Yun Qishen

Chapter 1469 Plot Development

Chapter 1469 Plot Development (19)

After Yun Qishen's treatment, Hua Fan gradually regained his vitality.Yun Qishen also discussed with the lawyer about using Zhu Batian's power to send Huafan out of this land of souls.

The lawyer looked at the weak Huafan and nodded in agreement with Yun Qishen's proposal.

"I think..." Zhu Batian raised a hand, he interrupted the conversation between Yun Qishen and Lu Ren, "I think we'd better listen to Hua Fan's own thoughts. After all, this There is no so-called 'home' in the world. If she goes back to Mannan, she may be oppressed in another way."

"As expected of the protagonist, he really cares about people." The lawyer's compliment quickly aroused Yun Qishen's complaints.

"No matter what tone you use in your words, it seems that there is something in your words to bury people..."

"Please, I'm sincerely complimenting you, okay?"

"Oh, I can't hear it."

The two of them could argue about anything.

Nai Qi just squinted at the two of them, Lingxin Ziqing looked at the three of them and felt that they were all crazy.

"After all, I'm the protagonist." Zhu Batian glanced at Yun Qishen, then walked aside to ask Hua Fan her own wishes.

Yun Qishen was surprised by the way Zhu Batian looked at him just now, he half-raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Ren, "What did he mean just now?"

"Ask me? Shall I ask him?"

"I'm talking to you seriously."

"I'm also answering you seriously."

There was an ineffective dialogue between the two of them, and in the end, Evil Qi participated in the resolution.

Nai Qi pulled Yun Qishen away and smiled at Lu Ren, "Let me talk to him."

"I don't think it's necessary." Lawyer obviously didn't think so in his heart, but he started to make a sharp turn when he said it.

"Ha." Evil Qi ignored Lu Ren, he smiled and pulled Yun Qishen aside to talk.

Yun Qishen frowned lightly, "I guessed it nine times out of ten. What I'm curious about is why this kind of thing is being hidden."

"In order not to make some characters lose the meaning of life, so that the plot can proceed at a normal speed." The voice of evil energy was kept at a level that only Yun Qishen could hear, "Lü Ren also wanted to end the plot smoothly. And working hard. You should also be able to feel it, he is just a little bad at words."

"Is it just that you are not good at words? If I say one sentence, he can reply ten sentences. If I say one sentence, he can reply me a section of Tianjin Allegro!"


"Stop laughing and talk about business. What did Zhu Batian mean just now?"

Yun Qishen was just curious about the way Zhu Batian looked at him when he left.

Nai Qi thought for a while before answering, "I probably know your identity from the lawyer's memory."

"My identity?" Yun Qishen also thought about it for a while and then he understood, "Hey! He is competing with me for co-authoring, isn't he? Please, I don't want to have any protagonist competition with him."

"This fits your personality very well. Maybe Zhu Batian doesn't think so. After all, his self-awareness is very confused now. It is very likely that he will vent his depression in a certain direction."

Ei Qi's words made the smile on Yun Qishen's face shrink a little bit, he looked at Ei Qi's dry voice and said, "I'm sorry."

"Huh? Why did you suddenly apologize again? This flattered the little Taoist priest."

"You were so confused when you awakened your self-awareness...I'm glad you didn't attach hatred to me at that time."

Nai Qi felt warm in his heart, and he smiled softly, "We made an agreement, didn't we? I will never betray you. Because you are my best friend, aren't you?"

"Although this kind of words sound nasty, but I still thank you very much."

"Ha." Nie Qi continued: "There is something I think you need to know about Zhu Batian and Lu Ren."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Yun Qi deeply felt the worry in Ei Qi's tone.

Nie Qi also told Yun Qishen what he saw before.

"More than 400 places... oh. This kid used to be able to complain for a long time with a touch of a finger and a small cut. I really don't know if I should praise him at this time."

"...The little Taoist thinks that you don't need to..."

"Just kidding." Yun Qi smiled deeply and returned to a serious expression, "I will find time to talk to him about this matter. After all, the choice he made will only make the characters hate him even more. disrespect him."

"I can rest assured if I leave it to you, a little Taoist priest. In fact, I even thought about going back and asking Jia Yu for help. After all, among all the characters with self-awareness, only he really loves Lu Ren." Looking at Ritsuto with a worried expression.

Looking at the expression on Li Ren's face, Yun Qishen didn't mock him, "It's enough for him to have someone to support him. Although he should say this himself."

"After all, no matter who you are, you can meet the only one." As soon as Ei Qi finished speaking, Zhu Batian walked over with Hua Fan.

Liren retreated subconsciously and kept a certain range with Huafan, Huafan only felt that Liren might not like her very much.

Hua Fan looked at Yun Qishen and covered his heart with his hands, "Please let me go with you... I really want to make sure again."

"Are you still obsessed with your obsession?" Yun Qishen felt that it was unnecessary for him to save Huafan, how could there be such an infatuated person in the world.

Nai Qi patted Yun Qishen on the shoulder, "She has this right, after all, it is her only one."

Yun Qishen looked at Nai Qi and sighed, then turned his head to look at Hua Fan, "You must be prepared to act together with us, we can't be responsible if something happens to the child in your belly."


Zhu Batian looked at Hua Fan suspiciously, and then the virtual screen that hadn't appeared for a long time reappeared, and it also wrote Hua Fan's current state, but it didn't write her pregnancy state.

People like Lu Ren and Yun Qishen who don't belong to this plot can naturally see the virtual screen, and Lu Ren and Nie Qi soon understood the meaning of Yun Qishen's words, so they didn't make a sound.

Hua Fan thought that Zhu Batian was surprised that she had a child in her belly, so she smiled apologetically, "You won't reject me, a pregnant woman, right?"

"But you..."

"Ahem, Zhu Batian, come here."

The lawyer coughed and called Zhu Batian to come over.

Zhu Batian frowned and walked in front of the lawyer.

The legal man patted Zhu Batian's shoulders, "Batian, please save such a poor woman. She is still pregnant and abandoned by a scumbag, let us fight for her Let's get involved, San'er!"

The lawyer was sure that Zhu Batian couldn't refuse the words "I beg you", although Zhu Batian's consciousness was very confused.But the original character cannot be changed in a short time.

"Could it be that the child in her belly is..."

"Yes, are you willing to let this woman suffer this kind of grievance? She is too miserable..."

Yun Qishen and Nai Qi were embarrassed by the lawyer's acting, but they still kept their polite smiles.

Huafan saw that the lawyer spoke for herself, but changed her previous thinking that the lawyer hated her.

(End of this chapter)

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