Yun Qishen

Chapter 1431 Lixia Special Chapter came to the door

Chapter 1431 The Lixia Special Chapter came to the door (2)

"Why did that child disappear! Where can he go! Really!"

The middle-aged woman on the green velvet sofa frowned, leaning her arms on the edge of the sofa, holding her forehead with her hands in distress.

"Mom." The woman in white sitting next to the middle-aged woman took her arm and comforted her: "Don't worry, there are so many people in our family who can't find it. Don't you know, he just wants to be quiet, after all, he has been single for a long time, and you may not be able to bear it if you suddenly arrange an engagement for him."

"I'm here for his own good! The girl has a high degree and is well-educated, and the family is also famous for being well-educated here. If the girl can like him, let him have a good time! What is this for! Is he blaming me? The middle-aged woman was a little anxious, tears rolled in her eyes, "I am his own mother! I was pregnant with him in October! Would I still harm him?"

"Yeah, mom. You won't harm us. I'm doing fine now, don't you? You're doing it for the sake of the lawyer! He's still young and doesn't understand anything. Maybe let their two children Contact with contact, boys can't stand the temptation, don't they still have to live in the end."

The woman in white is also Li Ren's older sister. He patted the middle-aged woman on the back, "I believe my mother's vision. It's his short-sightedness. Marriage is a matter of his nonsense. If he still has this in his heart I will definitely come back and apologize to you, Mom."


"What's wrong mom?"

"If your father and I are gone in the future, you will be the only one who can take care of your brother. You have to be strong-tempered. I know you can't understand your brother's foolishness. But you have to promise me, don't treat Liren badly, okay? "

Lu Xia's hand paused slightly, and then she smiled and looked at the middle-aged woman, "Don't worry, Li Ren is also my younger brother anyway. I will definitely not treat him badly."

Here the mother and daughter talked about their children, while the lawyer's father and his brother-in-law sitting beside him were looking at each other and thinking about something to talk about.

"How are you, son-in-law?"

"The company is very stable, and I plan to expand overseas business recently."

"Overseas good, but we must be careful."

"Don't worry Dad, Lu Xia and I will be able to take care of the company well."

Li Ren's father appreciated what Li Ren's brother-in-law said, and when everyone was discussing things, a woman in a pink dress came in from the door.

"Auntie, don't worry, I'll bring him back."

The woman spoke in a determined tone, and after she finished speaking, she ordered the people around her to hand over a red velvet jewelry box.

"A small gift is not a tribute. This is the jewelry I brought back from overseas and was blessed in the church. I hope you like it, Auntie."

The lawyer's mother took the jewelry box and opened it to see a string of beautiful pearl necklaces.

Although Lu Xia didn't show it clearly, she really didn't like this young lady who had returned from overseas.On the one hand, she was worried that the lawyer would take part of the shares, and on the other hand, she was afraid that the woman's family would suppress their company.

"Rong Mi, why did you give such an expensive gift?"

"As long as Auntie likes it." Rong Mi looked at the time, "Auntie, I have to leave beforehand, I will come to see you again in a few days."

After talking about Rong Mi, he left there and brought a group of strong men to the lawyer's house.


"That cat belongs to Ritsuto, are his roommate too, right?"

The woman came to the sofa and sat down. She crossed her legs and still raised her head high. She half-closed her eyes and looked at Mo Langqin.

Mo Langqin smiled: "You said Li Ren, the young master is his neighbor next door, he said he would go out to play for a few days, so he gave the cat to the young master to take care of."

Mo Langqin answered quickly, and Soi Ying couldn't help but praise him.

(Yes, you really deserve to be a black-hearted businessman! Lies come out of your mouth.)
"Oh? You said you are his neighbor? Where is the neighbor? I have seen the information on the residents here. Are you a neighbor who suddenly appeared from where?"

Rong Mi folded her arms across her chest, she really wanted to see how far this person in front of her could fabricate lies?
"Master just came back from abroad, it's normal for this young lady to have no information." Mo Langqin turned his head to look at Rongmi, he pointed to the sofa and reminded: "Master, I advise you not to move around, it's very dangerous."

"What do you mean?"

Rong Mi was puzzled by Mo Langqin's words, why did she listen to a stranger, and why she couldn't move.

As a result, Rong Mi deliberately stood up and sat back down. Seeing that nothing happened around her, she became a little angry.

"How dare you play tricks on me?!"

"Master didn't play tricks on you, Miss, I told you not to move around."

"Nothing happened, you are still in secret! What kind of tricks do you want to play? Go and catch him too!"

Rong Mi didn't notice any abnormality at all. After she gave the order, those strong men didn't immediately go to catch Mo Langqin. Instead, a strong man pointed at Rong Mi's head and was terrified.

" hair..."

"Miss, your hair is..."

The voices of the brawny men became more worried, and Rong Mi also became anxious, "Why are you just standing there? Why don't you do anything? My hair? Did something happen to my hair?"

"Hahahaha, according to my master, you should go and see for yourself, miss!"

Mo Langqin laughed heartlessly, while Rong Mi stood up and ran to the bathroom, not long after she heard her scream.


Rong Mi's scream made a kind of strong man worried, and they all rushed towards the bathroom.

Soon Rong Mi came out of the bathroom angrily, and the moment she came out, Mo Langqin was amused by her hairstyle again.

Rong Mi used to look dignified when she combed her princess hair, but now she turned into a vicious figure with an afro on her head.

Just as she was about to get angry at Mo Langqin, she was told by a strong man to go back as soon as possible, so she had no choice but to hold back her anger.

"You! You! Wait and see! Let's go! Next time I come, you will not feel better!"

With tears in Rong Mi's eyes, she was escorted by several strong men and left the law family.

Soi Ying and Luo Sha were naturally released as well.

"Look at the commotion here... By the way, Mo Langqin, what did you put on the sofa?" Hei Ying looked at the sofa curiously, "Why was I fine while I was sitting?"

"That's because the switch is in the master's hands, not to mention the sofa, even the master in the bathroom has a switch."

Mo Langqin boasted about the strength of his organization.

Hei Ying became curious, "Why do you say you have installed so many agencies?"

Mo Langqin patted Heiying's shoulder and said solemnly, "It's not just you, I'm actually afraid that a greasy uncle will suddenly come to your door in the middle of the night!"


(End of this chapter)

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