Yun Qishen

Chapter 1364 Sins, Ghosts and Gods

Chapter 1364 Sins and Ghosts (5)

(God's perspective)
The lawyer sat down on a park bench with a sullen face.

Pedestrians pass by from time to time around him, and these pedestrians have smiles on their faces.

It's dazzling!

Whether it's the sunshine or the smiles of this group of people, it's dazzling to the lawyer.

Without a place of belonging, the dark side in his heart has been denying himself.


Jiayu's voice can be said to be a key to unlock the depths of Ritsu's heart, and Ritsu found him who made the voice in an instant.

"Ha, it's ironic to see you now."

While the lawyer was speaking, Jia Yu came to his side and sat on the bench as well.

"I thought you'd thank me for coming to you."

There was no obvious change in Jiayu's expression.

"Ha... Thank you indeed..." The lawyer didn't have too many negative emotions after seeing Jiayu.

Jiayu looked up at the white sky, and he couldn't help sighing, "This weather really makes people feel depressed."

"That should be called God responding to the occasion... Although I say it is immoral, I still want to vent my dissatisfaction.

Why are they so happy when Lao Tzu is in such pain!Really! "

The legal person may only vent his anguish in his heart so unscrupulously in front of Jiayu.

"After you finish dealing with Yun Qishen and the others, come back to Xuanruo for a while. You need to explain something to everyone."

After the lawyer had vented enough, Jiayu saw the right time and suggested to him.

The lawyer was silent and just nodded.

It's good for him to correct his mistakes now, but he still needs to make up for his previous mistakes and apologize to those who were affected by his negative feelings.

" you think I can really do it?" The lawyer asked in distress, "I have no ability now, and everything has become difficult for me.

There are fewer and fewer things I like, and I can't get excited about doing anything...

Am I really going to be okay..."

Jia Yu hugged him in his arms after hearing what the law man said.

"Why do you put so much pressure on yourself?" Jia Yu patted Lu Ren on the back, "You just need to be yourself, no matter what you become, I will support you."

"Damn... what you said almost moved me to tears..." Li Ren gritted his teeth and held back tears, "I wish I was a girl, I can cry when I want to. When I cry, my nose and saliva go all the way." Rubbing on you!

But as a man, the first thing to learn is tolerance. "

"It's just snot and saliva..."


Lawyer also laughed when he heard Jiayu's answer, but his mood was not good enough to go back and face the three people.

"Let's go to a movie first, and then have a meal."

The lawyer took out his mobile phone and looked through it a few times, "There is a spot in a nearby theater."

"what movie?"

"I don't know, it's just a whim, why do you care what he's doing?"

Rito and Jiayu left the park and walked towards the cinema.

But back to Yun Qishen and the others, the scene was chaotic.

Yun Qishen, who had recovered most of his strength, fought against the imitations and sinful ghosts with one against three.

The strength of Yun Qishen's counter moves and magic spells was beyond the expectations of sinful ghosts and gods.

Some of Yun Qishen's words are indeed the expression of his true feelings, and other words of complaints against evil spirits are his performances, in order to let the arrogant sinful ghosts and gods relax their vigilance.

"Bad Qi! What are you still doing? Just do it and watch me fight alone!"

If it wasn't for Yun Qishen's reminder, Nai Qi might just be surprised to watch Yun Qishen act.

At this moment, he didn't care where Yun Qishen got his strength.

"Okay! I'll help you!"

"Go and deal with yourself! I have my own way!"

"But it's deep in you..."

"Believe me or not, I said I can handle it!"

Nai Qi closed his mouth and changed his target.

The imitators saw that Yun Qishen and Ei Qi were not subject to thought imprisonment, and they also changed their attack methods.

The imitations are indeed imitations, their every move is exactly the same as Yun Qishen and Nai Qi.

Unexpected attacks are useless, now the moves are the same, only strength is left to fight.

It's okay to be evil, because he has no feelings in his heart, the power of the separated imitation is not strong.He was able to suppress it easily, but he also felt a sense of depression.

In addition, evil energy does not allow the existence of another self.

In the same way, he only recognizes one Yun Qishen when he is evil.

Yun Qishen had to deal with the sinful ghost while dealing with his imitation.

You can say you know yourself, or you can say you don't know yourself.

The imitation Yun Qishen still uses words to imprison Yun Qishen's emotions.

"What do you mean by dealing with me now?"

"What do you say about the grievances between you, you will deal with it? Hahaha, don't lie to yourself anymore, okay!"

"Aren't you going to choose to forgive him in the end?"

Every time the imitation said a word, a vein appeared on Yun Qishen's arm.

Immediately after they swung their long knives at each other, Yun Qishen sprinted and scratched the imitation's mouth directly.

"Cracking and chatting endlessly! Am I so annoying! Ah!"

Yun Qishen felt uncomfortable seeing his appearance being scratched.

It must be awkward to kill yourself.

The sinful ghost even applauded Yun Qishen not far away.

"It's really exciting. I don't even know what to do with myself. It's not easy."

There are other meanings in the words of sinful ghosts and gods.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Qishen felt a pain from the corner of his mouth.

Just now, Yun Qi's deep scars on the imitation product also appeared on his body.

"So that's how it is..."

Yun Qi deeply touched the wound on the corner of his mouth, and he also understood the meaning of it.

"It seems that you found out quite quickly, I thought you would still be dazzled by hatred.

So what if you just understand the key points?
Accepting your own shortcomings is not an easy thing to do. "

Sinful Ghost smiled triumphantly, he cast a spell, and the black and red spell aggregates attached to his body.

Then a set of hard black and red armor was put on the sinful ghosts and gods.

[It's not just your strength that needs time to recover. 】

[From now on is the duel with the Creator! 】

The sinful ghosts and gods poured spells into the ground, and red flames rose from the ground.

Even clusters of white spirit bodies floated out.

Both Yun Qishen and his imitators are afraid of this white spirit body.

But the fight still has to go on.

"Are you afraid that you won't be able to beat me? Are you planning to make a small move? What kind of sinful ghost? In my opinion, it should be called being unable to beat me!"

Yun Qishen cursed dissatisfiedly, and the evil spirit on the side also followed him and made up for it with the armor of sinful ghosts and gods.

"The devil's name doesn't quite fit. From the point of view of a young Taoist priest, it's called a coward who pretends to be a dragon fruit if he can't defeat the enemy."

(End of this chapter)

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