Yun Qishen

Chapter 1358 The Confession of Ye Qi

Chapter 1358 The Confession of Evil Qi (3)

(Bad energy perspective)
I always wanted to repay your previous help.

After you blocked the sword for me, I always felt that no matter how good I was to you, I couldn't offset that kindness.

After leaving Dufamen, you and I rushed back to Jingling Mountain to support.

When I saw the familiar black air coming from the top of the mountain, I was not curious but rushed to confirm it.

Make sure you're safe and sound.

Anxiety overwhelmed my physical pain.

When I arrived, I saw that the royal officer was going to deal with you, so I went over to help you stop without hesitation.

Just like you didn't hesitate to block the sword for me at that time.

The strength of the imperial officer is too strong for you and me to deal with.

I think, as long as you push it away, it won't hurt if you push it far away.

You're going to blame me, and that's better than seeing you hurt.

You don't have to use the only mana to heal me, you should keep it to yourself.

But seeing the spell in my hand being suppressed by you and disappearing, all I have is worry.

Before I could speak, you yelled angrily.

【Let me tell you, I never want anyone to die in front of me again!Get the hell out of me! ! ! 】

In the next second, I was indeed bounced away by you.

Looking at your distant and gradually blurred figure, I am only afraid, very afraid.

As a result, when the old man from the Spirit Realm Dao rushed over, I also showed my ugly face.

"Please save him...he is too dangerous..."

I held my heart, and my stomach was churning for a while.

But the old man just gave me a cold look.

"You boy, adjust your posture. It's embarrassing for you.

Also, don't have unrealistic feelings and ideas. "

I can see what he means.

I just don't understand why this is an unrealistic feeling and idea...

After saving you, I have been thinking about this matter.

What kind of feelings should I use to face you, and what kind of thoughts should I have to be right.

Looking at the intimate contact between you and Xiaoya, I feel that my concern will become unrequited.

Perhaps this is a normal relationship between you.

I need to calm down...

I don't want you to see my gaffe.

Xiaoshao came over and explained to me.

Let me not get me wrong.

What could I be misunderstanding...

What else is there for me to misunderstand?

I wanted to concentrate on cultivation.Don't think about anything, don't do anything anymore.

Only in this way can I adjust my mentality.

【Yun Qishen's birthday was yesterday. 】

What Jin Qilin said surprised me.

Yeah, I don't even know your birthday.

Jin Qilin was also afraid that I would think too much, so he hurriedly explained the reason.

You are not from this world.

Although I can predict your difference, I want you to tell me your origin even more.

your thoughts……

All of you……

Xiaoshao is a pretty good child, she is very clever.

If she can grow up again, she will definitely surpass her master, and it is possible to become a powerful beast master.

She pulled my sleeve and said to me.

【Hmm... I think it's better for both parties to talk about some things than to speculate in their hearts. 】

say it all...

How can it be so simple.

As a friend, I want to give him a birthday present no matter what. He likes spicy food, so I picked fireweed for him.

When I was still worrying about how to face you, I saw you talking and laughing with Xiaoya.

I think I'll bother you guys if I go over there.

[I Yun Qishen is going to love a cynical guy who usually likes to make jokes regardless of the occasion.

Sometimes he would say a lot of things that made me angry, but at critical moments he would come out to help me out.

I like his fair skin and the evil red under the corners of his eyes.

jealous of his height...

Hahaha what did you say I was talking about...

How could I...]

Yeah... what are you talking about?

It's getting closer...

Really close!

I am beyond excited.

Maybe there's nothing wrong with this feeling.

I originally thought that such a distance was already good, and I never expected to get closer.

[The happy old man is about to burst into tears! 】

Looking at your rare heartfelt happy smile, I just want to cherish all kinds of things like this.

really deep...

I'm afraid of being alone...

These years in Lingshan...

These years after self-awareness...

[You still have me, I am always here. 】

You can always give me sunshine, so I have to want to get close to you, because only you can bring warmth.

It's just that the good times don't last long...

Everything is too contrived.

Not long after, I was injured and passed out because of the small spoon.

But when I woke up, what I saw was you who was controlled by the inner demon to wreak havoc in Jingling Mountain.

I also quickly understood the whole story of the matter.

Then it's not your fault!
Why don't they trust you?
I believe you are not wrong!Besides, I'm not still alive!
I don't care about my physical condition, and I don't care about Sixth Senior Brother's dissuasion. I insist on going to stop you myself.

Because I know that only I can unravel your demons.

I believe you are not wrong!
As long as I believe in it.

I am happy after you wake up after breaking the demons.

Although there are further injuries, but I think everything is worth it.

But you gave me the worst answer.

[How do you tell me to believe in myself! ! ! 】

"Why do you have to avoid me? I said I believe you, bastard!!"

Why don't you understand, why don't you respond!
Looking at your retracted hand, looking at your figure falling off the cliff and gradually disappearing.

My heart is really bleeding!
How will you understand that I trust you!
But your inner demon has been owed to others.

Otherwise, you won't be imprisoned for leaving regrets for Qianye.

It has been three months since I saw you again.

During the three months you were missing, I kept asking about your whereabouts.

I couldn't eat, sleep or sleep at night, and I was in a daze for three months.He was even taught and punished by the old man.

When I really met you, I didn't have very strong emotions coming out.

Some are just afraid of losing you.

I just want to be by your side all the time.

Then when I saw you angry because of me, I just thought it was very cute.

I knew then that my feelings had gone in strange directions.

I probably teased you too much, and lost you all of a sudden, which made me regretful and angry.

where did you go?
Where the hell have you been!
I really……

What the hell is wrong with me!

It drives me crazy!

I am constantly looking for your whereabouts, and this time I will never let you leave again.

I will never let my sunshine be robbed.

Absolutely not!

Anything that gets in the way of you and me, I will burn it up!

I realized that my demons had begun to corrupt me.

(End of this chapter)

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