster flung her subordinates away with its hands and then grabbed her tightly, Luo Sha felt that he had found meaning.

She exists only to die here, just to help Yun Qishen, a small character who just appeared.

"There is no such thing as a mission! Only by surviving can you find what you really want to have!" Yun Qishen persuaded Luosha loudly, "At this time, death is not the meaning of your existence! As I said, you have to control yourself fate!"

Luo Sha smiled softly at Yun Qishen, she didn't speak or struggle anymore.

She thought she was resigned to fate, and if the creator let her die here, she would not complain.

But in the end, Luo Sha did not wait for death, what he waited for was Yun Qishen who rescued her from the monster with his sword.

She opened her eyes only when Luo Sha felt herself falling into a firm embrace.

Yun Qi frowned deeply and looked at her, "Be sober! No one doesn't like to live! Death has never been meaningful!"

At this time, Yun Qishen's mind flashed through those dead people in Gu Aozhong, which made his mood more complicated for a while.

As for Luo Sha, she looked at Yun Qishen's face in a little surprise.

This very soft face is so reliable.

He was really masculine and distinctly different from other men.

Luo Sha felt that he really liked getting along with Yun Qishen.

For some reason, Luo Sha was a little greedy and didn't want to let Yun Qishen go.

As for the plot, everyone who saw this plot put on a face of lemon essence.

Mo Langqin smacked his lips and spread his hands in relief, "It's no wonder Ei Qi's hair is so green."

Soi Ying nodded in agreement, "Maybe Lu Ren understood Yun Qishen's characteristics from the very beginning."

"What does it have to do with me! I just like green hair, and it has nothing to do with green!"

"No wonder you're called Lil (green) man."


Heiying's complaint left Li Ren speechless again.

After a while, the lawyer explained, "My law is to restrain others."

"Oh, it means the green man." Mo Langqin didn't listen at all.

"Hey! (#Д)" The lawyer couldn't explain clearly.

"I remember that when I was in Gu Ao, those women tended to like him." Mo Langqin couldn't help but continue to gossip.

"Maybe these girls just want to be sisters with his female cousin."

"Sister! Puff ha ha ha!"

Mo Langqin and Heiying looked at each other and smiled, and the laughter became more and more rampant.

Lawyer had already clenched his fists angrily and was ready to give the two of them an invincible Meow Meow punch at any time.

Back in the plot, Evil Qi is trying to attract the target of the monster.

And Chongming was responsible for keeping Nansun Shuo's body.

Nai Qi dodged and looked in Nan Sun Shuo's direction. He could sense that Yun Qishen's consciousness had not returned.

"Where the hell are you..."

Nai Qi was in a very bad mood, and he could feel that his strength was being reduced due to space constraints.

When it is reduced to a certain level, Evil Qi will not be sure to be able to defeat this monster.

Just when Nie Qi was worried about this, a large crack suddenly appeared on the monster's body.

The next second the monster went berserk.

(End of this chapter)

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