Yun Qishen

Chapter 1670 Meeting of the Four Gods

Chapter 1670 Meeting of the Four Gods (10)

"They failed..."

Xuanwu's thugs bent over Jin Zhehu and reported the situation on Suzaku's side.The unnamed chamber of commerce that was lured there neither seriously injured President Suzaku nor caused any major commotion.It's as if the matter is over before the trouble starts.

After hearing the news about the thugs, Jin Zhehu touched the ring on his hand in disappointment, "As I thought, they are really just some guys who can't make it to the stage."

The thug next to him said dissatisfiedly, "President, you deliberately revealed the news to them, so naturally you trusted them, it was because they didn't know what to do and didn't cherish the opportunity that they lost so badly.

People who dared to provoke Suzaku without enough people, they obviously had the opportunity before them.A group of brainless things, as expected, this brain is a good thing. "

Jin Zhehu was used to this kind of flattery, he turned his eyes slightly to look at the thug, "What did you call me just now?"

The thug said without thinking, "President."

Jin Zhehu smiled, "Hmph, hahahaha. New here?"

The thug nodded, "Yes."

"Who told you to call that?" Jin Zhehu twirled the silver wrench on his left thumb, thinking about many things in his mind.

The thug was also puzzled, and he could only tell the truth, "No one asked me to call it that, isn't the president sitting in this position the president?"

Jin Zhehu waved his hands to signal the thugs to leave, "Oh, that's fine, step back. Let others come in, I have something to order."


While leaving the office, the thugs were also thinking about what they did wrong.

"Do you have any orders, agent?" The middle-aged thug who came in bowed to Jin Zhehu.

Jin Zhehu didn't intend to beat around the bush, he said directly, "The kid who left just now, keep an eye on me."

The middle-aged thug blinked, he straightened up and continued to ask, "What happened?"

Jin Zhehu leaned back, leaning against the back of the chair and lit a cigar, "I just suspect that the kid has something to do with the president and the others."

The middle-aged thug didn't ask any more questions, he bowed his waist and saluted, "Okay, my subordinates will keep an eye on it."

Jin Zhehu took a long breath of smoke, raised his hand and flicked ashes into the ashtray a few times, enjoyed a moment of tranquility before opening his mouth, "How is the situation at Yunjin's side?"

The middle-aged thug said calmly, "Go back to the agent, Mrs. Yunjin's side is normal, she walks around the back of the garden every day except in her room."

"Keep an eye on her, and she will report to me as soon as she does something wrong." Jin Zhehu flicked the ashes again, and after taking two puffs of the cigarette, he simply extinguished the cigar and threw it into the ashtray.

"Yes." The middle-aged thug suddenly thought of something, "There is one more thing to report."


Jin Zhehu originally planned to call the thugs out, but it turned out to be a little surprise for him.

The middle-aged thug looked serious, "None of the informants who went to Baihu have returned."

Jin Zhehu rolled his eyes, and he heard that the matter was not simple, "They didn't come back? Do you know the reason?"

"Back to the agent, the subordinates are incompetent. There is no news of the people they sent out. It's like Baihu deliberately targeted us. Do you think there is a possibility that our informant was arrested by them?"

Jin Zhehu also agreed with the middle-aged thug's statement, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was impossible.

Jin Zhehu crossed his legs, "Baihu has no one to lead them now, so it is impossible for them to do so rashly. Maybe someone else is playing some kind of conspiracy..."

The middle-aged thug went on to say, "I heard from Suzaku's informant that Baihu seems to have some important person back. I don't know the details."

Jin Zhehu stood up from his seat, and walked to the nearby bookshelf with his hands behind his back, "In this world, the news of Baihu has to be known through Suzaku... Maybe it's not Suzaku's scheme to spread it deliberately? Besides, if Baihu detains us It seems unlikely that the informant would let Suzaku pass on this piece of cake, is there any news from Qinglong?"

"Back to the agent, there is no useful news from Qinglong. We only know that Fushou will not attend the meeting of the Four Gods in person but has arranged for his three heirs to appear." Really didn't get any useful information.

Jin Zhehu couldn't help laughing after hearing the words of the middle-aged thug, "Three heirs? Haha, this may be the biggest joke in the world. How could a dictator like Fu Shou choose an heir? That's just It's just the fantasy of the young dolls, Qinglong is not just Qinglong, it is the unique Qinglong that belongs to Fu Shou.

No one would hand over the things that they have worked so hard for so many years to others, Qinglong is like this, Baihu is like this, and Xuanwu is the same.Only a group of stupid idealists like Suzaku would look for a leader. "

The middle-aged man was sweating coldly, "Yes, yes, the agent is right."

Jin Zhehu looked at the time on his watch, and then he turned his head to look at the middle-aged thug, "It's almost noon, so the kid's lunch should be delivered today."

"It has already been sent."

"That's good, watch her finish eating." Jin Zhehu passed by the middle-aged thug and patted his shoulder.

The middle-aged thug just bowed and saluted, "Yes."

Meanwhile in Nobuko's room, Lilith is throwing a tantrum over a plate of disgusting snails.

Lilith threw the snail into the trash can in disgust, and she cursed loudly, "What are these things, how can they be eaten by patients! It's disgusting!"

Xinzi looked helpless, she knew that Lilith was kind to her, but, "Lilith, it's okay, these are medicines, you throw them away and they will bring them back."

Lilith made a retching look on my stomach, "Mouth area~ Where is the medicine with snails!"

Nobuko shook her head and pointed to the mobile phone on Lilith's waist, "Doesn't Lilith have a mobile phone? You can check it."

"Well... I don't believe that snails can cure diseases anyway..." Lilith pouted, she just didn't believe it, but the information she found did tell her that snails could cure diseases, "Oh... this thing is disgusting! Xinzi Do you really like to eat?"

"This is medicine." Nobuko replied.

Lilith put her hands on her hips, "If it's medicine, do you like it? If it's medicine, do you have to take it?"

Xinzi knew that she and Lilith couldn't explain it, so she had to change the method, "Then Lilith, do you like to take medicine?"

Lilith raised her head and said willfully, "I don't like it, it's very bitter. I won't eat it without candied fruit."

Xinzi's tone was very gentle, "I don't like taking medicine either, but my illness won't get better if I don't take it. So I can only take it. Even if it's disgusting or bitter, I still want to take it."

Lilith pursed her lips. She couldn't think of how to speak for a while, but she spoke again after a while, "Well... it's not good to eat medicine as food, but you have to eat these disgusting snails?"

"I can't help it either." Xinzi clasped her fingers and smiled wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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