Yun Qishen

Chapter 1430 Lixia Special Chapter came to the door

Chapter 1430 The Lixia Special Chapter came to the door (1)

A day has passed since Liren and Yun Qishen entered the plot to explore.

Soi Ying explained to Luo Sha for a while before she could understand the situation.

"You mean that Yun Qishen and the others are now exploring in other plots, while I am now in the home of the so-called creator?"

Luo Sha confirmed to Soi Ying, and Soi Ying nodded.

"Doesn't this make sense? Don't get excited, aunt, and listen to me carefully. The thing is just like what I told you. You were seriously injured at the time. plot space. I’m his friend and I’m definitely not a bad guy.”

Soi Ying tried his best to explain, and Luo Sha gradually let go of his hostility towards Soi Ying.But at this moment, the door of Lu's house was opened from the outside.

The black shadow who clearly remembered to lock the door was also looking at the door with trepidation at this moment.

what happened?Could it be that Mo Langqin is back?What if it wasn't him but those vicious people instead!Will I be beaten!

Hei Ying and Luo Sha looked at the door of Lu Ren's house at the same time, and when Hei Ying saw those strong arms, his heart turned cold.But Luo Sha had a sense of urgency in the battlefield instead, and she immediately picked up the broom and approached the door to be vigilant.

"Who! Dare to break into other people's domain!"

Luo Sha quickly moved to the door, and the broom she raised faced a long-haired woman in a pink dress.

And around the long-haired woman stood those menacing strong men in suits and sunglasses.

Hei Ying was so frightened that his eyes went black, he hurried to Luo Sha and pressed down the broom he was holding high, "Don't be impulsive... We can't afford to provoke you..."

"No, I believe in my own strength and I can win!" Luo Sha is obviously very confident in his ability, but Soi Ying knows that this is different from the plot. Sha Ke didn't even have an ID card, so it would be troublesome if he really wanted to go.

"I know you are a female general, but now please listen to me and put it down first."

The black shadow cautiously looked at those ferocious strong men and then focused on the woman surrounded by them.

The woman looks watery, and her delicate facial features show a gentle temperament on her face.At first glance, it looks like a lady from a great family, which is completely different from the wild flowers and weeds outside.

The woman's tall figure was wearing a pink and white dress and long skirt. She probably came here after dressing up specially. The makeup on her face was not too heavy, giving her the feeling of a pure school girl.There was a breath of fresh air in every move.

However, as soon as a woman speaks, her attitude will shatter these illusions of nothingness.

This woman is not as gentle and pleasant as she looks.

"Which of you two is his roommate?"

He is naturally a lawyer in the woman's mouth, and Hei Ying understood it as soon as he heard it.But the tone of the woman's words seemed to be cannibalism.

"Don't answer?" The woman put on a haughty posture, "I don't tolerate others, and you don't care if you don't answer, and I don't care who you are or what relationship you have with him. I will only give you half Hours, pack up and get the hell out of this room!"

The woman finished speaking.Those ferocious strong men stared at Sombra and Rakshasa.

"It's obviously your fault for trespassing! Why did you let us leave? It's you who should leave!" Naturally, Luo Sha refused to act according to the woman's order. past.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the strong men stepped forward to stop it, and some of them suppressed the shadow.Part of it wanted to grab Rakshasa to calm her down.

The woman took two steps back and still maintained a proud posture. She looked down at her phone and said, "You still have 25 minutes, don't waste my time. Otherwise, don't blame me for throwing you out!"

Three strong men also stepped forward to block Luo Sha at this time, one suppressed Luo Sha's arm, one hugged Luo Sha's leg, and the last one hooked his elbow behind Luo Sha's neck, and then the Rakshasa suppressed it.The three of them were all amazed that Luo Sha looked at a weak and weak woman, how could she have such strength?
It was at this time that Mo Langqin came back from outside with the cat in his arms.

"What's going on... If the young master hadn't seen it with his sharp eyes, the guy who lost the cat here would be crazy when he came back... Who is at home today... Uh..."

Mo Langqin saw a few strong men in the corridor, and then noticed the woman in pink at the door. He frowned and looked carefully at the house number beside him.

(That's's Lu's family, I didn't go to the wrong place. Why are all the people crowded here? Are you ransacking the house?)
Mo Langqin looked curiously at Lu's family. The cat in his arms couldn't bear the struggle of those strangers trying to escape.

"Hey, little ancestor, don't worry about it! If you have any troubles, I will really have troubles..."

Mo Langqin calmed the cat's emotions, and he also came to the main entrance to see the controlled shadow and the awakened Rakshasa.

Seeing Mo Langqin's mysterious look, several strong men also noticed him.

"What are you doing?" A strong man looked down at Mo Langqin.

Mo Langqin hugged the kitten and smiled, "Master came here just to watch the fun, may I ask if this is a movie? What type of movie? Which one was this shot in? The original partner and Xiaosan? "


Facing Mo Langqin's words, several strong men fell silent.In the end, a strong man broke the silence, "We didn't make any more movies, you leave after watching the excitement, don't make trouble."

"Oh~" Mo Langqin said perfunctorily, "Then can you take a closer look at me? Just take a second look."

Before the strong man agreed, Mo Langqin squeezed past, and the black shadow saw Mo Langqin.

The two were in the same heart and kept silent. Mo Langqin pretended to accidentally throw the cat into the house, and the cat ran into the back room a little scared.

Suddenly something jumped under his feet, which frightened the proud woman.

"What is it! Who is it!"

The woman's face was full of shock and anger, she turned her head and glared at Mo Langqin, "Who let him in?"

"Sorry miss, we'll ask him to leave now! Sir, you're in trouble." The strong man respectfully treated the woman, and they hurriedly approached Mo Langqin.

"But the cat is still inside. After looking for it, the cat will leave naturally."

Mo Langqin couldn't help but search in the direction the cat ran away.

The woman's eyes no longer stared at Luo Sha and Hei Ying, but instead focused on Mo Langqin. She carefully looked at Mo Langqin's clothes and posture.It was confirmed that he was not included in the information given to her before.

But that cat...

"Leave two people at the door, others come in and close the door!"

The women gave orders, and those strong men also acted quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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