Yun Qishen

Chapter 1464 Plot Development

Chapter 1464 Plot Development (14)

Yun Qishen did not expect Ei Qi to attack first, and he did not expect Ei Qi to retaliate so ruthlessly.

Yun Qishen was not used to him either, so he punched him backhanded.

"MD! What do you want! If you want to fight, fight! You fucking sneak attack! You think I'm easy to bully!"

Yun Qishen couldn't help swearing, Ei Qi just looked at Yun Qishen and frowned slightly but he was not angry.He stared at the traces of black blood at the corner of Yun Qishen's mouth and slowly said, "If you are easy to bully, I don't have to be so hard to beg your forgiveness. I just need to beat you until you forgive me, but I will never do that To you. But it's deep..."

Nai Qi clenched his fists, "I will try my best to ask for your forgiveness for the things I did wrong, and I am constantly repenting myself. I know that I am sorry for you, and I am the most damned guy. But I ask for your forgiveness. Forgiving and watching you fall are two different things."

"Let me fuck you! I'm depraved! I've degraded you! Ah, I'm depraved! I still say the same thing, who do you think you are? Why do you care about me! Do you have to beat me to the ground before you realize it? You bastard!" Yun Qi gritted his teeth deeply, he knew the source of his anger, he knew that he was angry because of bad energy, and the real him was angry at himself who couldn't handle things well at that time.

Nai Qi rubbed his hand on the cheek that was hit by Yun Qishen just now, with unwillingness in his eyes, "Whoever hits the ground may be the one who gets hit. I let you go before. If you win, you can make you not If you continue to degenerate, then I will naturally not accommodate you everywhere."

"You don't need to be hypocritical, you really have a big tone!"

Yun Qishen moved quickly, he flashed in front of Ei Qi and swung his fist, Ei Qi also raised his hand and wrapped his palm around Yun Qishen's fist.

"It's yours!"

Yun Qishen couldn't help but uttered a foul word, his fist was restrained, so he turned around and kicked it with his leg.

Clinker Nie Qi had seen the number of Yun Qishen's attack, he grabbed Yun Qishen's fist and dodged behind him, and at the same time he took the opportunity to control Yun Qishen's other hand.

Then with a plop, Yun Qishen was grabbed by the evil energy and pressed to the ground.

Yun Qishen's hair, which was cut short before, has grown a lot now.He tilted his head slightly, his golden eyes were staring at Evil Qi viciously through his hair.But no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from the suppression of evil energy.

"Let go! If you want to hit me, hit me hard, you're trying to suppress me. It's obvious that you made the move first, so don't pretend that peace comes first here!"

His clear blue eyes were slightly lowered, and he showed sadness, "I have been thinking more than once, what kind of attitude should I use towards you. You are the first friend I get along well with, although we just met Sometimes, I do have the idea of ​​tricking you, and I am indeed controlled by the consciousness of the magic bead and have some wonderful emotions towards you. You know, I have no friends. After I have friends, I want to keep them by my side even more Inseparable. Just because we became friends, we have the opportunity to understand each other's experiences and emotions from childhood to adulthood.

But it's so deep, people are so ridiculous.When they know that the emotions they perceive are false, they will choose to escape, but few people really have the courage to come back and face them.But its deep have you ever thought about it?I am false, and I am a member of the creatures created by Ritsu, but you are different, you are a real person like Ritsu.You can ignore us.

You hate Liren, and you hate me, I can understand all of these.I can understand that you doubt your own feelings, and even other people's feelings for you.But these are not the prerequisites and reasons for your choice to degenerate.

Because in my eyes, Qishen, you will always be the Yun Qishen who is afraid of hurting others, cares about others and is very kind but absolutely not sympathetic.

It is not the demon king who is cruel everywhere and does everything he can to achieve his goals.You are right to think about Gu Ao, but I don't want to see you become a sympathetic person because of this.So I hate to see you go kill. "

"Let go of me." Yun Qishen suppressed an anger that could not be vented in his cold tone.

"It's deep, I hope you can forgive me."

"You fucking let me go! Are you deaf! Let go!"

"Sorry, I can't."


Yun Qi frowned deeply, he chanted the mantra softly, and immediately after that, a stream of smoke like golden sand began to rise around his body.

Nie Qi naturally sensed that something was wrong, but he did not relax his grip on Yun Qishen because of this.

The golden flowing smoke formed a burly skeleton on the heads of the two. The skeleton was wearing armor and holding a big knife.The moment it took shape, it slashed at Evil Qi.

The giant knife pierced the air and aimed at Nai Qi's head with an indescribable anger, but just when he was about to chop off Nai Qi's head, the giant knife stopped.

"You're sure I won't strike, right?" Yun Qishen moved his hands but was still restrained and unable to move.

"But it's not. It's not that you can't see my thoughts now, but why don't you peek at me?" Ei Qi raised his head and took a closer look at the huge golden skull, "You were the most The things you are afraid of have now become the incarnation of your power. Do you still want to say that you have not fallen?"

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you immediately!"

With Yun Qishen's sound, the giant knife sank a little further towards the evil qi.

Evil Qi smiled in relief, "If my death can stop you from degenerating, then it doesn't matter if you cut it off."

"Evil qi, not everyone can persist. The same is true for feelings, people will change. You think it is depraved, but for me it is growth..."

"No, you are the one who misunderstood. Change is a choice rather than a state. You can choose to fall or you can choose to change back to your original self."

Only then did Yun Qishen's eyes move away from Ei Qi, and he began to escape again.Is it the depravity of one's own choice rather than a state?What nonsense!
"Don't use your understanding to fool me! I don't believe this at all! What kind of state! What kind of depravity! It's all nonsense!" Yun Qishen felt that the hands holding him were slightly exerting force.

Nai Qi grasped Yun Qishen's hands with one hand, and pressed Yun Qishen's head with the other hand, and then he chanted the incantation to transmit everything he had discussed with Ling Yaoqing to Yun Qishen. in the brain.

"Since this is the case, I can also choose to change. For example, I will convey to you the things I have been hiding all the time, and the things I have not been able to say at this time. After all, now is my only chance."

As the memories melted into his mind bit by bit, Yun Qishen seemed to return to the original Gu Ao, and saw those familiar figures again.

(End of this chapter)

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