Yun Qishen

Chapter 1470 Rush to the Stone Blade Demon City

Chapter 1470 Rush to the Stone Blade Demon City
On the soul soil of the Chaotic Continent.

Outside the Stone Blade Demon City.

The huge city walls stop those mediocre human warlocks.And there is a magic barrier attached to the city wall that only the soul body can pass through.

If humans want to pass this high wall, they can only climb it, but so far no one has been able to successfully climb it.

Almost no one has really set foot in the center of the entire soul soil in the Stone Blade Demon City.Most people will stand at the foot of this huge city wall, looking back in despair.

There are also some people who insist on climbing over this endless high wall, and the final outcome to meet them is either to fall off the high wall with all their strength and die, or to spend their souls on the high wall. Frozen to death without being able to light a bonfire in the dark night.

Naturally, a few capable humans successfully climbed up the high wall, but as expected, they did not succeed and were pushed down from the high wall and smashed to pieces.

But even so, at the foot of this huge city wall, there are still people surrounded by those who have worked hard to live on the soul soil.

"Going forward is death, and retreating is also death. Now that I'm here, I can only fight! Rather than living in mediocrity! I hope to die with honor!"

People have fantasies about the future, they speak bold words, even if the road ahead is full of obstacles and difficulties, they always yearn for the ray of light behind the difficulties.After all, this is the only motivation to support them to live.

Even if you see your companion stumble and fall, even if you see your companion exhausted and frozen to death.They still worked hard to climb up, even if their legs and feet were trembling, even if their fingernails and finger skin were torn apart because of digging at the wall, they didn't stop.

Sometimes when climbing to the top of the city wall, you will see some human-shaped icicles. These icicles may have been a living person a second ago.

This is the insurmountable high wall outside Stone Blade Demon City.

Ripple and Nanxing were the first to come under the high wall.

Ripple, which has absorbed enough soul body power, feels a richer human spirit here.

"Nan Xing." Lianyi raised Nan Xing's chin again, she held up Nan Xing's face as if stroking a pet, and Nan Xing looked at her obsessively with a hollow expression.

"Do you have any orders?"

"Help me kill all the humans here."

"it is good."

Nan Xing didn't hesitate, he drew his sword and rushed towards the crowd.

Lianyi stood on the spot with a satisfied face and clapped her hands, but the atrocities in front of her at this moment could not bear to bet.

Although the sky was clear, it began to rain, but here the rain was red.

After the shower passed, a strong smell of rust began to permeate the surroundings.Immediately afterwards, groups of blue and white spirits flew towards Ripple and were absorbed by it for a while.

Lianyi felt that her abilities had doubled, but she knew that the strength she had accumulated was not enough to compare with those superior soul bodies, so this attachment was something she had to find after all.

She looked at this city wall and thought about the direction of her next move.

(I vaguely remember that Yu Luohuang said that the soul body guarding the city wall is called "Tong Kai", and he is the ugliest and most beautiful soul body among the high-level soul bodies. This is not right, my ripples are the least What is lacking is the power of charm, as long as you find this "Tong Kai", you will definitely be able to live for a while. When you become stronger, you won't need these bastards!)
While Ripple was calculating, Nan Xing also launched endless killings.Despite the desperate screams of those whining humans, Nan Xing did not have the will to stop.

As long as Ripple doesn't say stop, he won't stop.

Among the humans Nan Xing dealt with, a warlock from Man Nan recognized Nan Xing.

"Isn't this Nan Xing! How could he kill us humans?"

The Mannan man backed away with his sword in fear, "There is something strange, why isn't Huafan by his side?"

Another pretty southern woman said something in response.

"Could it be that Huafan was killed by him?"

"It's not impossible! You should act quickly to inform the other compatriots of Man Nan who are still alive and tell them to be careful of Nan Xing. If Hua Fan is alive, make sure to go closer!"

"Okay! I'll go right now!"

The woman left quickly, and the man was struck by Nan Xing's sword just as he was about to respond.


The Mannan man let out a final whimper and fell to the ground dead.

"Do not--"

The Mannan woman screamed and ran away with all her strength.

Lianyi was so proud that she was no longer afraid of these weak humans, and the Mannan woman was able to escape safely.But other people are not so lucky, no matter how they hide and how they beg for mercy, they cannot escape the fate of death in the end.

After running around for a day and a night, the Mannan woman who escaped finally found another group of Mannan compatriots, and also found Huafan, Yun Qishen and others.

"Everyone be careful! Hua Fan is in danger now!"

The Mannan woman swung her sword in front of her involuntarily, and this group of Mannan people also drew their swords to deal with it.Some other people around are also armed and vigilant.

Huafan couldn't understand, she approached the past but was warned not to approach.

"What's going on here? Where am I in danger?" Hua Fan wanted to figure it out, but the Mannan woman didn't give her a chance at all.

"Nan Xing killed all the members of our team, and even some people from other tribes! Everyone doesn't know why! But I saw it with my own eyes! There is a soul body woman standing behind him!" The voice of the Man Nan woman changed Bigger, "Hua Fan, you are acting with Nan Xing, and you must be under the control of the soul body! So you are very dangerous! The group of guys who are traveling with you are also dangerous!"

Huafan became embarrassed, but in the end it was Liren who came out ahead.

"Everyone, don't rush to use knives and guns, listen to me first. This is Zhu Batian, everyone must have heard of his name."

I thought it was the lawyer who came forward to solve the problem, but he pushed Zhu Batian out.

Zhu Batian had no choice but to stand in front of people in embarrassment.

"Is he Zhu Batian?"

"That Zhu Batian who can tear the soul body?!"

"My God! We are saved!"


Suddenly someone made a strange sound.

"But how can he prove that he is Zhu Batian? Just relying on other people's words? They are in the first team, we can't believe that."

"Exactly! How do you prove that you are Zhu Batian!"

"It is said that Zhu Batian has a child prodigy, but he has not seen any child prodigy! Not even a child!"

"That's fake!"

People are talking about it, and they have their own opinions.

Suddenly, a childish female voice came out from the crowd.

"Who says I'm not by his side!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Zhu Batian looked at the crowd aside, and then Xiaobi and Lao Xu walked through the crowd and came to Zhu Batian.

(End of this chapter)

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