Yun Qishen

Chapter 1355

Chapter 1355 Copper Coin Six Army Play (13)

I swung the giant knife with all my might and saved Luo Sha from the monster.

The illusion also moved in the next second.

The monster fully noticed the existence of me and Rakshasa.

The monster's arm, which I had cut off, is naturally useless, but his other hand came towards us quickly.


I gritted my teeth and looked down at Luo Sha in my arms.

Ensuring Rakshasa's safety is the main priority, so I'm sorry...

"Raksha... protect your head."


Luo Sha looked up at me in confusion, but I could only smile apologetically at her, and then I bounced her out of my arms with what little mana I had.

Seeing that Luo Sha is far away from danger, I feel relieved, but I am not so lucky.

The monster's hand strength was really strong, it grabbed me tightly, and made me feel a strong sense of oppression even in the spirit state.

When this monster was about to put me in its mouth, Rakshasa actually fell from the sky again? !
I looked at her in surprise, she stabbed the monster's eyebrows deeply with a long knife in her hand.

How did she get here?

Why did she come back to save me?

I looked at Luo Sha's back, she was also different from the girls I had seen.

The monster wanted to wave Rakshasa away, and its hand was released at that time.

I couldn't move, and in the end Rakshasa led me back to the ground from the monster.

"All line up! Control the monster!"

Rakshasa landed and began giving orders to her soldiers.

Those soldiers also moved very quickly.


I found the opportunity to thank Rakshasa.

Rakshaha laughed.

"Please, you have helped me so many times. You don't need to be so polite with me." Luo Sha's face lost a little confusion, "I can change because of you. I should thank you."


I think I'm tired of laughing at this point.

Luo Sha put me in a safe place to rest, and she quickly returned to the battlefield to command.

Seeing Luosha commanding the army to fight against the monster, seeing her calm and fearless appearance in the face of danger, and seeing her reliable back, I couldn't help but compare myself with myself.

At that time, I thought it was troublesome and didn't want to take care of anything, and I would always say some lukewarm persuasion words to others.

Thinking about it now is a joke.

In the beginning, I was reluctant to even lead soldiers to fight...

Can't understand why they should trust themselves.

I can't understand why they still protect themselves.

Leading others is something I dare not think about.

I even suggested to myself that I was forced to do these things...

Otherwise, I can't find the point of helping them...

But after going through so many things, I realized one thing.

Protecting the people around me and helping strangers all come from my heart.

I want to protect them, I want to help them.

I don't want to see them lose their lives for me.

My actions are not forced by anyone, just like the Rakshasa in front of me, we are just pursuing our own goals.

And my goal now is to go back and save my Gu Ao.

"The general is bad! Look at that monster!"

A soldier reported the situation to Rakshasa.

My ears are good, and the voice of the other party is really loud, so I looked along the place the soldier mentioned.

The monster has indeed changed.

The monster, which was still waving its arms indiscriminately, stopped at this time.

I watched as the monster's body began to crack, and then some strange liquid gushed out from the cracked wound.

The liquid dripped onto the ground, forming blocks of ice.

Luo Sha noticed something strange, and she also quickly transferred away from the frontline troops.

"Back off!"


The soldiers backed away, and Luo Sha returned to Yun Qishen's side.

The liquid gushing out of the monster's body spread on the ground.

But it was only for a moment that everything around him froze into ice.

Naturally, Luo Sha and I were safe and sound, but the soldiers who had just been rescued froze into icemen one by one.

When the liquid in the monster's body gushed out, groups of small ice monsters appeared and attacked us.

"It's really endless..."

I felt the chill around me, and that taste made me extremely uncomfortable.

Although Rakshasa was wearing armor, it was still thin.I saw her frowning, and her body couldn't help shivering from the cold.

"Raksha, are you okay..."

"No... no problem..."

Although Rakshasa is very strong, but I can see that she doesn't seem to be okay.

And it was a real problem for the two of us.

I have no strength, and Rakshasa can't move in the cold.

I watched the ice monsters approaching us through the fog that had come out.

If only I had the strength...

Could it be the same as back then...

What am I getting stronger for?

But do I look stronger now?
Why am I so useless without spells?
I gritted my teeth and frowned.

I regret, regretting myself at that time.

I am also angry with myself now.

Let's do it!Hurry up and act!

But I found... I don't even have the strength to hold my hand tightly now.

How can I be so incompetent...

"It's deep!"

The sound disturbed my thoughts, and I felt my thoughts empty for a moment.

Am I looking forward to it?
do i want him to come

Evil qi...

Looking at the very familiar hair color, looking at the familiar red and black figure, and the evil red eyes that always have a hint of charm.

I hate him……

But why do I expect him to come?
Would I expect him to rescue me?
Obviously I pushed him away first...

Why am I so contradictory...

"It's great that you're here..."

I don't know what kind of expression I have now, all I know is that Nai Qi rushed towards me and hugged me.

In the next moment, black flames ignited around me.

These black flames followed the ice on the ground and led to the group of ice monsters.

The flame continued to burn, and purple-black lotus flowers could be vaguely seen in the flames.

My mood is very complicated, I am so eager to become stronger... But I always feel, why can't I beat you? Evil Qi...

Why, why do I appear so incompetent as long as I am by your side!

"It's deep, it's good that you're fine!" Nai Qi didn't let me go for a long time.

I think this is the closest distance between the two of us after Gu Ao was wiped out...

There may not be any more...

The flame gradually disappeared, and the illusion of copper coins also disappeared.

Then there was the sound of soldiers fighting together.

We seem to be in trouble again.

"Evil Qi?"

I tried to move, and when I found that I could raise my arms, I patted Nai Qi on the back.

Nai Qi also let go of me and looked at me, and then I saw that smile that pushed away the dark clouds to see the sun again.

(End of this chapter)

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