Yun Qishen

Chapter 1465 Plot Development

Chapter 1465 Plot Development (15)

The wind gently brushed Yun Qishen's hair, and Yun Qishen also opened his golden eyes.

The blue sky is slightly dotted with a few white clouds, and some flying beasts can be seen through the white clouds.

This is Gu Ao.

The familiar feeling in Yun Qishen's heart clearly told him that this place is Gu Ao.But rationality also reminded him all the time, such Gu Ao was just repeating in his consciousness.

Yun Qishen at this moment is nothing more than a useless bystander.He sat up slowly, and then he saw the familiar purple figure not far away.

(It's Lingyaoqing...she seems to be waiting for something.)
Yun Qishen approached the purple woman's figure without hesitation, and then he saw Ling Yaoqing casting the magic vortex.

Nai Qi's hand stuck out from the vortex, Yun Qishen took a step back subconsciously, and then Nai Qi fell out of the vortex.

That was probably the most embarrassing appearance that Yun Qishen saw Ei Qi, his hair was disheveled, and the familiar red and black Taoist robe on his body was also in tatters.The whole person's face looked so pale that it seemed that he was about to die.

Evil Qi's eyes were empty and his mouth opened unnaturally, as if he had been greatly stimulated.

Ling Yaoqing looked at Ei Qi with cold eyes, she raised her hand and used all her strength to lift Ei Qi up.

"Sure enough, no matter who awakens self-awareness, they will become like this. During this time, they will deny their own existence and question their feelings and everything around them."

Ling Yaoqing straightened Ei Qi's messy hair with her hands, and she also wiped off the dirt on Ei Qi's face.

"How are you feeling now?"

Ling Yaoqing's voice with penetrating power of consciousness reached Ei Qi's ears, and Ei Qi gave some reaction and turned his eyes to look at Ling Yaoqing.

"I...need...a break."

"It's fine if there's no big problem."

Ling Yaoqing confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the evil energy, she used spells to tidy up the evil energy and left.Only the evil energy was left to recuperate on this empty lawn.

Nai Qi was lying on the grass, his dull eyes looked at the sky, but the sky and the surrounding lawn were all gray in his sight.

Yun Qishen was beside him with his arms crossed in front of his chest, he lowered his head and watched the changes of evil qi.After a while, he turned his head and stopped looking at Evil Qi.

"If I am false, how deep is it? Will he also be false? Since everything that happens is a prescribed plot, the changes that people make are also planned. Then there is still What's the point? Everyone is a dispensable pawn, once the pawn is out of control, it won't exist..."

The murmur of evil qi still reached Yun Qishen's ears, and Yun Qishen began to think about these issues.

If everything is planned by fate, it is meaningless to think that "my name is up to me".You think you are not being played by fate, but when you think so, you are already being played by fate.

Yun Qishen knew very well that he had thought about these emotional issues when he knew the existence of a lawyer.

All the people who appeared in Gu Ao were arranged, but their words and deeds and even the emotions they expressed were no different from ordinary people.It is because of such true emotional expressions that people are unwilling to accept these falsehoods in the end.

Isn't Yun Qishen like this now, he doesn't want to accept the falsehood of Gu Ao's feelings, that's why he wants to revive Gu Ao as eagerly as he is now.

"Yes, not enough! I don't know enough! That's it!"

Suddenly, his expression of evil energy changed from a sad one to a determined one, he gritted his teeth and used this to call Ling Yaoqing.

Ling Yaoqing appeared with a puff of purple smoke, she seemed to have known that Nai Qi would have such an attitude, and before Nai Qi could speak, the vortex on her side was ready.

"You have to be clear, the more you know, the more things you have to discard. If necessary, you also need to discard all the emotions that are connected between you and Yun Qishen." Ling Yaoqing signaled the evil energy to enter the vortex, "You If you are ready, then go through and find the answer you want."

Nai Qi didn't hesitate, he wiped his tired eyes with his hand, and then rushed into the whirlpool with quick steps.

Deeply curious, Yun Qi also entered into the vortex along with the evil energy.

It was only later that Yun Qishen realized that the vortex they entered was the development of the original plot, and Yun Qishen in it was just a character who couldn't be smaller, and even had the setting of dying young.

And the real protagonist of the story is Dao of the Spiritual Realm, and it is also the setting of a great male protagonist who is a generation of immortals.In this plot, there is no story about Yun Qishen at all, instead, Evil Qi is a relatively important supporting role.

In the plot, Lingjingdao wanted to return to the original world, but he was unable to use the immortal method and could not open the space vortex, so he chose to cultivate immortality.He is talented and intelligent, and he is born with the temperament of a leader.Soon he became a little famous disciple of Xianmen.Like the usual heroines in the plot, he has golden fingers and is under the care of the beasts.And it's easy to attract peach blossoms. As long as it is a woman who appears in the plot, there is no one who will not fall in love with the spirit realm.

The character of Lingjingdao in this plot is exactly the same as the character of Lingjingdao in Yun Qishen's impression. Naturally, he would not like those ordinary women.

The only person Lingjingdao has ever liked in his life is Long Yunhua, just like Long Yunhua only likes Lingjingdao in his life.

The whole plot should have revolved around the two of them.

From love to betrayal to reconciliation between two people, it is a sad and deplorable plot.

But only the place where Yun Qishen is mentioned changes from time to time, and he doesn't even intersect with evil spirits in all the plots.

Through such a plot, Nie Qi saw Yun Qishen's death again and again, but Yun Qishen saw Nie Qi sacrifice for the spirit realm again and again in this plot.

The objects of their two attentions were different from the beginning.

"These should all be waste drafts of the lawyer, and some plots are not connected well, and the way of dying in the plot is similar, no matter what, he is a tool to achieve the spiritual realm..."

Yun Qi deeply lamented this aspect, and Ei Qi decided not to let Yun Qishen die.

The way to keep Yun Qishen from dying is to eliminate all the important characters in the original plot, or to put it another way is to destroy Gu Ao.There is such a cloud here that you can live with its depth.

Nai Qi wanted to keep Yun Qishen with all his heart, he didn't want to deny the relationship between the two of them as friends, but he had to go against his decision with Yun Qishen.

Yun Qishen understood all this, but his thoughts did not change much. He turned to look at Ei Qi, "I don't need you to give me alms... My life is not worth it for me..."

Yun Qishen lowered his head, he knew very well that this time he was too fussy without fully understanding the situation.

"The things you sacrificed... far more than mine... I should be the one who should say sorry..."

"Evil Qi... I'm sorry."

(End of this chapter)

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