Yun Qishen

Chapter 1357 Yan Qi's Monologue

Chapter 1357 Evil Qi’s Monologue (2)

(Bad energy perspective)
The distance between me and Yun Qishen is not as close as that between him and Duan Xiwu.

I don't understand, why this happens.

I won the task of going down the mountain so that I could have a chance to get in touch with him and shorten the distance between us.

But the result didn't go according to my idea.

The appearance of Taki Chiya broke my original plan.

Looking at Duan Xiwu's casualties caused by his lack of strength, seeing Yun Qishen's frightened expression...

I felt even more guilty, and at the same time I could sense that Yun Qishen was keeping a distance from me again.

During the fairy ceremony after that, although he was by my side, I always felt that he was far away from me.

"What do you think of me?"

I long for Yun Qishen to answer what I want.

He has the power to peek into my heart, but he can't see through my heart.

Even the Wen Qianyao that came out could be so close to him, making him miss it so much.

Yun Qishen... In your eyes, am I that annoying to you?
I have been introspecting myself for a while.

It must be something I did not do right.

Then I realized that you didn't take me seriously at all...

In this case, why should I have a hot face and a cold butt?

Since there is no possibility of closing the distance between me and him, why bother?

He was nothing more than an insignificant man.

But what I didn't expect was that Yun Qishen would come to help me block the sword.

Heh... what is this for?

My heart was grabbed at that moment.

He was tightly imprisoned by this guy.

"What's wrong with him?"

I started to care about him, and I was worried knowing that he would not wake up easily.

He tried his best to collect things from the beast, but suddenly saw Jiang Qing hurting him.

Anger is born that way.

I have never been angry with this group of juniors, but this time Jiang Qing went too far.

Later, after I arranged everything, I also took care of Yun Qishen who was unconscious for a few days.

When he opened his eyes, there was a warm feeling in my heart.

I feel happy from the inside out.

I wanted to tease him and see how angry he was.

I wanted to tell him a joke and see how happy he was.

She wanted to anger him even more, to see how sad he looked.

I thought a lot, thinking about pulling him by my side.

Looking at him after that time, the distance between us has become farther...

Then he left...

Then I heard the news that he became the Demon Lord.

Things come so suddenly, and new news will come before they can be digested.

He agreed to become the Demon Lord for the sake of the Silver Bracer...

I don't want any silver wristbands, all I want is to be able to draw distance between you and me even once.

I don't care about anything else, including my life.

But when I see you again, you don't want to come back to my side...

That's when I understood what true frustration feels like.

But I don't want it to end like this.

I admit that I fell into it first, and I don't want to escape.

"You have to take care of yourself."

Even though the relationship between the two sides is still so stalemate, I still care about you.

Even if you give me the slightest response...


you answered me...

You'll probably never know, but that one response kept me awake at night.

I know that I must not stand still, I have to become stronger to stand shoulder to shoulder with you.

Only when we become stronger, the distance between us will be shortened.

After some days, I should have followed Chen Yueluo and the others on a mission, but I met you again.

Looking at his clumsy disguise, I couldn't help laughing in my heart.

As time went by, I found him more and more cute.

In order to prevent me from seeing through his disguise, he even praised me in an old man's tone, and I was really reluctant to expose him.

It would be great to boast more.

You are looking for magic tools, which overlaps with my mission.

I really want to spend more time with you.

After that mission, I think the distance between us has indeed shortened.

It's a great result and I'm very happy.

But suddenly another girl from the Yaozu popped out——Xin.

When she sees you, she calls you husband.

After I was surprised, my whole heart seemed to be soaked in lemonade.

So sour.

But I have to admire that she can shorten the distance between you and me all at once.

At the same time, I can also see that you appreciate and respect women.

any woman.

If I were a woman, would you not be so distant from me?

The woman who came to ask Qian Yao is so hateful and annoying, you can still remember her.

But for my existence, you have not made any statement.

When I was in the Yao Kingdom, you gave me too many incredible things.

I really want to hide you completely, and no one will find it.

I saw you dancing, and I saw your expression in the artistic conception of intoxicating dance.

I'm worried that someone will snatch you away.

And when I saw the big "Taki" tattooed on your back, this worry became even stronger.

What happened to you in Jiangbang?

Worried, especially worried.

It's been so hard for you to be a Demon Lord.

I've started to get overwhelmed.

As long as it is about you, I care so much.

So my feeling is really just because of the influence of the magic bead...

I need to figure it out. Only when I understand the meaning of this feeling can I...

to face you.

So I can only push you back to Jiangbang.

Yun Qishen If you hate me, then hate me...

After that time, your feelings for me were as expected as I expected.

People's good feelings for people can disappear in an instant.

If you want to keep a distance, I will keep a distance with you.

But I'm different. There are people who are closer than you and me.

Until I heard the news of Taki Chiya's death, I feel sorry for him but also jealous.

I'm jealous that he planted demons in your heart in this way.

And my demon is indeed you, Yun Qishen!

No matter how nice I am to you, what kind of words I use to tease you, all you give me is a cold sense of distance.

I'm afraid you won't see it in that identification.

Once you can't see through that counterfeit, I will fall into nothingness forever.

But you recognize it's not me with a bowl of bitter medicine.

For a moment, I was quite glad that I had this bad habit, and that you noticed it.

Other people around me can see my thoughts, and they have persuaded me that this path cannot be taken.

It's a test for me and you.

All the reasons are unilateral on my part.

I have no idea what you're thinking.

You can't see my thoughts.

The distance between us is still so far.

The only time you and I get closer is when we are both drunk.

You're drunk and start talking gibberish.

You may not be very aware of your love for cuddling and confessing when you are drunk.

But when I heard your confession, I was very excited.

Because that's what it said to me.

You said it to me alone.

 Thanks for the vote! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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