Yun Qishen

Chapter 1359 Yan Qi's Monologue

Chapter 1359 Evil Qi’s Monologue (4)

(Bad energy perspective)
If you don't express yourself, no one will understand your feelings.

Sometimes even if you express your own thoughts, others may not necessarily understand the meaning.

I lost the light the moment you disappeared, and there was only nothingness and darkness in front of my eyes.

I feel very cold and I need sunshine to warm me up.

[Evil Qi! 】

That call instantly dispelled the darkness in front of my eyes.

I only have your healthy and safe appearance in my eyes. I can't hear what you said at that time.

I just want to hold you and never let go.

【okay!How long do you want to hug me! 】

"Forever and ever~"

Happiness is like this, and as long as it is so, I am completely satisfied, and need not pursue further desires.

Seeing your sad face after being hurt, I am afraid that I hurt you.

But what you care about is that you are afraid that you will harm me.

The two of us really need to be more calm.

Your wound is the most important thing in my opinion, so I will call the golden unicorn to help.

The saliva of the golden unicorn can quickly heal injuries, and you can bear the aura because you have been in contact with the unicorn beads.

The wounds on the back can also heal quickly.

It's just that the word "Taki" declaring sovereignty is still too glaring...

What I think in my heart and what I say to you can never coincide, and I can never be absolutely honest.

Am I hypocritical?

"The devil is looking good at the little Taoist priest? Do you want to see more~"

Joking with you according to the usual habit, thinking that you will call me out like before.

In the end, what I got was your shy hum.

Yun Qishen, Yun Qishen, you shouldn't have taken this step.

I want to get closer...I want to get closer...

That may be your oath to me.

I think I should also make a corresponding oath...

We must all live up to each other.

But there will always be something that destroys happiness.

Why is the good time always so short?
Since you have to forget the feelings you have had for so long to help you...

If that's the case, you will have a good life. I would rather forget those feelings and help you.

Ghost Kingdom's Wangqing wine is amazing, after drinking it, I don't have such strong feelings for you.

I only remember your existence, but I don't remember any intersection between us.

It's just that there is always an irrelevant tune in my mind, which makes me very distressed.

Looking at your lonely figure among the fireflies, the melody of that song becomes more lingering.

You don't know some things, although I restored all the memories between us after that time.

But my feelings didn't come back.

I think it's okay to start over with feelings.

But gradually I found out...

No matter how close I get to you, I feel like something is missing.

If such a thing is discovered by you, the distance between us may be further widened.

I can only swallow this matter in my stomach.

When I saw you being brought back to Jiangbang by the emissaries, I only had doubts...

How are you feeling now?

What you trust, what you don't want to let down is the me who had a strong affection for you before.

But now...

I don't have any emotional fluctuations towards you, and there is no change in the aftertouch...

I think I'm kind of disgusting now.

Then it was time to fight against Xihai.

That mermaid should be called Lai.

Her voice is indeed very seductive, but I was not seduced by her because I have no emotional fluctuations.

I'm just curious, what kind of expression will she have if she finds that her charm is useless?
I admit it's my bad habit, and it's really fun for me to play pranks.

I pretended to approach her, and she also put her arms around my neck.

Just when we were close at hand, your voice came.

It was a cry of anxious worry.

Did I, who still had emotions before, care about your performance?
I can slap mermaids away mercilessly, and I even come to you without emotional fluctuations.

This behavior made me loathe myself even more.

I obviously behaved the same as before, and the answers you gave were all the answers I wanted.

But my heart doesn't feel anything.

The more eager I was to find a feeling, the more I didn't have any emotional fluctuations.

Obviously now you will get close to me, and you will show any affection for me.

In the final analysis, it is my own reason, maybe this is the price I chose to help you at that time.

【... Do you really like him? 】

Facing this kind of question from the old man, while I definitely answered it, I didn't know much about it.

[You can, have you ever thought about whether he can? 】

I really didn't think about it...

But what I can be sure of is that your thinking must be the same as that of me who had feelings before.

You will all choose yes.

I also replied affirmatively to the old man.

I know I can't always live for my former self.

Although we are the same person, I don't think it is the same person without the same feelings.

But we were attracted by you alone.

Probably this is the magic power you have.

You must have sacrificed more than me to be a good demon king, and I can feel your pressure.

If you want to release the pressure, I will accompany you to release the pressure.

Shouting to the river bank is indeed a good way.

[I really don't know how to choose...]

[I am useless, what kind of devil am I! 】

[I can't even protect my own master! 】

You always put so much pressure on yourself, you always take the responsibility on yourself.

Sooner or later these pressures will overwhelm you.

I, who obviously have no emotional fluctuations, see your sad and tearful appearance, and my heart inevitably becomes sour.

That's what sadness feels like.

I should have experienced heartbreak before, but this time it was like experiencing it for the first time.

Sure enough, emotionally, I'm just a newborn.

"Your decision is my decision, whether you are right or wrong, I will walk with you..."

I hold you and comfort you.

Men also have the right to cry, there are no outsiders here, you can put down your face and relieve stress wantonly.

You told me a lot after that.

I also personally listened to you tell your story.

I knew a long time ago that you don't belong here, but after hearing what you said, I even started to worry.

"So you're leaving? Leave me behind?"

You didn't answer again...

Yes, I did not belong to the same world.

We are just back to the original point, and we are wandering again and again.

Then I retrieved the memory about Gu Ao, and also understood the relationship between you and me.

At the same time, I also vaguely understand another thing.

My actions, or everyone's actions, were planned by a mysterious existence.

And that mysterious existence does not allow others to disobey his plan.

(End of this chapter)

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