Yun Qishen

Chapter 1363 Sins, Ghosts and Gods

Chapter 1363 Sins and Ghosts (4)

(God's perspective)
"What's going on? What happened?"

Lawyer couldn't see the development of the plot between Yun Qishen and Nai Qi from the outside world at all, he became anxious, and even bumped away the stranger and started to operate the computer.

"Hey you……"

The stranger wanted to complain subconsciously, and when he realized why Li Ren was so flustered and anxious, he stopped talking.

Both Mo Langqin and Heiying also became anxious, but they were not as flustered as Li Ren.

This is a situation that Li Ren has never seen before. He is the creator of everything. Even if he loses his original power now, he still cannot fail to see the development of the plot.

"It's as if..." Li Ren gritted his teeth, and pressed his hands tightly on the keyboard, "It's because the guy inside deliberately... Could it be possible!"

"Could it be that there are also characters with self-awareness awakening?!"

Mo Langqin gave the most convincing answer.

After hearing this answer, the lawyer couldn't help sneering, "It seems that what I did before was too much, one after another came to resist me, ha... Even the characters created with her..."

"Now that you know the reason for what happened, do you still have no solution?" Mo Langqin asked.


The lawyer answered decisively, he simply let go of the keyboard, and left the computer, he picked up the cat and threw himself on the bed.

"They can do whatever they like! I don't have any ability now, and I don't want to control it anymore.

Why do you still let me take care of it?You obviously don't listen to my discipline..."

The lawyer's old problem has been committed again.

The black shadow could only sigh aside, and Mo Langqin thought of a solution instead.

The stranger looked at the three of them with embarrassment, and his mood was not much better.

"Hey! How long are you going to be depressed?"

The stranger suddenly said to the lawyer.

The legal man cast a glance at him and continued to touch the cat, "Where am I depressed? Don't get me wrong. People can only do what they can, and I don't have any power now."

"It's just that you think so!"

There was contempt in the stranger's tone, and the lawyer was naturally not used to his tone.

Sombra felt bad.

(These two won't be quarreling again, will they?)
The black shadow hurriedly leaned over to stop it.

"Yes, that's what I think, how about it?"

As long as the lawyer is not outside, his emotions can be perfectly displayed.

To put it bluntly, his social fear can only be kept in a nest.

Vent the pressure he received from the outside world at home.

The black shadow was created by him, and he understands this characteristic of Ritsu very well.

"How? You should ask yourself." The stranger put his hands on his hips, his face became stinky, "I can see, you bastard, what are you trying to avoid?
It must be related to your friend. "

"My affairs have nothing to do with you. Don't think that you can take care of my affairs because you have hacked my computer and read some of my things!"

"You think I want to take care of you! I've had enough of you! Ever since I saw the venting things you wrote, I don't have a good impression of you.

To put it bluntly, you are nothing but a selfish and cowardly guy who can only mess around at home!
You feel insecure and want to find a place to belong.Because you have no friends in reality!

You want to be recognized by others, and you have a perfectionism that does not allow failure.

Why do you feel embarrassed when others deny you?Hahaha, you are really stupid! "

The stranger's words became harder to hear, Soi Ying was sure that the two of them would definitely quarrel.

Sure enough, Ritsuto let go of the cat and sat up on the bed, rushed over and grabbed the stranger by the collar and started fighting with him.

"Runner! Don't use violence!"

Black Shadow came to stop him, but he found that he couldn't get in between the two of them at all.

"Hit me! If you dare to hit me in a civilized society, I will send you to jail!"


The legal man gritted his teeth, and swung his fists in front of the stranger, but he couldn't do it in the end.

"Okay, don't make trouble, the young master has already found a solution."

Mo Langqin's words completely resolved the embarrassing atmosphere at this time.

The lawyer let go of the stranger's collar and slammed the door out.

Soi Ying wanted to follow worriedly, but was stopped by Mo Langqin.

"Don't go, stay and help."

Mo Langqin patted Hei Ying on the shoulder and helped the stranger up again.

"Master knows that you are also for the sake of the law... But some problems can only be solved by him coming out. But I still want to thank you for him."

"Hmph, it seems that you are a little more sensible now! Tell me, what's your idea?"

The stranger stood up and patted the dirt on his body, while Ritsu's cat kept meowing.

"It's probably hungry, I'll feed it first... I remember the cat food is here..." Heiying sighed and rushed to feed the cat.

When Hei Ying just picked up the bag of cat food, Li Ren opened the door and came back.

At this time, Hei Ying and the lawyer looked at each other.

"Then I feed the cat..."

A bang drowned out Sombra's words.

As for the lawyer, there is no place for him to stay.

He didn't change in the end, and he didn't change anything else!

As for Mo Langqin, he called up other novels from the computer.

"It should be this book. You have the ability to write a piece of information here and ask this character to come and help."

Mo Langqin knew everything about Yun Qishen's coming to Lawen's side, so he naturally knew about the existence of the space shuttle.

The stranger naturally wrote a plot immediately with a look of ease.

In the blink of an eye, a space vortex appeared next to the computer.

Jia Yu's figure also passed through the vortex and appeared in front of the three of them.

Jia Yu looked around and did not see the figure of the law man.

"Where did he go?"

Mo Langqin hurried over to explain.

After listening to Mo Langqin's description, Jia Yu also gave him the space shuttle.

"I'll go find him, you just need to use the things." Jiayu glanced at the stranger and then said, "The lawyer just can't express, please don't always blame him."

"I don't blame him! He's just..."

Before the stranger could say anything, Mo Langqin came over and covered his mouth.

"I know, we won't blame him. After all, he works harder than us, ha."

Mo Langqin smiled apologetically, and only let go of the stranger when he watched Jia Yu leave.

"Why are you so used to him?"

Strangers are naturally unhappy.

Mo Langqin came to the computer with the space shuttle, "What's the reason? Sometimes the people you hate are pampered, right?
For example, because I hate you, my misery makes me happy.But at the same time, it will also make some people who love you and care about you uncomfortable.

That guy cared too much about Li Ren just now, so it doesn't make any sense for you to say Li Ren's fault in front of him.

Everyone gets blamed at times.

Everyone also has the right to be loved. "

(End of this chapter)

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